FH83 Representative Pat Rooney Highlights Award Lunch

On May 25th, the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches was pleased to welcome state representative Pat Rooney at its monthly luncheon.  Representative Rooney provided a summary of the 2011 legislative session, including its highs and lows and some of the initiatives most directly affecting South Florida.  Most notably, Representative Rooney discussed the Republicans’ successful efforts to trim burdensome government spending in order to promote the creation of private sector jobs, offset the ever-increasing federal tax burdens on Floridians, and propel Florida’s economy out of the ongoing recession.  He also discussed the passage of a bill designed to help balance Florida’s long term budget by requiring state employees to fund a small portion of their own pensions.  He expressed great optimism about the opportunities to solve the challenges of illegal immigration while also recognizing the complex impact that any such solution will have on Florida’s agricultural industry and the overall economy.

As a businessman, Pat described the frustrations of being a freshman legislator working through the considerably different world of lawmaking, and some thoughts of how to improve the process, including his proposal for using video conferencing to connect the lawmakers from the southern part of the state during committee time, to make more efficient use of everyone’s time.

Although the session was somewhat contentious, and much was sandwiched into the last few weeks, there were some good things to emerge. In Pat’s view these included saving some funding for libraries and the disabled, FRS reform, and the bill to curb pill mill abuses.

Representative Rooney also took part in the Club’s ceremony awarding the 2011 Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship.  This year, the scholarship was awarded to four deserving candidates who are in the process of pursuing their college degrees.  Representative Rooney and the entire Club were pleased to recognize all four candidates for their academic accomplishments and their embodiment of Republican values.   

There were four scholarship winners this year, each receiving a check for $500, and the awards were announced by surprise guest (via video recording) Congressman Allen West.

Receiving the scholarships were John Clark, Shirley Schaff, Kimberly Twoey, and Jason Ferrara.  Click here for the Press Release – ARM Scholarship 2011

Pictures courtesey of Delia Garcia-Menocal.

Join us for Rep Rooney and ARM Scholarship

Rep. Patrick RooneyWelcome Representative Rooney with a post session wrap up.  Freshman Representative and RCPB member Pat Rooney will be the featured speaker on May 25th at noon.  Additionally, RCPB will be announcing the 2011 recipients of the Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship.

We’re expecting a packed house, so please be sure to reserve your seat.

Members $20

Guests $25

RSVP info@gopclubpb.org  or by calling 561-804-4591

Senator George LeMieux Highlights April Lunch

Former Senator (and now candidate) George LeMieux gave us an interesting perspective on the federal budget struggles and what is at stake in the battle over the debt limit. Appointed by Charlie Crist to fill the slot vacated by Mel Martinez, his Washington experience gives him some advantages over his two announced competitors Adam Hasner and Mike Haridopolis, but all three would make capable Senators and it will be a spirited campaign.

Here are a few pictures of the event:

Welcome Sen LeMieux to RCPB April 27th

IT’S GETTING CROWDED!                  

Senator George LeMieuxFormer US Senator George LeMieux  will provide a provocative and interesting session since the media has been filled with speculation about his running for the US Senate in 2012.   Just recently  he announced he would join two other announced candidates.  Senator Lemieux was appointed by then -Governor Charlie Crist to fill Senator Mel Martinez early- vacated seat for a one year term.

Find out how Mr. Lemieux would be voting were he still in the Senate.  Come at 11:30  to  network.  It is exciting to see the club growing by leaps and bounds; most of our guest speakers have addressed a sold-out crowd.

RSVP by  noon, April 25 (561) 804-4591
or e-mail:   info@gopclubpb.org
Cancellations by COB, April 25 will be honored

RPOF Chairman Dave Bitner Highlights March Meeting


Dave Bitner, the newly elected chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, gave a filled room of Republicans a lot to be happy about as he shared his philosophy on the state party’s future to an enthusiastic audience.

“Grassroots” is at the top of his priorities. “When I am asked, ‘ Where is the State Party Headquarters?” I tell them ‘Our building is in Tallahassee but our party is everywhere there are active Republicans making a difference”. He emphasized that the rebuilding of the RPOF started by Senator John Thrasher and now continued by him was taking hold. “Trust is being rebuilt; givers now know that their money will be invested well”.

Our club was pleased to welcome an extra star guest. The Chairman of the New York Republican State Party, Ed Cox was a big hit as he graciously shook hands and chatted with our members afterward. We were also pleased to welcome the elected officials in attendance– West Palm Beach Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell, Palm Beach Councilman Bill Diamond and South Palm Beach Councilwoman, Bonnie Fisher.

Joe Cardenas did an outstanding job officiating the meeting for our President Melissa Andrews.

Highlights for future meetings: April 27 we host Former US Senator George LeMieux May 25 we host FL Rep Pat Rooney; June 22 we host newly elected CPAC Chairman and former RPOF Chair Al Cardenas. Mark your calendars now as we expect sold out crowds for these outstanding speakers.

A few pictures from Delia:

2011 Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship Now Accepting Applications

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches’ Scholarship was named after a long-standing and active member of our Club, Anne Roberts.

The  2009 recipient, Nicole Vega, from Berean Christian High School, aspired to be a civil engineer.  After much mentoring by several Club members, Nicole has changed her studies to major in Communications with a minor in Political Science at Palm Beach State College.

In 2010, one scholarship was awarded to Cindy Morris, mother of 5, in her final year with 3.7 GPA at Palm Beach Atlantic College School of Education with endorsements in special education and English and a second language.

The second 2010  scholarship was awarded to James Shackelford, majoring in accounting at Florida Atlantic University.  With his passion for politics, he is active in student government and volunteered for Allen West and Marco Rubio campaigns. After receiving his masters in Finance, James plans to attend law school.

The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any Republican undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an accredited college. Applicants must be Palm Beach County residents and registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans. Current members may refer applicants for this scholarship. The deadline for this application is May 2.The winner will receive $500 to be sent to the school they will attend. Award will be presented at the monthly luncheon May 25, 2011.

RCPB Scholarship Application 2011

Adam Hasner Highlights February Meeting

Former Florida House Majority Leader Adam Hasner joined us for the February meeting at Bear Lakes. Mentioned in some circles as a possible Senate candidate, he showed us his keen grasp of national and state issues as he gave us an update of current events.

Some pictures courtesy of Delia:

Collective Bargaining 101

Video courtesy of the Heritage Foundation.

2011 Lincoln Day Dinner

RCPB Proudly Supports Palm Beach County Republican Party at the 2011 Lincoln Day Dinner featuring Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Congressman Allen West and Congressman Tom Rooney.

RCPB Members were scattered throughout the room for a wonderful evening.

RPOF Chairman Dave Bitner – Join Us

Republican Party of Florida Chairman Dave Bitner is a longtime Floridian, a lifelong Republican, a small business owner and a former member of the Florida Legislature. In 1992, Dave was elected by the people of District 71 to serve in the Florida House of Representatives. Dave served eight years in the Florida Legislature and never asked for one earmark, returning taxpayer dollars to the state from his office every quarter.

 Dave earned a reputation as a hard-working, common sense conservative. Dave helped the Republican Party gain the majority in the Florida House under Speakers Webster and Thrasher, then under Governor Jeb Bush.

Elected as RPOF Chairman in January 2011, Dave started as a precinct committeeman and currently serves as a state committeeman for Jefferson County.  Dave and his wife Wendy have walked door-to-door for hundreds of state and local Republican candidates over the last 18 years, from Pensacola to Key West. 

As an owner of the Charlotte Sun-Herald, Dave built a small business from the ground up and saw firsthand the need to cut government red tape and fight for the lower taxes on small businesses and families

Grassroots Experience

  • –          Participated in Rick Scott, Steve Southerland, and multiple state and local campaigns in 2010
  • –          Participated in Gov. Bush’s campaigns in 1998 and 2002
  • –          Traveled across Florida for President Bush in 2000
  • –          Member, Jefferson County Republican Executive Committee, 2004-present
  • –          Member, Charlotte County Republican Club, 1992-present
  • –          Jefferson County precinct committeeman
  • –          Jefferson County state committeeman
  • –          Walked door to door for more than 100 Republican races
  • –          Past President Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce

 Legislative Accomplishments

  • –          Cut taxes on beverages, helping small businesses hindered by red tape
  • –          Returned dollars to the state from own office every quarter
  • –          Passed fiscally constrained counties bill that brought hundreds of thousands of dollars to small counties
  • –          Authored tort reform legislation
  • –          Authored workers comp reform legislation
  • –          Sponsored Florida’s “name change” law, ensuring the record of prisoners incarcerated under one name and released under another reflected their complete criminal record

RSVP by  noon, March 21st

New Phone Number:  (561) 804-4591

or e-mail:   info@gopclubpb.org

Cancellations by March 21st will be honored

Also:  Post Cards are being sent to our Members and Friends

without email to save postage



WHERE:         Bear Lakes Country Club

                         1901 Village Blvd

                          West Palm Beach

Bear Lakes Rules: Business Casual Dress (No Jeans); Please Silence Cell Phones,


TIME/DATE:   Wed. March 23; 11:30  


COST:             $20 Members and  $25 Guests ; Complimentary Valet

RSVP:             MONDAY, March 21st NOON — 561 804-4591  

                         or  email:  info@gopclubpb.org

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