Amendment Review from TAX WATCH

In an effort to promote voter understanding, Florida TaxWatch has published a new Florida TaxWatch Briefing, Voter Guide to the Proposed Constitutional Amendments on the November 2, 2010 Ballot, explaining and analyzing Amendments 2, 4, and 8. Three other proposed amendments (1, 5, and 6), which deal with campaign financing and redistricting, are outside of Florida TaxWatch’s normal purview of taxation and spending policy, and  TaxWatchdoes not provide analysis or make recommendations on those amendments.

Click here to view the full report or visit, to learn more about Amendments 2, 4, and 8 and their potential impact on taxation and spending policy in Florida. 

PBC Candidate Forum on October 4th at the Borland Center

The South Florida 912 is collaborating with the South Florida Tea Party on this event.

We need some volunteers! Please contact me ASAP if you can help with this event.

This is a really important event! Please bring friends and people that have never been to a political event out to hear these great candidates.

This event starts with a Meet an Greet followed by a series of candidate panels moderated by Joyce Kaufman, radio commentator and powerful activist. You and your friends will have an opportunity to meet and ask questions of several Palm Beach County candidates for key offices. Our slate of participating candidates include: LTC Allen West (CD22-R), Jim Horn (CD16-D), Tom Rooney (CD16-R), Joe Abruzzo (FH85-D), Tami Donnally (FH85-R), Steven Rosenblum (FH89-R), Albert Key (FH84-R), Joe Budd (CD19-R), Pat Rooney (FH83-R), Marc Marciano (FH83-D), Lizbeth Benacquisto (FS27-R), Bill Hager (FH87-R) and Bernard Sansaricq (CD23-R).  Special guest Lou Galterio will sing the National Anthem.

MAJOR EVENT! Palm Beach County Candidate Forum
Date: Monday, October 4, 2010
Time: 6 pm Meet & Greet; 7 – 9 pm Candidate Forum moderated by Joyce Kaufman
Where: The Borland Center in Midtown
Address: 4885 PGA Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens 33418
Directions: On the north side of PGA just west of Military Trail

Seating limited to 500 people so please come early and bring your friends!

For candidate registration or for more information, please email

Please go here for Event Registration. If you would like to VOLUNTEER please contact Shannon 561-506-5258
or email me at

Save Oct 27 for Justin Sayfie of SAYFIE REVIEW

SAYFIE REVIEW is read by the most influential people daily.  Justin Sayfie , founder of SAYFIE REVIEW, will address our Club Oct 27.  I hope we will have a full house.

September 15 REC Meeting

A big thank you to our members, Bette Anne Starkey, Sue Varey and Claire Jones for providing the following information from last night’s meeting.

1. Ellen Bogdanoff spoke to thank everyone and encourage all Republicans to support those who won in the primaries.

2. The guest speaker was Adam Putnam, Republican candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture. He emphasized the need to support the whole Republican slate which is pro-entrepreneurial, pro-small business and pro-capitalism. He warned that our greatest enemy is complacency.

3. Mark Hoch asked for volunteers to organize groups to walk the precincts. In the near future he will be providing bios and literature on all our candidates, as well as current voter information. He’s also looking for someone with computer skills to organize those who volunteered for poll watching.. contact him at 561-686-1616 if you can help.
It was asked if there is a list of candidates endorsed by the REC. There is not, but it was suggested that one could follow Jack Furnari’s voter’s guide.

4. Guests were introduced.

5. Nineteen new REC members were sworn in, including several from the new Haitian-American Republican Club.  Our own VP John Jamason and John and Virginia Brooks were also elected.  We are well represented – keep joining Club!

6. The dais gave their reports…Fran Hancock called for unity… Beth Kegel will be the chair of the Scott/Carroll campaign for PB county… the RPOF statesman dinner was held in Orlando this past weekend.. about 800 attended and raised $2million..there were 2 tables from PBC. Margie Helschien was given an award for being the volunteer of the year for District 19.

Chairman Sid Dinerstein’s report:
a) Sid sent a $100 donation to the Tea Party winner in Delaware because he was unhappy with the local response.
b) mentioned Rick Scott’s 7 steps to 700 jobs in 7 years as well as Marco Rubio’s latest video.
c) encouraged us to support Pam Bondi…her opponent has said he’ll not continue the suit vs Obamacare.
d) discussed the Fanjul’s reception for Rick Scott.
e) declared he’ll be running for re-election in December.

After member comments, the meeting was adjourned.

Crossing the Delaware

Win, lose or draw, Mike Castle was always heading into the Delaware Republican primary as a member of an endangered species. Conservative big game hunters like to call them “RINOs.”
To read more –

The Republican Party of Florida Unites and Welcomes Rick Scott and Jennifer Carroll

As Republicans after the Primaries, we are united and committed to getting every Republican Elected on the ticket.  To answer concerns from loyal McCollum supporters about Rick Scott , here are the talking points to share:

  1.  Reapportionment-  The Senate and House will receive census numbers in 2011.  Based on the information, district boundaries will be created.  If we have a Democratic Governor, she will veto the bill THREE times.  After the third VETO, districting then becomes a JUDICIAL responsibility.
  2. Tort Reform means JOBS.  When we set the rules to eliminate frivolous lawsuits, we increase businesses desire to come to Florida as well as reduce the liability and cost of doing business in our state.
  3. Appointments – The Governor’s office is responsible for over 1,000 appointments – not just judicial appointments.
  4. Education – Education reform needs to continue so that our ONLY focus is the STUDENT.
  5. Obamacare – we need a Governor who will support our lawsuit to protect Floridians from the intrusion of our 10th Amendment rights.

For the Victory Dinner Speakers included Gov. Haley Barbour, Speaker Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, and Sen. George LeMeiux.   At the end of the meeting, Sen. and Chairman Thrasher announced the party had raised $2 Million dollars to help our candidates.