College Republicans NEED OUR SUPPORT

The Officers of RCPB have agreed to donate $100.  Won’t you please consider this a worthy cause too?

Dear Supporter,

Two Florida Atlantic University students are representing Florida as voting delegates to the College Republican National Committee Bi-annual Convention, held in Washington, D.C. in July.  This is believed to be not only the first time any Florida Atlantic University students have served on the Florida Federation of College Republicans (FFCR) Executive Board, but also the first time Florida Atlantic University has been represented by one voting delegate, let alone two! 

Ashley Anastasi, President of the College Republicans at Florida Atlantic University, is the Secretary for the FFCR.  Ashley, a Sophomore majoring in Political Science, interns for Congressman Allen West and also serves in the Boca Raton House of Representatives.  Jon Taylor, the Vice President of the College Republicans at Florida Atlantic University, is also the Treasurer for the FFCR.  Jon, a Senior double-majoring in Accounting and Finance, was admitted to the Equity Analyst Program which begins in the Fall 2011 term.  We started the club at the end of the Fall term 2010, which was our first term as students at Florida Atlantic University.   Just a few weeks ago, we won the Best New Club award for 2011.

This is a great opportunity for the newly re-established College Republicans at Florida Atlantic University.  Not only are we going to make nation-wide connections that will be very beneficial to drawing attention to the University, we will also be given valuable training in operating and growing the chapter.  This convention is held every other year, and we are unsure whether or not Florida Atlantic University will have a delegate spot in the future.

We are asking for help from our supporters to fund this trip.  We’ve estimated total expenses to be $1,500 for both of us.  This covers airfare and hotels.  We’ve already paid the registration fees, and did not include them in the total.  We have big plans for the 2011-2012 academic year, and your donation will only help to propel us further.

Thank you for your continued support!


Ashley Anastasi and Jon Taylor