CFO Jeff Atwater at Joint Event

Co-sponsored by the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches and the Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches, on September 26, a full house of members and guests gave a very warm welcome home to Florida’s CFO and Cabinet Member Jeff Atwater. President Fran Hancock remarked in her introduction that she has watched him through high school and college, followed by his successful banking and political career.

CFO Atwater impressed the voters to think about the “Consequences of Change” quoting strong statistics to show how the state has improved the past 4 years under the governance of Rick Scott while declining under the previous administration.

Some of the examples he cited were in the housing market and job creation. i.e., when he was elected, unemployment was in the 10-11% range, and the average home price was $121,000. Unemployment has dropped to 6% and the average home price in Florida has increased to $185,000.

The CFO also pointed out that Florida was only one of 8 states to survive the recession and regain our AAA credit rating from Standard & Poors.


He also emphasized that money had not been the answer to improving Florida’s educational standards. In the 1990’s, with even more money being put into education, Florida slid into an educational abyss. FL was 45 out of 50 when 4th graders were tested. Governor Scott and the Republican legislature realized that more money was not the answer. Ideas and better outcomes were and getting parents involved in their children’s education and choices of charter schools, home schooling, and virtual education would make a difference.

The best news is that this year Florida has moved up to 5th in the country with 4th grade students reading at grade level.

Here are some pictures of the event:

  • Marilyn Parmet, Jeff Atwater, Linda Stoch
  • CFO Atwater and Linda Stoch
  • Dr. Emma Banks, Jeff Atwater
  • Richard Gore, Carol Hurst
  • Sue Varey, Jennifer Hunsinger
  • Jeff Atwater and Sid Dinerstein
  • Enid Atwater, Sid Dinerstein
  • Marilyn Parmet and Carol Hurst
  • Richard Shugarman, GOP Chair Anita Mitchell, Bette Anne Starkey, Fran Hancock
  • Evelyn Weicker, Connie Cestari and Nancy Hogan
  • Bette Anne Starkey
  • Uriah Ellis, Linda Stoch
  • Celia Guistolisi, Emmy Ogens and Mercedes Garcia

Marilyn Parmet, Jeff Atwater, Linda Stoch

CFO Atwater and Linda Stoch

Dr. Emma Banks, Jeff Atwater

Richard Gore, Carol Hurst

Sue Varey, Jennifer Hunsinger

Jeff Atwater and Sid Dinerstein

Enid Atwater, Sid Dinerstein

Marilyn Parmet and Carol Hurst

Richard Shugarman, GOP Chair Anita Mitchell, Bette Anne Starkey, Fran Hancock

Evelyn Weicker, Connie Cestari and Nancy Hogan

Bette Anne Starkey

Uriah Ellis, Linda Stoch

Celia Guistolisi, Emmy Ogens and Mercedes Garcia

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