NCNC President Sal Faso at April Meeting
Posted by RCPB on March 28, 2019 · Leave a Comment

Sal Faso
President, North County Neighborhood Coalition
April’s speaker will be Sal Faso, President and founder of the North County Neighborhood Coalition (NCNC). The NCNC is composed of 23 communities from West Palm Beach to Jupiter, and represents 45,000 residents and 30,000 voters. Advocating for quality of life issues in the north county, Sal works with county and city elected officials and staff to relay his member’s positions on western development, traffic issues and the environment, and supports community involvement through candidate forums and invited speakers at monthly meetings. NCNC is similar in operation and influence to COBWRA (Coalition of Boynton West Residential Associations) which operates in south county.
As developer lobbyists and other special interests have increasing influence on the leaders of our cities, organizations like NCNC organize and present the positions of the citizens and insure us a seat at the table. They also foster awareness of issues and candidates for office.
Sal will present an overview of some of the issues of interest to county residents, such as the State route 7 extension, traffic issues on Northlake Boulevard and elsewhere, the status of the new developments being constructed west of the turnpike, and what to expect from the fresh crop of elected officials sworn in after the March elections in the Gardens, West Palm Beach and the other northern Municipalities.
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center
Palm Beach Airport
1301 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: 561-659-3880
$25/Members $30/Guests
Pay at the door.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749
Sal is an experienced executive with sales, marketing and operational knowledge in leading businesses both nationally and internationally.
He retired in 2000 from IBM after working 30 years with geographic responsibilities for customers within the United States, Europe and South Africa.
His organizations were responsible for significant revenue and profits. He held positions such as General Manager for all sales within the Midwest United States, he was CEO of IBM South Africa, a public company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and worked with Emerging markets in Europe.
Soon after retiring he engaged with the local communities, West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens and became a civic leader. He led the Transition Team for the mayor of West Palm Beach in 2011 and had chaired the City Budget committee and conducted the Fire and Police Pension Task Force. He participated in activities for the WPB and PBG Police radio dispatch system. He currently serves on his community Property Owners Association Board of Directors.
The North County Neighborhood Coalition was formed in 2010 with seven communities and now has grown to 23 communities with 45,000 residents and 36,000 voters. The NCNC promotes working with Government, Business and Community leadership to plan for a better county. The NCNC is a not for profit organization filed as a 617 chapter in the State of Florida.
He recently became the President of the North Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce Foundation and a member of the Strategic Planning committee and Technology and Connectivity committee.
He and his wife celebrated 51 years of marriage and they have two children and four grandsons. Loves golf, tennis and the Arts (Opera). He is a native Floridian born in Coral Gables and graduated from the University of Miami.