Joe Budd on the 2020 Outlook
Posted by Fred Scheibl on July 26, 2019 · 1 Comment

Joe Budd, State Committeeman and Trump Club 45 President, gave us a positive rendition of our chances for 2020.
An early Trump supporter, Joe was on board within a couple of weeks of the escalator ride. He noticed that it was the outsider candidates (including Fiorina, Cruz) that were getting most of the attention, and Trump was the best of these. Working as volunteer co-chairman of the campaign in the county, Joe helped his candidate achieve 52% of the vote in the primary and more votes in the general (41%) than Romney, McCain or Bush.
In 2020, it looks like the outsiders have the energy among the Democrats as well, with Biden falling and candidates like Kamala Harris making their mark. Joe expects the eventual candidate to move away from current Democrat leadership. Socialism and massive spending programs though, are not likely to do well in our center-right country.
He had some advice for our Congressional candidates. The only state-wide race in 2020 is for President, so that is where the focus and energy will be. Republican candidates need to attach themselves to the Trump agenda and the Trump campaign, otherwise it will be hard for them to raise funds or get noticed. Going it alone is not a smart strategy for next year.
Florida of course is very important to a 2020 victory, and we constitute a campaign region by ourselves with a state Chairman already in place. Unlike 2016, this time the RNC and the Trump campaign are joined at the hip and working smoothly together. This is true also of RPOF.
Joe and the Snowdens started Trump Club 45 to keep track of the large group of voters who came out to vote for Trump, maybe as first-time voters. Turnout was 52% better than in 2012 and we want to keep it that way. The club took the PBC Trump email list that we had compiled during the campaign, and more than doubled it. It is now the largest such club (of many) in the country. Unlike chartered Republican clubs, TC45 is independent, and has a fair number of Democrat members. This is a good thing as the support for the President here in PBC is bi-partisan.

Christian Acosta

Nick Vessio

Jim Prudent

John Rich
We also heard from John Rich who gave us an update of what to expect from the training sessions at GOP headquarters this weekend.
Excellent write-up!