PBCGOP Chair Ira Sabin Featured at February Meeting


Newly-Elected Chairman of the PB Republican Party, Ira Sabin
Chairman Sabin WILL CHART THE COURSE for Palm Beach County Republicans, sharing his insight on the future of the Republican Party in general; and will propose the many opportunities that exist to make a difference for our state and our nation for 2014.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
11:30 am…Doors Open; Registration
11:45: am…Buffet Begins
12pm to 1 pm…Program
Bear Lakes Country Club
1901 Village Boulevard, WPB 33409 (Valet Parking)
Members/$20     Guests/$25
Pay at the door / Affirmative RSVP “no-show” will be invoiced.

RSVP by February 25
via email: info@gopclubpb.org   or phone: (561) 832-0695 (leave message)
Join/Renew your membership through December 2013
Please respect Bear Lakes Club Rules: 
Cell Phones Silenced / Business Casual Attire (No Jeans Please)
**NOTE** CHANGE OF DATE…MONDAY MARCH 18. Mark your calendar.
Speaker: Former Senator George Lemieux