January 27 Club Meeting - Guest Former Florida Senator Curt Kiser

Jan 27 Curt Kiser – History GOP (Bear Lakes CC)

Former Florida Senator Curt Kiser
General Counsel,
Florida Public Service Commission
(former Gen. Counsel to Gov. Claude Kirk; & champion of environmental concerns with Theodore Roosevelt Society and Governor’s Commission on the Everglades)

TOPIC: Perspective of the history of Florida’s Republican Party and the Legislature; how we got where we are today.

Wednesday, January 27th
11:30 am Meet & Greet
12:00 pm Program Begins

Bear Lakes Country Club
1901 Village Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL

$20 Members / $25 Guests
Complimentary Valet

Please No Jeans and No Cell Phones

RSVP by noon Mon., Jan 25
(561) 697-4911-BA Starkey
or E-mail: info@gopclubpb.org

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