April Topic: Common Core – Pros and Cons
Posted by RCPB on March 27, 2015 · Leave a Comment
Invites You to Attend its upcoming meeting
on Wednesday April 22
Join us on April 22 at Bear Lakes for a spirited discussion on a topic that has become a battleground from the local school districts to the Presidential Election. Common Core – is it a set of carefully constructed national standards conceived by educators with an eye to global competition? Or is it a federal power grab of local perogatives with a decidedly progressive ideology embedded in its implementation?
No matter what your personal view of Common Core, come hear the views of two experts engaged in this debate.
Speaking on behalf of the Florida implementation of the Common Core Standards will be Kate Wallace, Director of Community Engagement for the Foundation for Florida’s Future, an education reform non-profit started by former Governor Jeb Bush. The FFF vision is “An education system that allows each child to achieve his or her God-given potential and prepares all students to succeed in the 21st Century economy.”
Taking a different view is Martin County School Board member Rebecca Negron. Directly involved in the dispute over the standards at the local level, she can relate how local districts are dealing with the implementation of common core through textbook selections, teacher preparation and the impact it is having on students.
Get beyond the misinformation that surrounds this topic and let our speakers bring you up to date on the facts about Common Core in Florida.
$20/Members $25/Guests
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749

Kate Wallace serves as the Director of Community Engagement for North Florida at the Foundation for Florida’s Future. Previously, Kate served as State Advocacy Director for nine southern states with the Foundation’s national sister organization, the Foundation for Excellence in Education. Prior to joining the Foundation, Kate served as Legislative Coordinator for The Fiorentino Group, a Jacksonville-based government affairs firm. Kate also served as government affairs assistant for the Washington office of Triadvocates LLC and as staff assistant for the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., federal government relations office. As a college student, Kate interned for the White House in Vice President Dick Cheney’s Office of Domestic Policy and for former Florida Congressman Adam Putnam’s Capitol Hill office. A Bartow, Fla., native, Kate holds a B.S. in Public Relations from the University of Florida. She currently resides in downtown Jacksonville and is an active member of Christ Church InTown, the Junior League of Jacksonville and the Taxslayer Bowl Committee.
About Foundation for Florida’s Future
Foundation for Florida’s Future is a nonprofit organization founded in 2007 by former Gov. Jeb Bush. Its mission is to make Florida’s education system a model for the nation. When it comes to education reform, Florida is a national leader and has generated dramatic, nationally-leading and recognized improvements in student achievement since 1999.

Rebecca Negron serves on the Martin County School Board, representing Hobe Sound and southern Martin County in District 3, and is a Registered Nurse who practiced in the field of Obstetrics.
She has spent many hours volunteering in classrooms and is concerned not only that our students have a rigorous academic experience, but that they are taught the values that are important to a thriving and free society.
As a School Board member, Rebecca has focused on three major issues. First, she is working to empower and encourage parents to be actively involved in their students’ education. Second, Rebecca believes students must have a solid foundation in traditional academics, as well as learning to think critically and creatively. Finally, Rebecca is committed to developing, keeping and rewarding high performing teachers.