Vinyard and McClure at February RCPB Lunch
Posted by RCPB on February 3, 2014 · Leave a Comment
Invites You to Attend its upcoming meeting
on Wednesday February 26
Secretary of Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection
President and CEO of The James Madison Institute
After our very successful District 18 Candidate Forum last month, we are looking for another big crowd to hear two important speakers discuss how federalism is working in Florida, with more local control over our own state and less coming from Washington. Both of these speakers will show how locally controlled community oriented programs are superior to big government controls.

Secretary Vinyard was appointed in 2011 by Governor Rick Scott to tackle one of Florida’s most challenging problems: sustainably managing Florida’s wetlands, Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades. He will speak about our State’s efforts to conserve and protect its world-renown natural resources in a sustainable, fiscally responsible way without undue control from Washington bureaucrats. His extraordinary efforts to date represent a tremendous example of the ways that more limited and localized government by the people can be superior to centralized planning on a national level.

Dr. Bob McClure heads the James Madison Institute, a Florida nonpartisan public policy research organization that has operated since 1987. Dr. McClure will elaborate on the same principles of Federalism as they apply to school choice. He will talk about some of the ways that our State and local communities can promote a more effective and efficient educational system, independent from the sorts of centralized policies advanced in Washington. Dr. McClure has written numerous papers and is widely published both in Florida and nationally on a variety of policy issues. His dedication to public service is reflected in his various past and present memberships on groups such as the Florida Elections Commission, the State of Florida Education Strategic Planning Council, the Florida Advisory Council of the National Center for Policy Analysis, the Florida Committee for the U.S. Commission of Civil Rights, and on the Editorial Board for the Journal of School Choice.
This will be another great program, so we hope you will be able to join us.
Bear Lakes Country Club
1901 Village Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
$20/Members $25/Guests
Pay at the door (RSVP “No Shows” will be invoiced.)
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below
or by emailing, or by calling 561-855-0749.
Please respect Club rules: Cell Phones Silenced, Business Casual Attire, Please No Jeans
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
213 -29th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407