Florida Does or Does NOT need an Immigration Law?

I would like for our members to weigh in on these statements and create a dialog.

Argument:  The reason why Florida doesn’t need the Arizona law:  Because all officers and elected officials ALREADY take an OATH to protect and defend the Constitution.  So I ask, why are our LOCAL officials not able to honor their oath without another law.  The law already exisits…


2 Responses to “Florida Does or Does NOT need an Immigration Law?”
  1. We do need a law similar to Arizona’s because that law requires local, county and state law enforcement to inquire as to the immigration status. Currently there is no requirement for our law enforcement officers to inquire about immigration status while making some other kind of stop. The Arizona law, unlike federal law, requires reasonable suspicion that the person is illegal and prohibits racial profiling. I would definitely favor a law like that in Florida and introduce such a law if elected to the Florida House in November.

  2. Carol Hurst says:

    I agree with the Arizona law because illigal immigration is costing the taxpayers 3 BIL in Florida alone..3 Bil !! Our property taxes are paying for public schooling..health care from infant care on and on and for law enforcement. These taxing authorities go UP EVERY YEAR as value in our homes goes DOWN!! People are leaving Floida because of the high property taxes!! In Palm Beach County the school district could CLOSE 5 schools if illegals were sent back to their home country!! I know ALL elected/appointed officials take an oath to protect and DEFEND the Constitution and our LAWS but how many REALLY honor that oath??? I ask you that Question…

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