Medicare’s chief actuary vs Obama on ObamaCare facts
One problem: That spin ignores the extraordinary companion analysis by chief Medicare actuary Richard Foster that repudiates this conclusion and is the most damning fiscal indictment to date of the Affordable Care Act.
See the facts: CLICK HERE
View your Primary Ballot online and then vote Early or Absentee
CLICK HERE for early voting locations
The Supervisor of Elections was mailing out individualized-by-precinct ballots last Monday. I know that I haven’t received mine yet. However – you can view your ballot on-line. Go to the SOE precinct finder. Click on ‘find your districts’. Fill out your address and then when you get to the screen that lists your options, click on ‘view sample ballot’, put in your party affiliation and it will bring up your ballot and polling place.
Remember – even if you aren’t registered in a political party (eg you’re NPA) – you still may have items on the ballot – Judges, School Board, etc. Please take the time to check and make sure. Every vote counts!
REC is Growing and Growing and Growing!
It’s time to thank God for Obama. In case you haven’t noticed, those who believe in the Bible and the U.S. Constitution are awake and involved. Last night, Aug. 4, 2010, there were 131 REC members in attendance with an additional 22 voted to new REC positions of Committeeman/woman.
**Guest speaker, Rick Shepherd of Keep West Palm Beach Term LImits Committee encouraged members to attend the Aug. 9 City Commissioner’s Meeting at 4PM, City Center, 401 Clematis St.
Mayor Lois Frankel has made three attempts to change the City Charter so she can run again.
1. In March she attempted to form a committee to review and make recommendations to the charter. Because there was such an outcry from the community this group dissolved.
2. A group developed to to gather 5800 valid signatures is currently having difficulties finding people willing to sign. In 2002, 65,000 signatures were collected to place 8-year term limits on the Palm Beach County Commission. It won by 70%.
3. Mayor Frankel is now requesting the City Commissioners to place an anti-term limits measure on the ballot.
Commissioners Kimberly Mitchell and Molly Douglas have both voiced opposition to placing the anti-term limits on the ballot.
Remember when our Mayor felt it necessary for our city to have a new City Hall at the price of $155,000,000 and refused the citizens to vote on it? She sued the City to keep it OFF the ballot.
>Call or email the City Commissioners to vote NO on placing Anti-Term Limit on the ballot.
>Attend the Aug 9 City Commissioners Meeting.
>Write letters to the editor.
For more information –
**Beth Kigel introduced the REC Membership Committee.
Jessica Dornblaser announced there will be prizes for enrolling new REC members. You must bring in a minimum of five new sustainable members by Dec. The winner will receive two Lincoln Day Dinner tickets, a plaque and special recognition. The Club that brings in the most members will receive a free full-page ad in the Lincoln Day Dinner program.
Jennifer Lewis explained we must grow our membership so we can elect qualified Republican candidates for the sake of our children, grandchildren and our troops. She concluded with an Allen West video, Allen’s Call to Action i.e. “You have a responsibility. This is not a spectator sport – get on the court.”
**Chairman Sid Dinerstein announced the formation of the first Haitian Republican Club. August 3, he met with 20 Haitians. They elected a board with Gymmy Noel serving as the interim President. The Haitians support the Republican model of opportunity vs the other model of dependency.
** Ed Lynch’s proposed Amendment passed as amended by Jack Furnari with the agreement by the maker. It reads: It shall be prerequisite for every voting member of the board of the Republican Executive Committee to sign and adhere to any and all loyalty oaths that the Republican Executive Committee members are required to sign and adhere to.
**Chairman Dinerstein was asked to review the Board. Four members of the Board are selected by the REC, Chairman Sid Dinerstein, Vice-Chair Beth Kigel, Treasurer John Herrick and Secretary Linda Mazziotti. Two members are county-wide voted upon, State Committewoman/man Fran Hancock and Peter Feaman. There are three non-voting members, Parliamentarian David Shiner, Attorney Reeve Bright
and Advisor John R Smith. Chairman of the President’s Council Linda Gore is also a member. Assisted Vice Chairs are appointed by the Chair and approved by the REC. They include Wismick St. Jean, Marianne Moran, Margi Helschien, Jack Furnari and Bill Diamond.
**A discussion between Dean Taffel and Marianne Moran on the pros/cons of a Constitution Convention was requested.
**August 12, 1:30PM, Marco Rubio will be at the GOP Headquarters.
**Aug. 20, Grand Opening of So County GOP Office
**Joe Budd is requesting volunteers to hand out 40,000 palm cards on August 24. Contact his campaign.
**Sept. 10, RPOF quarterly meeting at Disney. More info at
Keep on keeping on!
How Safe Is Our Dollar?
Right Nights – Wednesday August 25, 2010
About the Speaker: David Chamblee
David started his career with Edward Jones in 2003 and joined Corbin Cook at Lighthouse Wealth Management in March of 2010. David practices Austrian Economic theory and serves his clients by managing their investments along with extensive financial planning. David believes that active portfolio management is a necessity in today’s economic environment as opposed to the widely practiced passive management. David also writes the bi-weekly web based commentary Razor Market Trends that touches on current economic topics and goes out all across the country. David grew up in Belle Glade, Florida and after attending the University of Arkansas to play football, David graduated from Otterbein College in Westerville, OH. He then got his masters at Delta State University in Cleveland, MS. After living in Dallas and Los Angeles, David relocated back to the south in Atlanta in 2002. David was awarded the Financial Advisor 5 Star Best in Customer Service and Client Satisfaction by Atlanta Magazine in both 2009 and 2010.
Let Data Be The Guide, But Not So Fast
One of the wisest sayings in the world of economics and investing is, “Don’t make the data fit your belief, but let your belief be formed by the data.” Not following this wisdom has led many investors to lose a lot of money, advisers to give faulty advice and government officials to lead the public astray. Sound research that puts agendas, financial gain and wishful thinking aside will lead you to the truth of where things stand. By using this method the current picture is not pretty and getting less so as we look at projections forward. By now I’m sure you have heard the unsustainable word many times. Yes, it is the hard truth that many didn’t want to believe, but now it seems that many are coming to the realization. Our current economic path is unsustainable.
Why the “But” in the title then? Although the data tells us that things look like they can get really bad at anytime going back to 2007, you can’t underestimate the power and manipulation of governments and central banks. Not necessarily in that order. For example, in late 2008 the world economy started to unwind or deleverage from an economic system that allowed governments, corporations, small businesses and individuals to lever up to the sky and never really pay down debt, but just keep rolling it over. When that limit was reached the natural unwinding/deleveraging occurred and you have yourself a credit crisis. The natural cause and effect was upon us as banks and corporations with too much leverage started to fail. The data that so few saw or acknowledged told us this would happen, but governments and central banks didn’t allow it to happen. They built a dam to divert the flow of the river, if you will, through bailouts and stimulus. This is the “But”. The data is still telling us the same thing that it did back in 2008. Things are still broken and need to be fixed, but aren’t allowed to be. The data was held in limbo for two years with the negative numbers and debt becoming much worse as an attempt was being made to preserve our economic system and “lifestyles”. Just like any problems that are put off or ignored, they have to be dealt with eventually. If you deal with them early they are less painful. The Bush administration at the time in 2008 didn’t give us that option. When will we have to deal with it is the million dollar question. I would like to think that we are dealing with some of the pain already, but I think the data would accuse me of wishful thinking.
Florida Senate 27 Interviews
Florida Senate District 27 stretches across the state and contains portions of Palm Beach, Hendry, Glades, Charlotte, and Lee counties. On the west coast, the Naples Daily News recently interviewed each of the candidates in the Republican primary and videotaped the results. Click HERE for the Mike Lameyer video. The Sharon Merchant and Lizbeth Benacquisto videos can also be found as links from that page.
Time Running out for Palm Beach Gardens City Council Term Limits Amendment
UPDATE – If you know people who live in Palm Beach Gardens – please spread the word. If anyone wants to call/walk to collect petitions, please contact Rob Palladino via the website link below.
There is always a continuing pro/con debate about term limits for any office. Ideally – people can vote their officials out. But in practice – once an incumbent, always an incumbent – unless accused of some gross malfeasance – and not even then! A group of concerned citizens is trying to get enough petitions signed by Garden’s residents to get this on the ballot in November. See their website here.
If you live in PBG and want to let the people decide whether to institute term limits or not – please print out the petition (on plain white paper) and send it in!
Bill McCollum Highlights a special RCPB Friday luncheon
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum was the headliner for a special Friday RCPB luncheon. We had a full house as we enjoyed an excellent, served luncheon, which allowed us to keep our attention on our speakers and minimize moving around.
Melissa Andrews, club President, kicked-off the meeting – informing us that AG McCollum was running a little late, but that we’d start with club business. David Donnally led us in the Invocation and Pledge of Allegience. He was followed by Lou Galterio, who sang the National Anthem.
Kimberly Mitchell, West Palm Beach City Commissioner made some initial comments and introduced Ellyn Bogdanoff (FL Representative, District 91), candidate for FL Senate 25. Ellyn spoke about accomplishments in Tallahassee and the difficult challenges for the following year. Anita Mitchell, club 2nd Vice President, then told us of her long time support of Bill McCollum and welcomed him to the podium.
(Story continues below the pictures.)
McCollum, candidate for Fl Governor, addressed several issues, including Florida’s lawsuit against the Healthcare law (based on two primary issues: using the commerce clause to force individual mandates, and adding additional people to the Medicaid roles without state control). He segued to the business environment and how we have to make the Florida business and tax environment a draw for attracting new types of businesses. He then tied Education into the mix – stressing the need for merit pay for teachers, some way of phasing out tenure and measuring progress. Continuing education for science and technical education was a must. Bill McCollum also addressed the status of the campaign – directly confronting the issues he has with his primary opponent, Rick Scott. He took one question from the audience on the issue of states’ rights vs the federal government which are key to both his suit on Healthcare as well as his stance in joining Michigan, along with several other, in support of Arizona’s immigration bill.
Next, the general call for candidates brought out Sherry Lee (candidate for PBC Commission District 2), Joe Budd (candidate for US Congress District 19), Tami Donnally (candidate for FL House 85), Albert Key (candidate for FL House 84), and Nancy Cardone (candidate for FL House 83). Starla Brown won our drawing for the South Florida Golf Card – congratulations, Starla! And Lou Galterio closed the meeting with his rendition of “I’m Proud to be an American’.
Reminder – this is our last meeting prior to the primary elections on 8/24! Please work for the candidates you support in any way that you can.
AG Bill McCollum – Keynote Speaker at our 7/16 Luncheon!
Attorney General Bill McCollum, Candidate for Governor
Hon. Ellyn Bogdanoff, Candidate for FL Senate (Dist. 25)
WHERE: Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Blvd, West Palm Beach
BLCC Policy: Business Casual Dress (No Jeans); Please Silence Cell Phones,
Friday, July 16; 11:30 Gathering; Lunch and Program at noon
COST $25 Members
$30 Guests
Complimentary Valet
RSVP by Wednesday, July 14 NOON — 561-697-4911 or email:
Action Center Grand Opening
Video from the Senate Debate
Video by Boris Balaban

Shannon Armstrong
Candidates Intro.
Question 1 Immigration
Question2 State’s Rights
Question 3 Transportation
Question 4 Amendments
Question 5 Education
Question 6 Spending_Taxes part 1 and 2
End Comments