Chairman Carl Cascio Looks Ahead

Our February speaker was Carl Cascio, Chairman and former general Counsel of the county GOP.

Carl laid out his goals which included unifying the party apparatus of the REC, turning the county red in that we can win county-wide elections, and taking advantage of the opportunities that all of President Trump’s activities present.

Listing the percentage of voters who are Republican (32.4%), Democrat (36.5%) and independent (31.1%), he described a voter registration drive aimed at converting the independents. The county continues to improve for Republicans every month, currently standing at D+4.1.

He sees the culture changing after the 2024 election, where it is now “cool” to wear the MAGA hat in public where it was once a dangerous practice. We must relate to people through our values.

On the Trump administration, he says “get ready” – we have only scratched the surface of what is to come. Trump is the world’s best counterpuncher in politics and he is not going to put up with the likes of Jamie Raskin and others on the left anymore. In Congress, Republicans are mostly on the same side and the few who try to gum up the works so far have not been able to stop the agenda or the confirmations.

Closer to home, Carl envisions a DOGE for Palm Beach County to focus on the County budget, which has become bloated and expensive, and he wants to “audit” the county books.

At the end of the meeting we also heard from State Committeewoman Jodi Schwartz who gave us a Tallahassee update and invited people to attend “Palm Beach County day”, party Vice-Chair Jason Kulp who spoke about Lincoln Day on April 11th, and Royal Palm Beach Vice-Mayor Selena Samios who is running for Mayor in the March 11th election.

Dorcas Hernandez, Bette Anne Starkey, GOP Chair Carl Cascio, former Chair Anita Mitchell, KC Caldwell, GOP Secretary Katina Maxwell

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