Heritage Action’s Karen Jaroch at February Meeting
Invites You to Attend its upcoming meeting
on Wednesday February 25

Florida Regional Coordinator for Heritage Action,
the grassroots arm of the Heritage Foundation
She will describe the activities of Heritage Action, including the scorecard which ranks our members of Congress on their voting records, tracking of key votes, and the Heritage Sentinel Program – a coordinated network of activists working to influence legislation.
$20/Members $25/Guests
Karen Jaroch is a University of South Florida graduate and licensed professional engineer from Tampa, FL. After working several years in manufacturing, Karen changed professions and followed her passion into politics. In 2009 she co-founded a vibrant, active tea party and then co-led a successful campaign that defeated a local sales tax increase for light rail despite overwhelming odds. Her efforts led to her board appointment to the local transit agency HART. During the 2012 election cycle she served as a field coordinator for Heritage Action in the Tampa area building grassroots relations with conservative organizations while managing a top-producing volunteer phonebank and canvassing center.
Heritage Action believes Washington should work for America’s best interest, and we hold them accountable to ensure they do.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749
Peter Feaman Speaks of Gains and Opportunities
With a large dose of optimism for the future, RNC Committeman Peter Feaman gave the club his prespectives on the state of the state GOP, the results of the November election and the outlook for 2016.
Starting with a historical perspective of man’s struggle for freedom, from Exodus to the Declaration of Independence, he cast the actions of our government today, particularly under this administration, as counter to that struggle. The Republican party, starting with Lincoln, has at its core tried to advance the cause of freedom for all.
Today we are angry and scared at what is happening with Obamacare, EPA regulations, and the excesses of the nanny state, but in the 2014 election we rose up for freedom, and the result is the largest Republican House majority in 80 years. Republicans are also now in charge of 69 out of 99 state legislative bodies – 70%. The Democrats have been taken over by the hard left, but now we have an opportunity to reverse that trend.
In October and November of 2014, the RNC raised $12M – 87% of which was from donations of $200 or less, giving the lie to the GOP as the “party of the rich”. Support among ethnic groups has moved in our direction. Asian Americans voted 50% Republican in 2014, up from 26%. Black support doubled from 6% to 12%. We are the “party of freedom” and the “party of values” – and should not forget that Martin Luther King was a Republican.
Looking toward 2016, the RNC has established a debate schedule that includes one per month for 9 months. The Florida debate will be the last – in March 2016, and the debates will both start and end with the Fox News Network.
In response to a question that many had on their minds – with all this success, why is the President continuing to ignore congress and do his own thing, Peter pointed to the Speaker’s invitation to Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress (a shot across the bow of this President) as the beginnings of Congress reasserting its authority as a co-equal branch of government. They have only been in session for a little over a week, after all, so stay tuned!
Also at the meeting we had a drawing for two tickets to the Lincoln Day dinner, which will feature NJ Governor Chris Christie. They were won by Meg Shannon and Nicki Sabino.
In attendance at the meeting were three consecutive county GOP Chairman – Sid Dinerstein, Anita Mitchell, and current chair Michael Barnett, and an appearance was made by WPB Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell, who is running for Mayor in the March election.