Republican Exec Committee NOTES Oct 13

REC presented a video of Jack Furnari’s voting picks for 2010.

Senator George LeMieux was introduced as a ROCK SOLID CONSERTATIVE with this last report to REC prior to leaving the US Senate on Dec 31, 2010.

His friend, Senator George Voinovich told him on the first day this would be the most important 16 months in history because what made our country great is slipping away.

LeMieux felt has was showing up at the Alamo when they fought for 23 days straight against the health care bill.

He is endorsing Marco Rubio wholeheartedly.

He was SHOCKED at the misspending which is FAR WORSE than people know.

Debt service is $200 B / yr and will be $900B/yr by 2020.  The world will no longer buy our debt.


He wants to roll back to 2007, the last good economic year.  He believes our candidates should go to DC, do what is right and go home.


Our “war” does not end Nov 2, it goes to 2012 and 2014.  We must have a new president.  It’s possible the health care bill may not be able to be repealed because the man at the end  of PA Avenue has a PEN.


Ask seniors if they like the fact the Democrats took ½ Trillion dollars out of Medicare.


Some questions posed to the senator:.

— about scolding of AK Sen Lisa Murkowski.  Answer:  She was removed as Vice chair of Republican Policy council but as the lead Republican on Energy, that committee voted NOT to remove her.

—why can’t we have single issue legislation?  Answer:  We SHOULD.


He is passionate about cutting mMdicare fraud which is rampant in S FL.  1/7 of every $ is fraudulent.


Candidates each had time to address the members.  Ken Menard, Sherry Lee, Steve Rosenberg, Tami Donnally, Alisen Rampersad, Albert Key, Mike Lameyer for Rick Scott, Beth Kigel for Jennifer Carroll, a Bondi surrogate, Bernard Sansaricq reported that Newt Gingrich had endorsed him at 4:40 pm today, Joe Budd introduced his NEWEST VIDEO beginning Oct 15.


A video clip for Jeff Atwater was viewed about the fact  we are the same pioneering people of our forefathers and that a one size situation does not fit all.


Sid Dinerstein reminded  everyone our efforts will be rewarded Nov 2 with 39 plus in the HOUSE which means they can DEFUND programs.  OUR OBLIGATION EXTENDS BEYOND JUST VOTING.  WE MUST MAKE THOSE CALLS AND WORK OUR PRECINCTS.


Reminder of the next Governor DEBATE:  Oct 20 and Oct 25.