October Lunch Features House Speaker Will Weatherford
Speaker of The Florida House of Representatives, Will Weatherford, will be the star luncheon speaker at The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches.
WHERE: | Bear Lakes Country Club 1901 Village Boulevard WPB 33409 |
TIME: | 11:30 Doors Open noon program begins |
DETAILS: | Buffet Lunch / cell phones silences / no blue jeans |
COST: | $20 Members / $25 Guests |
Call by October 18th; We expect exceptional turnout.
Governor Rick Scott Reception
Join us at Bear Lakes Country Club for a reception with Governor Rick Scott.
Reasons for Optimism – The “Defending the American Dream” Summit
This past weekend in Orlando, Americans for Prosperity Foundation hosted a conference for grassroots activists from around the nation.
With informative breakout sessions in the mornings to highlight successes on the state and local levels, and “big tent” events in the afternoon with national conservative leaders, there was something for everyone, including ample free time to “network”.
The “malaise” that affected many of us locally after the bitter results of the 2012 Presidential election has been pretty widespread, and organizers from many locations reported falling attendance at many of their events. Hopefully, that is now starting to change. Although we are still licking our wounds, conferences like this one demonstrate that there is still life in the conservative grassroots, we have leaders in the movement that “get it” and have the fortitude to take it to the President – to lead the fight against the train wreck that is Obamacare, the endless debt and deficits, the administration that cares little for the rule of law, the separation of powers, or the role of the states in our constitutional republic.

Bobby Jindal
“It’s amazing what is possible in America“, said Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, when people are free – free to make their own choices, free from the suffocating regulations of intrusive government. He talked about education as the key for the jobs of tomorrow, and the success they have had in his state in shutting down failing schools and greatly expanding the charter school system which has done a lot to improve the lot of minority children. Last week, unfortunately, Obama’s Justice Department has decided to sue Louisiana to roll back these reforms and return students to their failing schools. Judging by his fiery critique of the President and his policies, it is clear he will stand up against our rogue Attorney General and fight to retain the success they achieved.

Marco Rubio
Our own Senator Marco Rubio declared “There is nothing wrong with America – but there is something wrong with this President“. The good news, he said, is that “we still have time to save the American Dream“, by reforming the tax code and eliminating regulations. “We don’t need Common Core”, he said, and he will not vote for any budget that funds Obamacare or to increase the debt ceiling without a balanced budget amendment and specific cuts.
Unfortunately for Senator Rubio, there is still a lot of anger in the movement about his role in passing the “gang of eight” Senate immigration bill. In the hall were members of Flimen with pink shirts that said “Pink Slip Rubio”, and throughout his speech you could hear sporadic calls for “No Amnesty”. Although he avoided this issue in the speech, he did address it in a smaller group that met with him prior to the session. In a hotel suite with about 40 supporters, after answering some questions about Syria, Obamacare and other issues for which he was among friends, someone in the back asked “what about immigration”. A hush fell across the room at this point and he had no choice but to address it with a somewhat lengthy justification that amounted to “the status quo is unacceptable so we have to do something“. To me it sounded like doubling down. Not good.

Arthur Brooks
Then Arthur Brooks, President of American Enterprise Institute, succinctly summed up the Obama message: “Rich people have your stuff and I’m going to get it back for you.” This shouldn’t have worked as envy is not American, but unfortunately all our side had to say to his supporters was “You’re a moocher” – no wonder we lost. The words “fairness” and “compassion” have been kidnapped by the left and we should take them back and own them, because progressive ideology is neither fair nor compassionate. As a humorous and memorable side comment illustrating our difference in values, he recalled a bumper sticker seen in San Francisco – “Your body may be a temple but mine is an amusement park”.

Rick Scott
Next up was Governor Rick Scott, gearing up his re-election bid with a positive jobs message. Recalling his 2010 pledge to create “700,000 jobs in 7 years”, he reported us as on-track, with the likelihood of 900,000 jobs created by 2018. Scott is still popular with the Florida grassroots, although his support for Medicaid expansion had a lot of heads scratching. We do still remember that he declined to create a state Obamacare exchange, though. A few hecklers in the audience periodically shouted “No Common Core”, reflecting dissatisfaction with the direction that our education system has taken over the last few years. Scott talked about his activities as a booster of the state’s business climate and his good-natured rivalry with Texas and Governor Rick Perry who was the last major speaker of the day.

Rick Perry
A 2012 Presidential candidate until his campaign faltered early in the primary process, he is possibly gearing up for another run in 2016. Well known as a jobs governor, the record of the Texas economy on his watch has been very impressive. As he makes the rounds of the states selling the Texas miracle, he has gained the ire of many blue state governors who do not appreciate his pointing out the shortcomings of their performance or the failings of the Progressive economics.
On another theme, “All roads lead back to the states“, said Perry. One size fits all federal programs (like Obamacare) are anathema to the founding principles of this country. A favorite target of the Obama administration, whose ideology sees the power in the states to be a roadblock to their big government agenda, Texas is now being sued by Eric Holder and the Justice Department as they try to end-run the Supreme Court and re-impose Voting Rights Act restrictions that require federal permission for such things as Voter ID laws.

Ted Cruz
On the final day of the conference, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, another possible 2016 presidential candidate and clearly the favorite of the gathering gave us reasons for optimism. With the success of Ron Paul’s filibuster on drones, and the failure of gun control initiatives after Sandy Hook, the President was forced to “listen to the people”, he said. On Syria, with Obama now going to Congress for authorization, on immigration, on common core, – the people are making their voices heard and throwing a wrench into the Obama agenda. His job as a Senator, he says, is to restore economic growth as the lack of growth is related to all of our other problems. Tax Reform (“Abolish the IRS“), and regulatory reform (“Repeal Obamacare – every single word“) are the key. He sees Obamacare as the greatest job killer of all time and sees de-funding it in the upcoming budget process as the key. In answer to skeptics that see that tactic as a political liability for Republicans, he says “You lose 100% of the fights you surrender at the outset.” Standing ovations were frequent for this speech.
All in all, the speakers reminded us that conservatism is not “in trouble” as the mainstream media may have you believe, but resurgent and full of fire. With his agenda in tatters, the Obama team sees winning back the House and holding the Senate next year as their only chance to have a legacy of anything but failure. Any thought of compromise or even dealing with a Republican House is not is the President’s wheelhouse. Although 2014 will be a harder slog than 2010 when we took them by surprise, at the end of this conference it was clear that we have depth, we have tools and we have a maturity that comes from adversity and learning from the losses of 2012. Thanks to AFP and organizations like them, the conservative grassroots will have help and structure that will amplify our effectiveness going forward.
Defending the American Dream Summit
Americans for Prosperity is hosting this meeting in Orlando next month, featuring Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Many local activists are attending.
Lobster Fest 2013
Join us for Lobster Fest 2013. Use the [PRINT] link (upper right) to print the form and send it (along with a check) to the address noted.

County Mayor Steven Abrams Anchors June Lunch
Palm Beach County is for the most part, run by Democrats. Only 2 members of the county’s state delegation (senators and representatives) are Republican, one of the county Constitutional Officers (Property Appraiser Gary Nikolits – a club member who was present today), and 2 of the 7 county commissioners. The latter includes newly elected district 1 commissioner Hal Valeche, and today’s speaker, Chairman and Mayor Steven Abrams.
Appointed to the district 4 seat in 2009 by then Governor Crist to replace Mary McCarty, he was unopposed in the 2010 elections, and now serves as the agenda-setting Mayor of the county.
In his remarks, Mayor Abrams touched on his record opposing tax increases in the yearly budget cycles (not always successfully as it takes 4 votes to prevail), and how he has pushed for spending where it is necessary, such as road maintenance. This year, as the Administrator wants to raise the tax rate to bring in $25M more than last year, blaming it mostly on the Sheriff and his $510M budget (8.3% increase), the Mayor has asked that the Sheriff “sharpen his pencil so the taxpayer doesn’t have to sharpen theirs”.
His outlook on the county economy was upbeat, as he sees rising property valuations, and evidence of economic upturns as disparate as Tri-Rail ridership (he is on the Tri-Rail board) and divorce filings in the courts.
Taking some questions, the Mayor addressed beach replenishment funding (asked by Town of Palm Beach Councilman Bill Diamond), moving to non-partisan elections at the county level (not enough votes for it), who pays for the Singer Island sand pumping plant (Town of Palm Beach), federal sequestration (not much of a county impact), putting the IG under the Clerk’s Office (just an idea – would have to go to the voters), how to rein in the Sheriff’s budget (commission has limited ability in this area).
On the somewhat controversial topic of 7/50 (the 7 county, 50 year plan), he said that some regional planning is a good thing (for Tri-Rail expansion for example), while some other areas are better decided locally. Kevin Foley, a former chairman of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, cautioned that 7/50 is not “Agenda 21”, and should not be confused with that much maligned program. (For more information on 7/50, see: SE Florida Prosperity Plan ).
Prior to Mayor Abrams, we heard from Florida’s GOP National Committeeman Peter Feaman, who painted an upbeat picture of the national party (beating the Democrats in fundraising) as well as local (don’t believe everything you read in the papers). He cautioned us to stop “eating our own” and please give Marco Rubio the benefit of the doubt, even if you oppose his immigration reform plan.
Also present were district 18 congressional candidates Alan Schlesinger and Ellen Andel, and district 23 candidate Ilya Katz.
There will be no club lunches in July and August. The November meeting will feature American Conservative Union Chairman Al Cardenas.
June 2013 – County Mayor Steve Abrams
Don’t miss hearing the important issues facing our County from this very insightful and knowledgeable public official…County Mayor Steve Abrams
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
11:30 am…Doors Open; Registration
11:45 am…Buffet Begins
12 pm to 1 pm…Program
Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Boulevard, WPB 33409 (Valet Parking)
Members/$20 Guests/$25
Pay at the door / Affirmative RSVP “no-show” will be invoiced.
RSVP by Monday, June 17 via email: info@gopclubpb.org or phone: (561) 832-0695 (leave message)
Join/Renew your membership through December 2013
Please respect Bear Lakes Club Rules: Cell Phones Silenced / Business Casual Attire (No Jeans Please)
Speaker Biography
Club members and guests will find another star spangled luncheon as they have the pleasure of hearing from Palm Beach County’s Mayor, Steve Abrams. The Mayor’s credentials are not only impressive but show how clearly qualified he is to be the leader of our County Commission as its Chairman.
Many will remember how effectively Mayor Abrams, who served as Mayor of Boca Raton from 2001-2004 guided Boca through the Anthrax scare at the AMI building in his City. He won high praise Nationally for his adept leadership under incredible circumstances. Before becoming Mayor, Steve served 5 terms on the City Commission. Known for his steady and calm leadership style he brought those skills to the County where he was appointed in 2009 and elected to a full 4 year term in 2010…without opposition.
Remember this month we will be meeting JUNE 19th, the third Wednesday in June, and RSVP’s are a MUST. Word is out that Mayor Abrams is our headliner and RSVP’s are already coming in.
This will be our last meeting until September…a great way to end the season and give all of you “Happy Summer” wishes.
May 2013 – Negron/Rooney
Please join RCPB for a legislative wrap up by two of our most ardent Republican leaders – State Senator Joe Negron and Representative Pat Rooney and our 2013 Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship Presentation.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
11:30 am…Doors Open; Registration
11:45 am…Buffet Begins
12 pm to 1 pm…Program
Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Boulevard, WPB 33409 (Valet Parking)
Members/$20 Guests/$25
Pay at the door / Affirmative RSVP “no-show” will be invoiced.
RSVP by Monday, May 20 via email: info@gopclubpb.org or phone: (561) 832-0695 (leave message)
Join/Renew your membership through December 2013
Please respect Bear Lakes Club Rules: Cell Phones Silenced / Business Casual Attire (No Jeans Please)
Speaker Biography

Joe Negron
Senator Negron represents District 28 in Florida’ state senate. Prior to serving in his current role, Mr. Negron served in Florida’s House of Representative, and was the 2006 Republican candidate in the congressional race for the 16th district of the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Negron has been a strong leader on a number of conservative issues: he has served as Vice Chair of the Budget Committee, he has been a defender of needy children in our communities, and he has been a voice for the long-term preservation of Florida’s natural resources.

Pat Rooney
Representative Rooney represents District 85 in the Florida House of Representative. Mr. Rooney has been an integral part of the South Florida business community for years and he brings to Tallahassee a wealth of private sector experience. In the State Capital, he has been a strong supporter of pro-growth, pro-job fiscal policies, and he has been a champion of improved education for all students in our state.
Mr. Negron and Mr. Rooney will provide our Club with a wrap-up of this past legislative session and will offer their insight into the future for the State of Florida.
The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any Republican undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an accredited college. Applicants must be Palm Beach County residents and registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans. Please join RCPB on May 24th as we present four $500 Scholarships for 2013.
Dan Martell at April Meeting
Dan Martell will highlight our April lunch at Bear Lakes
11:45 am…Buffet Begins
12 pm to 1 pm…Program
Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Boulevard, WPB 33409 (Valet Parking)
Members/$20 Guests/$25
Pay at the door / Affirmative RSVP “no-show” will be invoiced.
RSVP by April 22. via email: info@gopclubpb.org or phone: (561) 832-0695 (leave message)
Join/Renew your membership through December 2013
Please respect Bear Lakes Club Rules: Cell Phones Silenced / Business Casual Attire (No Jeans Please)
**NOTE** Apply Now for the 2013 Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship.
Speaker Biography

Daniel Martell
Daniel Martell is President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, a not-for-profit, non-governmental, non- partisan organization established in 1975.
Its members come from all geographic areas of the county, represent all major business categories and encompass all sizes of businesses. Its mission statement is simply, “Create an environment to help business prosper.”
Mr. Martell came to the Economic Council of Palm Beach County from local sugar company, Florida Crystals Corporation as Vice President of Real Estate. His responsibilities at Florida Crystals included overseeing local government affairs, corporate land development, and real estate investments.
Beginning his career as the Director of Government and Political Affairs for the Gold Coast Builders Association, he was responsible for the regulatory and political issues confronting the home building industry in Palm Beach and Broward counties. He received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Florida, Juris Doctor from the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University, and obtained a Certificate of Corporate Finance from Cornell University in 2011.
Former Senator George LeMieux – Insights on the Economy

George Lemieux
Former US Senator George LeMieux anchored our March lunch with his insights on the economy – nationally, in the state, and locally in Palm Beach County.
With charts that show our current economy in the worst recovery in 100 years, and the expectation of another six years to return to 2000 levels of family income, the state of our national economy is not strong. In Florida, results are mixed. We have the highest foreclosure rate (1 in 300) of any state, but there is an optimistic story on job growth. Traditional sectors like tourism and agriculture are being augmented by biotech research and manufacturing. In the county for example, we have Scripps and Max Planck, but also the production of military helocopters, and a port that can take advantage of our location on the trade routes to and from Central and South America. Our low tax environment and pleasant climate should give us an advantage over other states.
Nationally, he sees a big problem in the size of the debt. With historical low interest rates, the $200B interest on the federal debt is the fourth largest category of spending – after only the military, Medicare and Medicaid. When rates rise, and if we continue borrowing another trillion each year, it could soon reach $1T in interest and overwhelm everything else.
On a more optimistic note he gave some examples of future opportunities for Florida, including the possibility of “destination health care” where we could be the go-to place for high end health care (presumably competing with Costa Rica).
He mentioned that his new endeavor with Palm Beach Atlantic – the LeMieux Center for Public Policy is starting their lecture series this month on Thursday March 21 with former Presidential Advisor and Harvard School of Government Professor David Gergen.
Also at the meeting were Congressional candidates Alan Schlesinger for CD18 (Patrick Murphy) and Ilya Katz for CD23 (Debbie Wasserman Schultz).