Kennel Club President Pat Rooney at May Meeting
“Business and Government: Not Always on the Same Page”
with PBKC President Pat Rooney
Pat Rooney’s perspective as the President of the Palm Beach Kennel Club and also a 6 year Representative in the Florida House is unique. The PBKC in particular is (and was as a dog track) more regulated than many industries and he has some stories to tell. With the current business climate in the county (inflation, supply chain issues, workforce housing, etc.) and the impact to his business of the expected drawn out court fight over the Seminole Compact, how a business can navigate these challenges will be discussed.

Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Cash Bar Available
Palm Beach Kennel Club – Paddock Restaurant
1111 N Congress Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
$28/Members $35/Guests
Pay at the door.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
In his more than three decades here, Pat Rooney has become a successful businessman and respected community leader in Palm Beach County. He is currently the President of the Palm Beach Kennel Club. Pat was a Representative in the Florida House (District 85) from 2010 to 2016, which included Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Juno Beach, the Acreage, and a part of West Palm Beach. He has also served as Governing Board Member for South Florida Water Management District from 2007-2010. Pat was also a sports co-host on local ESPN 760 AM from 2003-2010.
Mr. Rooney also serves as a Director for the Autism Project of Palm Beach County and is a Founding Board Member for Potentia Academy in Greenacres. Pat also serves as a Director and Co-Chair for the not-for-profit Rooney’s Golf Foundation, Inc., which raises money for local charities through various events held every year. He is a Board Member of The Children’s Healthcare Charity, Inc. (The Honda Classic). He has served as the Vice President for Renaissance Learning Academy, Former Director and Board President of Home Safe of Palm Beach County, Director and Board President of the FAU Honors College, Trustee of the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches and Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce. Pat served as a Board Member of Forum Club of the Palm Beaches and Biz PAC.
Mr. Rooney graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in 1986, went on to Villanova University School of Law for his Juris Doctor in 1989 and then earned his MBA from Lehigh University in 1992. Pat and his wife Patti have four children – Mary, Frannie,Patrick III and Anthony – and live in West Palm Beach. They are active members of St. Ignatius Loyola Cathedral in Palm Beach Gardens.
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
213 29th Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(561) 855-0749
2022 Election Environment Discussed at April Lunch
The 2022 election was the topic discussed at our April lunch.
Fred Scheibl, RPPBC Political Director, went through the actions the GOP took in 2020 to recruit and train candidates for almost all of the state and local offices on the ballot, and build a permanent database for contacting most of the Republicans in the county. Over 1.3 million voter contacts were made on behalf of candidates, our slate, and overall GOTV efforts.
This year has some unique challenges and opportunities given the redistricting, proliferation of Vote by Mail (VBM) ballots, and election integrity risks. Fred walked through the new districts for Congress, Florida House and Senate, and the County Commission and School Board, pointing out areas where the changes give us opportunities for Republican pickups. The VBM ballots, which made up 2/3 of the votes cast in the March elections, are here to stay. In Florida, these ballots have better chance of being more safe and secure than other states given the provisions of the election law changes passed last year (SB90) and this year (HB524). These laws are only tools though, and we as a party need to be vigilant to make sure the provisions of the law are being followed. To this end, we are planning an election integrity action team (EIAT) to scrutinize election operations and make sure that it is “easy to vote but hard to cheat”.
Pam Wohlschlegel, Director of REC region 1 in the north county, explained the actions they took to win 3 out of 3 Jupiter municipal elections this year, in spite of massive spending on behalf of Democrat candidates. Jupiter is now one of the very few county municipalities with a 100% Republican Council. Pam also spoke about the organizing activities of the REC regions and how the party will be reaching voters and promoting our candidates.
Members are urged to get involved with these activities – support a candidate with time and money, join the REC, become a poll worker for the SOE to observe the system from the inside, or a poll watcher for the party, monitoring activities at the polling locations and counting center in Riviera Beach. For help getting into these activities, you can contact us at
Click HERE to view the maps and charts used in this meeting.
Candidates at the event were Jennifer Showalter for school board district 6, and Jane Justice spoke for Conner Frontera for district 3.
Are We Ready for Elections 2022? – Redistricting, Election Integrity and Candidate Support
Is there going to be a “red wave” this year? Nancy Pelosi doesn’t seem too worried. Her minions are busy gerrymandering districts and weakening voting laws. There can only be a “red wave” if there are fair districts, VBM ballots are not abused, and cheating is prevented.
Please join us on April 26th for a session on the outlook in Palm Beach County and what the GOP is doing to prepare.

RPPBC Political Director Fred Scheibl
REC Regional Director Pam Wohlschlegel
Fred will will explain how the new PBC districts are affecting our candidates, and how we plan to address election integrity and support our slate. Pam will describe the new REC Regional organization and how her northern region is gearing up to work the coming elections. They will also talk about what YOU can do to help.
The primary election is only 4-1/2 months away. Let’s make this a winning year!
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Cash Bar Available
Palm Beach Kennel Club – Paddock Restaurant
1111 N Congress Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
$28/Members $35/Guests
Pay at the door.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
Fred Scheibl provides data, analysis and digital messaging for the candidates and leaders of the county GOP as Political Director. He is also a co-founder of the Palm Beach County Tea Party, Vice President of this club, and a 30 year IBM veteran.
Pam Wohlschlegel is one of seven Regional Directors of the Republican Executive Committee, responsible for the northern part of the county. A retired product manager and engineer at Hewlett Packard and Agilent who was the original President of the Palm Beach County Tea Party, Pam has been active in PBC politics for many years, most recently in supporting the winning candidates in the Jupiter Municipal races.