Armand Grossman on Being Successful
Posted by Fred Scheibl on October 2, 2019 · Leave a Comment

The featured speaker at our September lunch was Armand Grossman, former Vice Mayor of Miami Springs, FAU Trustee, PBCGOP board member, and current President of the Boca Raton Regional Republican Club.
Sharing with us anecdotes on a wide variety of subjects, including ‘rule of law’, the experience of driving in the Presidential motorcades, and ‘male/white privilege’, Armand opined that the real privilege is having been born in America.
Speaking on the “DNA of the Flag”, he characterized much of our history as being driven by Freedom. Today, while those of our persuasion see threats to that freedom which must be opposed, the left has a much different view. They see the three major threats to our country as “The right wing”, “Climate Change”, and Capitalism. Freedom has no place in their agenda.
Armand also spoke about his upcoming book on the traits of successful people.
Leading the list is the “privilege of adversity”, relating his rough and tumble upbringing leaving him better equipped for future challenges. Another way of saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, I guess.
He also counsels “never let anyone else define you”, and that the #1 trait of the successful is engendering trust.
Armand’s book should be available later this year.
Our October/November meetings are being combined into a single lunch on Wednesday, November 6, featuring Congressman Brian Mast. With all that is going on in Washington these days, expect an interesting session.