June 2013 – County Mayor Steve Abrams
Don’t miss hearing the important issues facing our County from this very insightful and knowledgeable public official…County Mayor Steve Abrams
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
11:30 am…Doors Open; Registration
11:45 am…Buffet Begins
12 pm to 1 pm…Program
Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Boulevard, WPB 33409 (Valet Parking)
Members/$20 Guests/$25
Pay at the door / Affirmative RSVP “no-show” will be invoiced.
RSVP by Monday, June 17 via email: info@gopclubpb.org or phone: (561) 832-0695 (leave message)
Join/Renew your membership through December 2013
Please respect Bear Lakes Club Rules: Cell Phones Silenced / Business Casual Attire (No Jeans Please)
Speaker Biography
Club members and guests will find another star spangled luncheon as they have the pleasure of hearing from Palm Beach County’s Mayor, Steve Abrams. The Mayor’s credentials are not only impressive but show how clearly qualified he is to be the leader of our County Commission as its Chairman.
Many will remember how effectively Mayor Abrams, who served as Mayor of Boca Raton from 2001-2004 guided Boca through the Anthrax scare at the AMI building in his City. He won high praise Nationally for his adept leadership under incredible circumstances. Before becoming Mayor, Steve served 5 terms on the City Commission. Known for his steady and calm leadership style he brought those skills to the County where he was appointed in 2009 and elected to a full 4 year term in 2010…without opposition.
Remember this month we will be meeting JUNE 19th, the third Wednesday in June, and RSVP’s are a MUST. Word is out that Mayor Abrams is our headliner and RSVP’s are already coming in.
This will be our last meeting until September…a great way to end the season and give all of you “Happy Summer” wishes.
May 2013 – Negron/Rooney
Please join RCPB for a legislative wrap up by two of our most ardent Republican leaders – State Senator Joe Negron and Representative Pat Rooney and our 2013 Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship Presentation.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
11:30 am…Doors Open; Registration
11:45 am…Buffet Begins
12 pm to 1 pm…Program
Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Boulevard, WPB 33409 (Valet Parking)
Members/$20 Guests/$25
Pay at the door / Affirmative RSVP “no-show” will be invoiced.
RSVP by Monday, May 20 via email: info@gopclubpb.org or phone: (561) 832-0695 (leave message)
Join/Renew your membership through December 2013
Please respect Bear Lakes Club Rules: Cell Phones Silenced / Business Casual Attire (No Jeans Please)
Speaker Biography

Joe Negron
Senator Negron represents District 28 in Florida’ state senate. Prior to serving in his current role, Mr. Negron served in Florida’s House of Representative, and was the 2006 Republican candidate in the congressional race for the 16th district of the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Negron has been a strong leader on a number of conservative issues: he has served as Vice Chair of the Budget Committee, he has been a defender of needy children in our communities, and he has been a voice for the long-term preservation of Florida’s natural resources.

Pat Rooney
Representative Rooney represents District 85 in the Florida House of Representative. Mr. Rooney has been an integral part of the South Florida business community for years and he brings to Tallahassee a wealth of private sector experience. In the State Capital, he has been a strong supporter of pro-growth, pro-job fiscal policies, and he has been a champion of improved education for all students in our state.
Mr. Negron and Mr. Rooney will provide our Club with a wrap-up of this past legislative session and will offer their insight into the future for the State of Florida.
The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any Republican undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an accredited college. Applicants must be Palm Beach County residents and registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans. Please join RCPB on May 24th as we present four $500 Scholarships for 2013.