Republican Barbeque on June 25th

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches is happy to support the President’s Council’s

Click on the flyer below to RSVP and buy your tickets.

We will be having no separate club meeting in June – come out and visit our booth at the BBQ!

Kennel Club President Pat Rooney at May Meeting

Please join us on May 24th for
“Business and Government: Not Always on the Same Page”
with PBKC President Pat Rooney

Pat Rooney’s perspective as the President of the Palm Beach Kennel Club and also a 6 year Representative in the Florida House is unique. The PBKC in particular is (and was as a dog track) more regulated than many industries and he has some stories to tell. With the current business climate in the county (inflation, supply chain issues, workforce housing, etc.) and the impact to his business of the expected drawn out court fight over the Seminole Compact, how a business can navigate these challenges will be discussed.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Cash Bar Available

Palm Beach Kennel Club – Paddock Restaurant
1111 N Congress Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33409

$28/Members $35/Guests
Pay at the door.

Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:

or by emailing, or by calling 561-855-0749.

In his more than three decades here, Pat Rooney has become a successful businessman and respected community leader in Palm Beach County. He is currently the President of the Palm Beach Kennel Club. Pat was a Representative in the Florida House (District 85) from 2010 to 2016, which included Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Juno Beach, the Acreage, and a part of West Palm Beach. He has also served as Governing Board Member for South Florida Water Management District from 2007-2010. Pat was also a sports co-host on local ESPN 760 AM from 2003-2010.

Mr. Rooney also serves as a Director for the Autism Project of Palm Beach County and is a Founding Board Member for Potentia Academy in Greenacres. Pat also serves as a Director and Co-Chair for the not-for-profit Rooney’s Golf Foundation, Inc., which raises money for local charities through various events held every year. He is a Board Member of The Children’s Healthcare Charity, Inc. (The Honda Classic). He has served as the Vice President for Renaissance Learning Academy, Former Director and Board President of Home Safe of Palm Beach County, Director and Board President of the FAU Honors College, Trustee of the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches and Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce. Pat served as a Board Member of Forum Club of the Palm Beaches and Biz PAC.

Mr. Rooney graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in 1986, went on to Villanova University School of Law for his Juris Doctor in 1989 and then earned his MBA from Lehigh University in 1992. Pat and his wife Patti have four children – Mary, Frannie,Patrick III and Anthony – and live in West Palm Beach. They are active members of St. Ignatius Loyola Cathedral in Palm Beach Gardens.

  Please respect Club rules: Cell Phones Silenced, Business Casual Attire.
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
213 29th Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(561) 855-0749

2022 Ann Roberts Scholarships

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches’ Scholarship was named after a long-standing and active member of our Club, Anne Roberts.

Anne Roberts

Anne Roberts, a petite but strong and dedicated Republican, was born in Virginia in 1920. She lived and worked in Maryland until 1954, and then moved to Palm Beach County. Interestingly, this was the year after our Club was chartered.

While working as an R.N. for 50 year, she and her husband served on the REC. She was presented the Jean Pipes award by Palm Beach County Republican Party as an acknowledgment of her dedication to Republican principles. She never sought the limelight herself, working behind the scenes, continually letting others take credit. She always admonished us to “do the right thing”, make sure there’s education involved, mentor the young to follow in the right path, have fun, be prepared, and by all means, don’t lose money doing it!!! That is who Anne Roberts was!

In the late 80’s she had worked her way to 2nd Vice President of the Florida Federated Women. She was tasked with the “Entertainment”/Program for the NFRW National Convention held in Orlando on the 50th anniversary of the organization. She had the entire PB delegation, consisting of 6 Federated clubs, involved –even doing a “can-can” dance for one evening’s entertainment. What a “hoot” Anne was!

Her many committees remember her, not only for her great character and good judgment, but as the epitome of organization –always ready with even the tape, paper clips and scissors. She chaired a Lincoln Day Dinner in the 90’s, and true to who she was, read up on protocol for seating. She knew the value of research for allowing her to be sure everything ran smoothly—and many of us remember she knew how to delegate that research..

In 2005, Anne chaired the FFRW State Convention held in West Palm Beach. Despite a recent hurricane which cancelled the keynote speaker, she found a better one; and the show went on! If there were glitches, no one knew.

Anne left us before our club chartered with Republican Party of Florida. But, being a renaissance woman who realized that times change, I am sure she is smiling as we carry our Club’s Legacy onward. She would be very proud of the young folks who have received a scholarship in her name.

The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any resident of Palm Beach County who is a full or part time undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an accredited college. Applicants must be registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans. Current members of our Club may refer applicants for this scholarship. The deadline for this application is May 31. The recipient will be eligible to receive up to $500 to be sent to the school they will attend. Award will be presented at the monthly luncheon June 28, 2022.

RCPB Scholarship application 2022

Previous Year Winners

Covid precluded our scholarship program in 2021, but in 2020, our winners were:

BEN DEHAAN was a senior at Palm Beach Atlantic University majoring in Business Management and Political Science. He is an honor student, serving with the Student Body, has volunteered with the Republican Executive Committee Offices, and spent working hours during high school and college working in small business in West Palm Beach and his home state of Michigan. He hopes to run for office one day.

KEELIE HANLEY, who graduated from SunCoast High school locally, began her college career at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with her twin sister, Rileigh, who has since been appointed to the US Air Force Academy. Keelie is continuing at Embry-Riddle with a focus on Computer Engineering. Many in our Club watched Keelie grow to adulthood as she attended our meetings with her family or volunteered for Congressman Brian Mast. She was honored to be an escort for a Korean War Veteran on one of our Palm Bach County Honor Flights to Washington DC.

RCPB Scholarship application 2022

Rep. Rick Roth Highlights First Meeting post-Covid on May 25th.

As previously noted, we plan to restart the club meetings in May, and are moving to a new venue – the Palm Beach Kennel Club Paddock restaurant. (NOTE THE NEW DAY AND LOCATION!)

The meeting will focus on the results of the 2021 Florida Legislative session, particularly in the areas of election integrity, public safety, censorship, and what we can expect from redistricting.

HD85 Representative Rick Roth will be our guest, to share his thoughts on these issues.

As the Paddock is not available on Wednesdays, the meeting will be on Tuesday, 5/25. (Subsequent meetings will be the 4th Tuesday of the month.) Lunch will start at 11:30 and the program begins at noon. There is plenty of free parking, and valet parking is available at the door if desired, for $5. Please use the map link below for directions.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Cash Bar Available

Palm Beach Kennel Club – Paddock Restaurant
1111 N Congress Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33409

$25/Members $30/Guests
Pay at the door.

Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:

or by emailing, or by calling 561-855-0749.

Prior to the Covid shutdowns, we were fortunate to have Donald Trump in the White House, and a national agenda of which we could all be proud. Our borders were under control, we were once again respected in the world, and by all measures, the economy was the best its ever been. It was constitutional government at its best, guided by conservative principles, and driven by results-oriented leaders.

Now of course, that has all changed. The silicon valley oligarchs, fake news media, and corrupt election officials have installed a President and narrow Congressional majority that is hell-bent on destroying 4 years of incredible progress. We must all do our part to resist – in the halls of Congress, in the courts, in the State Governments, and in the streets.

The time for remorse has passed – it is time to act. We must fight the federalization of elections, open borders chaos, bankruptcy level spending, and the corruption of our culture. And we must regain the congressional majority in 2022.

New members are flocking to join the Republican Executive Committee (35 at the last meeting), and we hope to see the same level of growth in the Republican Club system, so we will be actively recruiting new members. To this end we plan a “theme-based” agenda for the rest of 2021. Each meeting will feature a topic in which our members can educate themselves, and become involved in solutions.

Some of this year’s topics include:

  • Fighting back with a Congressional Minority
  • Activism in Defense of Liberty
  • Dealing with Hostile Media
  • County and Municipal Aspects of the Federal Stimulus
  • A 2022 Election Outlook and How You Can Help
  • Education – What is being taught in the PBC Schools?
  Please respect Club rules: Cell Phones Silenced, Business Casual Attire.
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749

2020 Ann Roberts Scholarship

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches’ Scholarship was named after a long-standing and active member of our Club, Anne Roberts.

Anne Roberts

Anne Roberts, a petite but strong and dedicated Republican, was born in Virginia in 1920. She lived and worked in Maryland until 1954, and then moved to Palm Beach County. Interestingly, this was the year after our Club was chartered.

While working as an R.N. for 50 year, she and her husband served on the REC. She was presented the Jean Pipes award by Palm Beach County Republican Party as an acknowledgment of her dedication to Republican principles. She never sought the limelight herself, working behind the scenes, continually letting others take credit. She always admonished us to “do the right thing”, make sure there’s education involved, mentor the young to follow in the right path, have fun, be prepared, and by all means, don’t lose money doing it!!! That is who Anne Roberts was!

In the late 80’s she had worked her way to 2nd Vice President of the Florida Federated Women. She was tasked with the “Entertainment”/Program for the NFRW National Convention held in Orlando on the 50th anniversary of the organization. She had the entire PB delegation, consisting of 6 Federated clubs, involved –even doing a “can-can” dance for one evening’s entertainment. What a “hoot” Anne was!

Her many committees remember her, not only for her great character and good judgment, but as the epitome of organization –always ready with even the tape, paper clips and scissors. She chaired a Lincoln Day Dinner in the 90’s, and true to who she was, read up on protocol for seating. She knew the value of research for allowing her to be sure everything ran smoothly—and many of us remember she knew how to delegate that research..

In 2005, Anne chaired the FFRW State Convention held in West Palm Beach. Despite a recent hurricane which cancelled the keynote speaker, she found a better one; and the show went on! If there were glitches, no one knew.

Anne left us before our club chartered with Republican Party of Florida. But, being a renaissance woman who realized that times change, I am sure she is smiling as we carry our Club’s Legacy onward. She would be very proud of the young folks who have received a scholarship in her name.

The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any resident of Palm Beach County who is a full or part time undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an accredited college. Applicants must be registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans. Current members of our Club may refer applicants for this scholarship. The deadline for this application is May 31. The recipient will be eligible to receive up to $500 to be sent to the school they will attend. Award will be presented at the monthly luncheon June 24, 2020.

RCPB Scholarship application 2020

Previous Year Winners

In 2019, our winners were:

Jenna Calderaio, one of 80 in the Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship at FSU. Jenna interned for Congressman Brian Mast last summer and this year is interning at Wright Patterson Air Force base in Dayton Ohio as a criminal investigator. She created her own business, SanMatic (an automated sensor bathroom stall door lock) and has been active in FSU Republicans and Turning Point USA. Jenna will graduate in 2020 and hopes for a career in product development.

Jessica Blakley, majoring in Economics and Public Policy at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, is in her senior year, to graduate this December. Among her achievements as one of the winners of the Palm Beach Post Pathfinder Awards, President of future Business Leaders, and 2nd place winner at PBA Entrepreneurship Challenge, she created her own business “Make Up Doctor”. At Belmont, she was elected Congresswoman in the Student Government and was chosen to intern last year in the Tennessee Legislature. Jessica has volunteered in Haiti Missions, Belle Glade Missions, Puerto Rico Missions, and the Christ Fellowship Office. Jessica has been interning with Laffer Associates, one of the key crafters of Reaganomics, in the health care policy division and has accepted a full-time position with Laffer upon graduation. Jessica aspires to study for a Doctorate degree to eventually work as an economic analyst for the Federal Reserve.

Ben DeHaan, from Ada, Michigan, is in his junior year at Palm Beach Atlantic University studying business management and political science. Because of his recommendation by Dr, James Todd of PBAU for an internship with the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee, Ben was also recommended for our scholarship by the PB County REC Chair, Michael Barnett and our Club Member, Claire Jones. Ben is spending this summer in Michigan working for TGG Solutions, a business solutions company, specializing in Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance policies. Ben plans to join our Club on his return to school.

TWINS: Keelie and Rileigh Hanley—came to our committee as a pair and presented themselves to our membership as a duo. Both graduated from the celebrated SunCoast High School with an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and plan to attend Embry Riddle Aeronautics University in Daytona Beach, studying Computer Science and Global Security with the intent to apply for the US Air Force Academy in 2020.

RCPB Scholarship application 2020

2nd Annual Rooney’s Bowling Bash

Help Support Some Great Local Charities
Join us Saturday, September 14th for a fun day of bowling to help raise money for some great local charities.
Our benefiting charities this year are Palm Beach County-PAL, Autism Project of PBC, Potentia Academy, and Greyed A Greyhounds.

Long Time Club Member Carol LaPlaca

Carol passed away on May 4 after a long illness. To sign the guest book or send flowers, please see: In Memory of CAROL LAPLACA

RCPB Co-hosts Palm Beach Gardens Candidate Forum 2/28

Join us for an evening of in-depth discussion of city issues with the candidates for the March 14th election in Groups 1, 3 and 5 at the Gardens Branch of the County Library. With nine candidates vying for three open seats this year, it should be a lively discussion.

Mar 23 – Candidate Forum for Congressional District 18

Please join us as the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
hosts a CD18 Candidate Forum
on Wednesday March 23rd.

At our March lunch, for a first in a series leading up to the August 30 primary and county-wide election, we have invited the seven Republican candidates competing for the CD18 seat being vacated by Patrick Murphy. Murphy, now a Democrat candidate for Senate, has held the seat for two terms after defeating Allen West in 2012. The district, which includes all of Martin, St. Lucie and northern Palm Beach counties, is narrowly Republican (R+3), but the Democrats are fielding some heavily funded candidates with out of state backing.

Currently the Republican field has narrowed to seven with Paul Spain moving to CD21 and Carla Spalding becoming NPA. Of these, Carl Domino, Mark Freeman, Rick Kozell, Brian Mast, Rebecca Negron and Rick Roth have already accepted our invitation, and we are waiting to hear from Noelle Nikpour.

The candidates will be asked their thoughts on the most important challenges facing the country, what sets them apart from the other candidates, and how they plan to defeat the Democrat in the fall. Join us for what should be a highly informative session.

Join us. Be informed. Get Involved.

Wednesday, Mach 23, 2016
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM

Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center
Palm Beach Airport
1301 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: 561-659-3880

$25/Members $30/Guests
Pay at the door.

Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:

or by emailing, or by calling 561-855-0749.
  Please respect Club rules: Cell Phones Silenced, Business Casual Attire, Please No Jeans
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749

Apply Now for the 2016 Ann Roberts Scholarship

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches’ Scholarship was named after a long-standing and active member of our Club, Anne Roberts.

Anne Roberts

Anne Roberts, a petite but strong and dedicated Republican, was born in Virginia in 1920. She lived and worked in Maryland until 1954, and then moved to Palm Beach County. Interestingly, this was the year after our Club was chartered.

While working as an R.N. for 50 year, she and her husband served on the REC. She was presented the Jean Pipes award by Palm Beach County Republican Party as an acknowledgment of her dedication to Republican principles. She never sought the limelight herself, working behind the scenes, continually letting others take credit. She always admonished us to “do the right thing”, make sure there’s education involved, mentor the young to follow in the right path, have fun, be prepared, and by all means, don’t lose money doing it!!! That is who Anne Roberts was!

In the late 80’s she had worked her way to 2nd Vice President of the Florida Federated Women. She was tasked with the “Entertainment”/Program for the NFRW National Convention held in Orlando on the 50th anniversary of the organization. She had the entire PB delegation, consisting of 6 Federated clubs, involved –even doing a “can-can” dance for one evening’s entertainment. What a “hoot” Anne was!

Her many committees remember her, not only for her great character and good judgment, but as the epitome of organization –always ready with even the tape, paper clips and scissors. She chaired a Lincoln Day Dinner in the 90’s, and true to who she was, read up on protocol for seating. She knew the value of research for allowing her to be sure everything ran smoothly—and many of us remember she knew how to delegate that research..

In 2005, Anne chaired the FFRW State Convention held in West Palm Beach. Despite a recent hurricane which cancelled the keynote speaker, she found a better one; and the show went on! If there were glitches, no one knew.

Anne left us before our club chartered with Republican Party of Florida. But, being a renaissance woman who realized that times change, I am sure she is smiling as we carry our Club’s Legacy onward. She would be very proud of the young folks who have received a scholarship in her name.

The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any full or part time undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an accredited college. Applicants must be Palm Beach County residents and registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans. Current members may refer applicants for this scholarship. The deadline for this application is May 31. The recipient will be eligible to receive up to $500 to be sent to the school they will attend. Award will be presented at the monthly luncheon June 22, 2016.

RCPB Scholarship application 2016

Previous Years Winners

In 2014, our previous undergraduate recipients kept up their grades to receive additional scholarship: Dylan Brandenburg, John Clark, Jason Ferrara, and Daniel Kozell. Because of the generosity of our club members, we were able to add a fifth recipient, Hanna Matry, a junior at UF majoring in Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering and a member of the University’s Rocket Team in the NASA Hybrid rocket competition.

2013 was an expansive year for our scholarship program, with 6 recipients. They went to Elizabeth Cayson, a county employee who is attending Walden University in Illinois remotely, and Danielle Madsen, who recently graduated from Palm Beach Atlantic and is working at a TV station. Three Florida State students received grants including John Clark (3rd year), Dylan Brandenburg (1st year) and Daniel Kozell (2nd year), and Jason Ferrara who is attending the University of Alabama received his third year scholarship.

In 2012, there were 5 scholarships awarded: James Schackelford in his 3rd year at Florida Atlantic University and Daniel Kozell entering Florida State University. We continued to follow John Clark, Jason Ferrara and Shirley Schaff.

In 2011, there were four scholarships awarded. John Clark attending Florida State University, Jason Ferrara attending University of Alabama, Shirley Schaff attending Northwood University and Kimberly Twoey attending Palm Beach Atlantic University.

In 2010, one scholarship was awarded to Cindy Morris, mother of 5, in her final year with 3.7 GPA at Palm Beach Atlantic College School of Education with endorsements in special education and English and a second language.

The second 2010 scholarship was awarded to James Shackelford, majoring in accounting at Florida Atlantic University. With his passion for politics, he is active in student government and volunteered for Allen West and Marco Rubio campaigns. After receiving his masters in Finance, James plans to attend law school.

The 2009 recipient, Nicole Vega, from Berean Christian High School, aspired to be a civil engineer. After much mentoring by several Club members, Nicole has changed her studies to major in Communications with a minor in Political Science at Palm Beach State College.

RCPB Scholarship application 2016

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