Peter Feaman featured at January Lunch
Invites You to Attend its upcoming meeting
on Wednesday January 28
Republican National Committeeman for the State of Florida as well as Palm Beach County State Committeeman,
He will give his thoughts on the recent elections and plans at the state and national level as we move towards 2016.
$20/Members $25/Guests

Peter Feaman was unanimously elected in 2012 by the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Florida to be its National Committeman to represent Florida Republicans at the Republican National Committee in Washington, DC. He currently sits on the Rules Committee of the RNC.
As a practicing trial attorney, Mr. Feaman was recognized by the Florida Trend magazine as one of Florida’s “Elite Lawyers” in the field of business and commercial litigation in 2011.
In 2007, Mr. Feaman published his first book entitled “WAKE UP, AMERICA!” subtitled, “Understanding Jihad for Dummies!” His second book “THE NEXT NIGHTMARE” with a forward by former Congressman Allen West, was published in 2012. Mr. Feaman has appeared on Fox News and numerous radio talk shows throughout the United States to discuss the threat of radical Islam, current political issues and how political correctness will destroy America.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749
Holiday Lunch Features Sweet Sound of Dimensional Harmony
In a joint event with the Delray Beach Republican Club, our annual Holiday Lunch featured Dimensional Harmony from Boynton Beach High School. Led by director Sterling Frederick, the 50 person a-capella group delighted the members with traditional Christmas songs as well as their own contemporary favorites. The pure tones and songbird quality of their soloist on “Silent Night” was riveting, and the uplifting harmonies of the group as they fanned out to surround the audience was memorable.
We wish them well for their debut at New York’s Carnegie Hall in March of next year.