Committeewoman Jodi Schwartz at October Lunch

Our October meeting featured newly elected State Committeewoman Jodi Schwartz. A rising star in the PBC Republican party, supporting GOTV efforts and candidates at all levels for the last 5 years, Jodi won almost 25,000 votes (40%) in the August election in a county-wide race against two opponents, including a past Vice Chair and candidate in several House and Senate races. As Committeewoman, she will represent the county party to RPOF and connect local candidates with the movers and shakers in Tallahassee.
Jodi started with the various ways that members can help get our candidates elected on 11/5. At this point we are “past the point of persuasion” and focused on Get Out the Vote. Early voting has already started, and Republicans have done better this year in returning Vote by Mail ballots.
Some of her suggestions suggestions are:
- Sign up for a slot at one of the GOP tents at the early voting sites
- Wear a flag pin or Trump hat and talk it up in supermarket lines and other public places
- Sign wave at the Early Voting sites
- Sign up at the office to door knock and phone bank
- Bring friends and family to the polls
With a full list of our candidates, she urged support for them as well as our positions on the ballot amendments: NO on 3 (Marijuana) and 4 (Abortion), YES on the others, and NO on the sales tax surcharge. It looks good for our incumbents Peggy Gosset Seidman and Mike Caruso, and Meg Weinberger in the seat vacated by Rick Roth. We have the chance of a pickup in HD93 where Anne Gerwig is challenging incumbent Katherine Waldron.
We had asked her to say a few words about election integrity, and that clearly is on people’s minds as there were a lot of questions. She made a good case for the strengths of our checks and balances, and the improvements that have been made since Wendy Link was appointed Supervisor of Elections by Governor DeSantis.
State Committeewoman Jodi Schwartz to speak at October Meeting

State Committeewoman Jodi Schwartz
In particular, we asked Jodi to discuss:
- How members can help get us to the finish line
- The outlook for the various races and questions
- Election integrity and what RPOF and the local party is doing to provide oversight to the SOE processes
- The future of the party in PBC and Florida and how it would differ depending on who wins the federal races
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Cash Bar Available
Palm Beach Kennel Club – Paddock Restaurant
1111 N Congress Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
$28/Members $35/Guests
Pay at the door.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
213 29th Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(561) 855-0749
Jodi Schwartz has been a full time, very active, grassroots volunteer in Palm Beach County politics since January of 2020. She has worked on Congressional, State House, State Senate, County Commissioner, School Board, and City Council Campaigns. She has held leadership roles in the Republican Party of Palm Beach County as a Regional Director and Deputy Director of Election Operations. Jodi looks forward to taking her activism to the next level, representing you in the State Party.
Her story is similar to a lot of us in South Florida. She was born in Brooklyn, NY, and moved around the Northeast, from NY to Massachusetts, then to New Jersey to Connecticut, before moving to Boca in 2017. Jodi graduated from Northeastern University with a BS in Business with a concentration in Management Information Systems, and started her career as a Technical Recruiter and Corporate Trainer before leaving to raise a family. Married to Duane for 20 years, they have two children, Andrew (18) and Hannah (15).