Ann Roberts Scholarships Awarded
This year, our Club’s Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship for the 2021 school year went to two deserving students:
BEN DEHAAN is a senior at Palm Beach Atlantic University majoring in Business Management and Political Science. He is an honor student, serving with the Student Body, has volunteered with the Republican Executive Committee Offices, and spent working hours during high school and college working in small business in West Palm Beach and his home state of Michigan. He hopes to run for office one day.
KEELIE HANLEY, who graduated from SunCoast High school locally, began her college career at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with her twin sister, Rileigh, who has since been appointed to the US Air Force Academy. Keelie is continuing at Embry-Riddle with a focus on Computer Engineering. Many in our Club watched Keelie grow to adulthood as she attended our meetings with her family or volunteered for Congressman Brian Mast. She was honored to be an escort for a Korean War Veteran on one of our Palm Bach County Honor Flights to Washington DC.
The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any resident of Palm Beach County who is a full or part time undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an accredited college. Applicants must be registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans. Current members of our Club may refer applicants for this scholarship
Scholarships Awarded at June Meeting
At our lunch meeting on June 26, we announced the Anne Roberts scholarship awards to five students who have demonstrated academic excellence in the continuing pursuit of their studies.
Education is the KEY to making a difference in the world and supporting their future in preparation for what life brings.

Winners Rileigh and Keelie Hanley with Congressman Tom Rooney

In addition to our featured speaker, Former Congressman Tom Rooney, a fellow at the George LeMieux School of Public Policy at Palm Beach Atlantic University, we heard from a previous year’s graduate, Lauren Staff, UF FL graduate, who has just returned from travels in Italy. She is taking a position at Villanova University Sports Broadcasting with the hopes of attending law school in the future.

In his remarks, Congressman Rooney reflected on his 10 years in the Congress. He is leaving after a self imposed term limit pledge he made when he first ran for the office.
As a member of the Appropriations Committee, he spoke of what he was able to accomplish, but suggested that the elimination of earmarks has made an appropriator’s job harder. Instead of elected representatives making the decisions on what projects in their districts should get funding, the job is done by the un-elected bureaucrats in the agencies. He also spoke of how much being in the minority is not pleasant. After his stint in Nancy Pelosi’s House the last time around, he had no desire for a repeat experience.
At PBAU, Tom will be teaching a course in criminal law, with another one on politics planned for next year.
Our 2019 awards of $500 each went to:
1. Jenna Calderaio, one of 80 in the Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship at FSU. Jenna interned for Congressman Brian Mast last summer and this year is interning at Wright Patterson Air Force base in Dayton Ohio as a criminal investigator. She created her own business, SanMatic (an automated sensor bathroom stall door lock) and has been active in FSU Republicans and Turning Point USA. Jenna will graduate in 2020 and hopes for a career in product development.
2. Jessica Blakley, majoring in Economics and Public Policy at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, is in her senior year, to graduate this December. Among her achievements as one of the winners of the Palm Beach Post Pathfinder Awards, President of future Business Leaders, and 2nd place winner at PBA Entrepreneurship Challenge, she created her own business “Make Up Doctor”. At Belmont, she was elected Congresswoman in the Student Government and was chosen to intern last year in the Tennessee Legislature. Jessica has volunteered in Haiti Missions, Belle Glade Missions, Puerto Rico Missions, and the Christ Fellowship Office. Jessica has been interning with Laffer Associates, one of the key crafters of Reaganomics, in the health care policy division and has accepted a full-time position with Laffer upon graduation. Jessica aspires to study for a Doctorate degree to eventually work as an economic analyst for the Federal Reserve.
3. Ben DeHaan, from Ada, Michigan, is in his junior year at Palm Beach Atlantic University studying business management and political science. Because of his recommendation by Dr, James Todd of PBAU for an internship with the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee, Ben was also recommended for our scholarship by the PB County REC Chair, Michael Barnett and our Club Member, Claire Jones. Ben is spending this summer in Michigan working for TGG Solutions, a business solutions company, specializing in Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance policies. Ben plans to join our Club on his return to school.
4&5. TWINS: Keelie and Rileigh Hanley—came to our committee as a pair and presented themselves to our membership as a duo. Both graduated from the celebrated SunCoast High School with an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and plan to attend Embry Riddle Aeronautics University in Daytona Beach, studying Computer Science and Global Security with the intent to apply for the US Air Force Academy in 2020.
Also at the meeting were Christian Acosta, candidate for Congressional District 21, and Rick Roth who is running for re-election in House District 85. Christian will be facing several other Republicans in next year’s August primary for the right to challenge Democrat incumbent Lois Frankel.

Please join us on July 24th for Joe Budd, PBC State Committeeman and President of Trump Club 45. Joe will fill us in on plans for 2020 and how we can prepare to re-elect the President.
Anne Roberts Scholarships Awarded

Dr. Emma Banks
At our lunch meeting on June 27, the annual Anne Roberts scholarship awards were presented to three previous winners who have demonstrated academic excellence in the continuing pursuit of their studies.
Presenting the awards was Dr. Emma Banks, CEO of Inlet Grove High School in Palm Beach County. Dr. Banks provided an insight as to how she encourages her students with the importance of getting an education. It could be the difference between supporting their future family with one job or juggling 2 and 3 if they are prepared for what life brings.

Jenna Calderaio
Also speaking was former scholarship recipient Dylan Brandenburg, who has since graduated from FSU and is now a Law Student. He reported on how grueling life is in law school and regaled us with law student pranks on how not to be called on in class if unprepared.

Lauren Staff
Our Scholars receiving $500 each are:
1. Jenna Calderaio, one of 80 in the Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship at FSU. She is interning with Congressman Brian Mast this summer. She has been politically active with Americans for Prosperity, FSU Republican Club, and Turning Point. She hopes to have a career in product development.
2. Lauren Staff, a senior at UF, majoring in Telecommunications. Lauren reported on her journalism month studying the communications world in Italy. She is passionate about sports and aspires to work with ESPN or FOX sports AFTER she attends UF Law School. Lauren has been staff writer for the FLORIDA ALLIGATOR NEWSPAPER and also works with ESPN Gainesville radio 95.3. She has been active in Student Government, Honor Society, and Future Business Leaders; she also participated in “Support our Troops” of North Palm Beach at Dwyer high school
3. Jessica Blakley, majoring in Economics and Public Policy at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. Among her achievements as one of the winners of the PB POST Pathfinder Awards, President of future Business Leaders, 2nd place winner at PBA Entrepreneurship Challenge, she created her own business “Make Up Doctor”. At Belmont, she was elected Congresswoman in the Student Government and was chosen to intern this year in the TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE. Jessica has volunteered in Haiti Missions, Belle Glade Missions, Puerto Rico Missions, Christ Fellowship Office. Jessica aspires to study for a Doctorate degree to works as an economic analyst for the Federal Reserve.
Jenna and Lauren each gave us an update of their activities, but Jessica could not be with us at the meeting. Instead, she sent us the following letter:
Dear RCPB members,
For those of you who I have not had the opportunity to meet—hello! My name is Jessica
Blakley. I am a third-year Economics and Political Science student at Belmont University in
Nashville, Tennessee. Nashville is an interesting and energetic city, and I am blessed to call it
my home away from home. As I was unable to attend the June 27 meeting with the other
scholarship recipients, I will take this opportunity to provide an update of the last six, exciting
months of my life.
I spent my past semester serving as a full-time intern at the Tennessee State Legislature at the
pleasure of Senator Jack Johnson and the Commerce and Labor Committee. Senator Johnson is
the Chairman of this committee; therefore, I was not only commissioned for constituent duties in
his office, but was also responsible for larger duties within the committee as well. My day-to-day
tasks included routing and responding to constituent calls and correspondence, tracking bills and
resolutions in the Commerce and Labor Committee, and helping the committee staff prepare and
analyze bills. Through this internship, I developed a greater understanding of the legislative
process, as well as a deepened perception of many obstacles which Tennesseans are facing. This
internship was one of the most demanding things I have achieved thus far in my college career.
The connections made and skills learned were absolutely invaluable to my degree in Political
Soon after the close of the legislative session, I had the amazing opportunity to travel abroad to
Europe with a group of fellow Economics students from Belmont. We spent three weeks visiting
Portugal, Poland, and England studying the implications of Brexit on trade, immigration, and the
economies of both the European Union and the United Kingdom. Brexit is one of the most
controversial economic and political decisions made in my lifetime. After hearing from various
government agencies and businesses in the countries we visited, I have gained a broader
understanding of the effects of such a historic decision.
I am thankful for the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches for its continuous support and
encouragement. Your generous scholarship has enriched my education and has allowed me to
take advantage of opportunities that might otherwise have been a financial stretch. Thank you for
your investment in the next generation of leaders.
Jessica Blakley
Senate President Haridopolis Highlights July Lunch
The July RCPB lunch featured Mike Haridopolis who was well received as President of the Senate, even if he has ended his Senate campaign.
As previously reported, he recognized that the importance of leading the FL Senate would require more time than allowed by being a candidate for US Senate. He vowed that he would not be running for any office while holding his present position.
Of interest to many in the group, he answered a question about the disposition of the E-Verify bill that did not pass the legislature, or even emerge from the Senate committees for a vote. This was the perfect segue into the fact that our club will present a program on Thurs. Oct 27 on the merits of E-verify with organizations and local businesses who are pro/con.
The event was attended by several new members who enjoyed the program enough to comment: “I am so impressed with your speakers and programs that I want to be a part of your club.”
Here’s a few pictures from Delia:
Justin Sayfie Highlights October Lunch
I was out of town but Anita Mitchell sends this posting: The “Hot Off The Press” luncheon featuring Justin Sayfie of the award winning web site “Sayfie Review” was a big hit.
Often seen on FOX and formerly Jeb Bush’s speechwriter during his terms as Governor Justin brought insight and perspective to those attending . The timing couldn’t have been better as it was just a week before the election.
We have invited him back in the New Year. Stay tuned.
Salute to Veterans and Silent Auction Nov 10
RCPB Veterans Salute Invitation
Save Nov 10 as we Salute our Veterans with Special Guest, Lt. Col. Allen West at Bear Lakes Country Club at 5:30 p.m.
You won’t want to miss the incredible voice of local artist, Madison Marie McIntosh, accompanied by Dominic Raffa.
The SILENT AUCTION proceeds will be used for our scholarships awarded in the spring.
Here are SOME of the attractions:
1. Wine Tasting in Your Home for 12; value: $250
2. Enjoy a 3/3 Mountain Chalet, Hayesville, NC; value $1200
3. Pucker up for Chocolate Wine Basket from Holland; value $50.00
4. Dine in style at one of the Rooney Family Restaurants;
5. Official gavel used by Speaker Gingrich, value: priceless
Call 697-4911 to reserve your space or to donate something for the auction.
Republican Exec Committee NOTES Oct 13
REC presented a video of Jack Furnari’s voting picks for 2010.
Senator George LeMieux was introduced as a ROCK SOLID CONSERTATIVE with this last report to REC prior to leaving the US Senate on Dec 31, 2010.
His friend, Senator George Voinovich told him on the first day this would be the most important 16 months in history because what made our country great is slipping away.
LeMieux felt has was showing up at the Alamo when they fought for 23 days straight against the health care bill.
He is endorsing Marco Rubio wholeheartedly.
He was SHOCKED at the misspending which is FAR WORSE than people know.
Debt service is $200 B / yr and will be $900B/yr by 2020. The world will no longer buy our debt.
He wants to roll back to 2007, the last good economic year. He believes our candidates should go to DC, do what is right and go home.
Our “war” does not end Nov 2, it goes to 2012 and 2014. We must have a new president. It’s possible the health care bill may not be able to be repealed because the man at the end of PA Avenue has a PEN.
Ask seniors if they like the fact the Democrats took ½ Trillion dollars out of Medicare.
Some questions posed to the senator:.
— about scolding of AK Sen Lisa Murkowski. Answer: She was removed as Vice chair of Republican Policy council but as the lead Republican on Energy, that committee voted NOT to remove her.
—why can’t we have single issue legislation? Answer: We SHOULD.
He is passionate about cutting mMdicare fraud which is rampant in S FL. 1/7 of every $ is fraudulent.
Candidates each had time to address the members. Ken Menard, Sherry Lee, Steve Rosenberg, Tami Donnally, Alisen Rampersad, Albert Key, Mike Lameyer for Rick Scott, Beth Kigel for Jennifer Carroll, a Bondi surrogate, Bernard Sansaricq reported that Newt Gingrich had endorsed him at 4:40 pm today, Joe Budd introduced his NEWEST VIDEO beginning Oct 15.
A video clip for Jeff Atwater was viewed about the fact we are the same pioneering people of our forefathers and that a one size situation does not fit all.
Sid Dinerstein reminded everyone our efforts will be rewarded Nov 2 with 39 plus in the HOUSE which means they can DEFUND programs. OUR OBLIGATION EXTENDS BEYOND JUST VOTING. WE MUST MAKE THOSE CALLS AND WORK OUR PRECINCTS.
Reminder of the next Governor DEBATE: Oct 20 and Oct 25.
Amendment Review from TAX WATCH
In an effort to promote voter understanding, Florida TaxWatch has published a new Florida TaxWatch Briefing, Voter Guide to the Proposed Constitutional Amendments on the November 2, 2010 Ballot, explaining and analyzing Amendments 2, 4, and 8. Three other proposed amendments (1, 5, and 6), which deal with campaign financing and redistricting, are outside of Florida TaxWatch’s normal purview of taxation and spending policy, and TaxWatchdoes not provide analysis or make recommendations on those amendments.
Click here to view the full report or visit, to learn more about Amendments 2, 4, and 8 and their potential impact on taxation and spending policy in Florida.
Save Oct 27 for Justin Sayfie of SAYFIE REVIEW
SAYFIE REVIEW is read by the most influential people daily. Justin Sayfie , founder of SAYFIE REVIEW, will address our Club Oct 27. I hope we will have a full house.
Wake Up, America! Please!
You’re invited to join us to hear from author, attorney and Palm Beach County Committeeman, Peter Feaman. Peter will be talking about his two books and the war against terrorism, both domestic and foreign.
PETER M. FEAMAN, ESQ., Author, Attorney, Activist, has subtitled his books, “Understanding Jihad for Dummies”
WHERE: Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Blvd, West Palm Beach
Club Rules: Business Casual Dress (No Jeans); Please Silence Cell Phones, NO VALET TONIGHT—SELF PARKING
TIME/DATE: Wed. May 26 ; 5:30 Gathering; Program 6-7
COST: $5 Members and Guests / Light Refreshments / Cash Bar
RSVP: by MONDAY, May 24 NOON — 561-697-4911 or email: (NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND WEBSITE)