Marco Rubio on Brown/Coakley Race
Posted by RCPB on January 14, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Editors Note:
In Massachusetts, the unthinkable is happening – a Republican has come within striking distance of winning the seat held for decades by the “Liberal Lion” himself – Ted Kennedy. Make no mistake – this election has been nationalized and is a referendum on the Obama Agenda – particularly healthcare. The attached letter from the Rubio campaign is asking for help – to elect a conservative in one of the bluest states of the union, and start rolling back one-party rule.
If you decide to help out and make calls for Scott Brown – please identify yourselves as a member of the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches, making the call because one party rule is bad for America.
Friend,I’ll be quick.There is an extremely important election I would like to briefly speak to you about.
And it’s not mine.
Next week, voters in Massachusetts will go the polls to elect a new United States Senator.
The choice is clear: a liberal establishment Democrat who will rubberstamp the big spending Obama agenda. Or a surging Republican who will fight to stop it.
Today, I am asking you to help Republican Scott Brown win the Senate race in Massachusetts for one simple, but powerful reason: he represents the vote we need to stop the radical Obama-Reid-Pelosi government health care hijacking now being plotted in Washington.
So please take a moment in the next few days to do three simple things:
1. Contribute to Scott’s campaign today. Every little bit will help Scott fight back and finish strong.
2. Make calls. The campaign has set up a “call from home” program and EVERY conservative in America can help. Are you willing to make 15 or more calls to help stop the radical left agenda by the Obama-Reid-Pelosi team?
3. Tell at least 5 of your family and friends to do the same.
Thanks for your support.
Marco Rubio |
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