Jennifer Showalter on CRT and What Ails the Palm Beach Schools

In the process of restarting the club for 2021, we decided to bring focus on some of the critical issues that currently threaten our way of life. Cancel culture, compromised elections, open borders, economic insanity, and the total politicization of media, corporations, academia, K-12 public schools, cultural institutions and most of the federal government are all things we must understand in order to fight against them.
This week our topic was one of the most insidious of these threats and one that is not easily observed – the indoctrination of our children in K-12 public schools. If there was a silver lining to the pandemic, it was that “distance learning” let parents see for themselves what was being taught in the classrooms. Many did not like what they saw.
Presumably with the goal of creating a whole new generation of citizens sympathetic to Marxist ideas, our school systems are being taken over by the radical left. Critical Race Theory, teaching that the color of your skin is more important than the content of your character, is taking root like an invasive species, and seeks to divide us into warring camps.
Jennifer Showalter, our speaker this week, has been bringing the heat of public scrutiny to the Palm Beach School system through appearances at school board meetings and demonstrations in the streets. Joining her counterparts nationwide, she is asking the tough questions and bringing accountability to those who would poison the minds of our children. Here is a synopsis of what she had to say in her riveting half hour lecture on the state of our schools:
Calling it the “fight of our time”, Jennifer showed us how CRT and other Marxist projects are seeping into every corner of society. In the schools specifically, we are seeing homogeneous “anti racist” training seeded into all subjects using resources provided by such groups as “Brain Pop”. One result other than overt indoctrination is a reduction in proficiency levels for the skills that count – math, language, history and science.
This is not an isolated problem. Backed by the teacher’s unions and groups of the teachers themselves who have vowed to teach this stuff in spite of laws being passed against it, the local system is pushing forward. Teachers are taking action to prevent parents from hearing what is said in the classrooms by requiring student headsets for distance learning, and stopping the lessons if parents are observed in the room. The School board for its part, is trying to deal with the overwhelming opposition by labeling it a “faction” and limiting public input to one speaker for 3 minutes. At workshops, they are looking for ways to exclude the public altogether. This is not transparency or representative government in action!
Some of the specific ills that Jennifer is fighting against include the sexualization of children and the focus on gender identity, the “dumbing down” that occurs from the remnants of common core where everything is subjective, and the focus on “emotional learning” that shuts down the right-brain. There is no “objective reality” anymore and even science is performed by “consensus”. All people are to varying degrees “oppressed” or “oppressors” and their privilege or disadvantage is ranked by their “intersectionality”. “Equity” is to be favored over “Equality”, so that we seek equal outcomes rather than equal opportunities.
The school district’s mission statement became a public discussion over the words of “white advantage”, but what remains of it seeks conformity, not individuality. We are graduating clones – conditioned to respond to stimulus (ie. obey) rather than those capable of independent thought.
Now that these programs in the classroom are coming to light, we must bring the fight to them. Get informed and engaged, show up, wave signs, come to meetings and spread the word.
Jennifer Showalter is an announced candidate for School Board District 6, the seat currently held by Marcia Andrews. For information about her campaign, and to volunteer or donate, click HERE.