New District Maps
January Lunch Featured Dr. Carrie Blanchard

The Club’s January luncheon was the venue for Part I of the two-part series: Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity. The Club was joined by Dr. Carrie Blanchard from the Florida Chamber Foundation, who offered some valuable insight into the state of Florida’s economy and the opportunities that exist for our leaders to help promote greater economic freedom for all Floridians.
The second half of the two-part series will take place at the February luncheon and will explore charitable giving as an alternative to government-imposed welfare. We will be joined by Charles Bender from Children’s Place of Hope, a faith-based child services organization largely funded by charitable giving. And we hope to also be joined by a representative from the James Madison Institute’s Research Advisory Counsel. We hope you will join us for this exciting event!
An Evening with Ralph Reed
Allen West at Lincoln Day Dinner
Great Stuff. Video by Michele Kirk at
Time to Vote!
The GOP Presidential Preference Primary is Tuesday, January 31st. You knew that – and now, if you’re like me and have put off your decision as long as you can, it’s time to Vote!
The Supervisor of Elections website has the precincts listed for this election. If you’re not certain about your precinct and can’t find your voter registration card, then look it up at the Precinct Finder. When in doubt, call the Supervisor of Elections, at (561) 656-6200. The polls are open from 7am to 7pm.
Remember (since it was in today’s paper as another ‘problem’ with Florida) – the only candidates of the many listed on the ballot still in the race are Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.
Good luck to all of us!
Impressions of Three Campaign Rallys
Early Voting Starts Saturday 1/21
You watched the debates, you took our survey (or didn’t), attended the PPP Event or looked at the Voters’ Guide. Now it’s your chance to vote for the GOP Presidential Candidate of your choice. For most of us, it’ll be a difficult choice – but don’t use that as an excuse! If you anticipate for any reason that you won’t be able to make it on Election Day, January 31st – then vote early – by either going to an Early Voting Location or voting by Absentee Ballot.* Always check with the Supervisor of Elections if you have any questions either on their website or at (561) 656-6200..
Important – if you aren’t registered as a Republican – you will not be able to vote in the Presidential Preference Primary.
Presidential Preference Primary Election
Saturday, January 21, 2012 through Saturday, January 28, 2012
Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Jupiter Branch Library, 705 Military Trail, Jupiter 33458
Palm Beach Gardens Library, 11303 Campus Drive, Palm Beach Gardens 33410
Supervisor of Elections Office, 240 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach 33415
Wellington Branch Library, 1951 Royal Fern Drive, Wellington 33414
Hagen Ranch Road Library, 14350 Hagen Ranch Road, Delray Beach 33446
Lantana Branch Library, 4020 Lantana Road, Lake Worth 33462
Belle Glade City Hall, 110 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd West, Belle Glade 33430
Boca Raton City Hall, 201 West Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton 33432
*ABSENTEE BALLOTS can be requested in many ways – by phone, online, requests can be faxed, a designated person can pick one up for you, you can mail in a postcard. You can also select in advance for which upcoming elections you desire an absentee ballot – so if you already know that you will be out of town for the primary in August or for the General Election in November – do it now – while you’re thinking about it. For more information on how to get your Absentee Ballot and when/how to send it in click here. Or go directly to the online form.
Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity: Two Part Series
The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches is pleased to present a two-part series: Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity.
As Conservatives, we know that government control over our economy interferes with our ability to provide for our families. And so we have come to understand that freedom from job-killing regulation is vital to our prosperity and our children’s right to realize the American Dream.
Our livelihood and our liberty depend upon our Economic Freedom.
Part I of our series will explore government’s role in promoting economic opportunity, innovation, and job creation. We will be joined by Dr. Carrie Blanchard, Vice President of Research and Public Policy for the Florida Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Blanchard has been a leader in promoting pro-growth policy and economic opportunities for all Floridians.
Part II will consider charitable giving as an alternative to the welfare state, as we can only promote economic freedom if we are willing to limit the burden of government redistribution. We will be joined by Charles Bender from Place of Hope, a faith-based child services organization which is largely funded by charitable giving. And we hope to also be joined by Robert McClure, President and CEO of the James Madison Institute (invitation extended). JMI is a Florida-based research and education organization that works to help shape our state’s future by promoting practical free-market policies.
We hope that you will join us to explore some of the most important issues facing our state and our nation today.
Part I: January 25, 2012 at noon at Bear Lakes Country Club
Part II: February 22, 2012 at noon at Bear Lakes Country Club
Palm Beach County Tea Party and South Florida 912 Host PPP Event
December Meeting Featuring King’s Academy Chorus
Join us for our December lunch as
The King’s Academy Chorus Presents a Holiday Celebration
We will also have the Installation of Officers for 2012.
Where: Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Blvd, WPB, FL 33409
(Club rules: no jeans/cell phones silenced)
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Time: 11:30 a.m. Doors Open, Registration, Meet and Greet, Buffet
12 noon to 1 PROGRAM
Cost: $20 Members; $25 Guests includes complimentary valet
RSVP: (561) 832-0695 or by noon December 12