Starla Brown at January Lunch

Our first meeting of the new year featured Starla Brown, Grassroots Director, Americans for Prosperity Florida.
If you haven’t been involved with AFP lately, it was interesting to learn of the variety of their projects, over and above the core mission of getting out the vote.
Of particular interest to Starla is free speech on campus. Having just completed an event on this topic at FAU, they are supporting HB909 this session which would end “free speech zones” on florida campuses. While many would expect that the entire country is a “free speech zone”, unfortunately the liberal stalwarts that run our universities have relegated objectional views (such as conservative thought) to small pens in out of the way places (such as next to dumpsters). HB909 would stop the practice but it made it out of its first committee by only a 2 vote margin (out of 12) and has 2 more committee hurdles before it can get to the floor.
Other projects by AFP and their 501(c)(3) subsidiary AFP Foundation include the Libre Initiative, that advances the principles and values of economic freedom to empower the U.S. Hispanic community, primarily by offering English classes with a dose of policy.
Others are the Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) that aims to preserve the freedom and prosperity they and their families fought and sacrifices to defend, and Generation Opportunity – an outreach to millenials. Starla related that millenials she works with live in a virtual bubble through social media, only seeing people and ideas that are like minded.
To keep up with the bills in Tallahassee that AFP is supporting (or opposing), check out the Florida Billboard

Maryann Connors
Accompanying Starla was their local Field Director, Maryann Connors.
Also present was Derek Schwartz, candidate for CD21, the Lois Frankel seat. Derek is a Boca attorney and lives in Boynton Beach who specializes in tax law, and is a self described “America First” Trumpster. We expect to hear more about Derek in the months to come.
Candidate for SD31 Tami Donnally was represented by Paula Prudente.
Please join us next month, February 28, for a 2018 Election Update with PBCGOP Executive Director Ryan Hnatiuk.
Starla Brown Featured at January Lunch

AFP Grassroots Director Starla Brown
Please join us at the Airport Holiday Inn on Wednesday January 24th. Starla and Maryann will bring us up to date on some of the AFP-Florida projects with which they are involved.
Starla Brown, Grassroots Director for Americans for Prosperity Florida, has volunteered and worked to promote grassroots outreach in Florida to impact change at all levels of government. As a campaign consultant in the South Florida area, she led grassroots activities throughout the Sunshine State for local, state and federal campaigns. As an activist, Starla has participated in thousands of door-to-door and phone bank activities and the recruitment of volunteers. Originally from Mississippi, Starla has called Palm Beach County home since moving to Florida in the late 80’s. The preservation of a free society and the American dream are two or her most passionate goals.
Maryann Connors was born in the Bronx and raised on Long Island. She has spent her adult life living in Fort Lauderdale, raising her son and three stepsons and enjoying her 5 grandchildren. She was in the printing and advertising industry for 35 years as both a salesperson, advertising coordinator and a production manager.
Maryann joined Americans for Prosperity in May of 2016 as a Field Director after volunteering for over two years. She passionate about economic freedom and a free society where everyone can live their version of the American Dream and is dedicated to that vision.
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center
Palm Beach Airport
1301 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: 561-659-3880
$25/Members $30/Guests
Pay at the door.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749