Pat Rooney Anchors May Lunch

A good crowd of committed Republicans and many candidates for office turned out for the May club meeting featuring State Representative Pat Rooney and a special appearance by Senate candidate Marielena Stuart.

Introduced by Carol Hurst who along with many of us had heard Ms. Stuart’s excellent speech at the Jupiter meeting of the PBC Tea Party, she did not disappoint. Drawing understanding from her background growing up in Castro’s Cuba, Marielena knows Communism and its early stages of socialism like we are seeing today in the US. Casting our politics as a struggle between good and evil, she “takes no prisoners” in her battle against the UN, the dangers of “sustainable development”, and the feckless foreign policy of the Obama administration.

Following Ms. Stuart, Pat Rooney gave us a legislative update of the recently concluded session. He touched on redistricting, which has now passed its court test and been cleared by the Justice Department, and pointed out that the House map was so well done that it was not seriously challenged, although it has made life difficult for many legislators of both parties. In spite of the $1.8B budget shortfall this year, he was still able to get reasonable funding for some of his priorities including beach replenishment, libraries and Everglades restoration. He also assured us that the current House will “stand its ground” to protect the law of that name that has come under fire in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting.

As a special surprise, long time club member Bette Anne Starkey was honored with a birthday cake, and we were treated to a patriotic song by Monique McCall.

Participating in the candidate introductions were: Fran Hancock (state Committeewoman), Tami Donnally (House district 86), Gary Nikolits (Property Appraiser), Melanie Peterson (Senate district 25), Dina Keever (State Attorney), Calvin Turnquest (House district 82), Geoff Summers (Senate district 25), and Brad Gary (Port Commissioner). A surrogate also spoke for Cindy Tindell (state Committeewoman).

Some pictures of the event:

Tim Pawlenty Opens Adam Hasner’s Boca Campaign Office

Hear David M Walker Discuss the Federal Deficit and Budget Reforms – Free but RSVP req’d

Adam Hasner anchors March Lunch

Former Florida House Speaker and current CD22 candidate Adam Hasner brought his message of America at the tipping point to the RCPB March lunch at Bear Lakes today. Adam will likely face Democrat candidate and former West Palm Mayor Lois Frankel in November in the newly constituted D + 9 District.

“Children born today could likely see the arrival of the 22nd century,” he began. What kind of a future will they experience? We are close to a tipping point now with less than half of the country paying any income taxes, food stamps at an all time high, and 99 weeks of unemployment insurance payments dividing us. What kind of world are we leaving for our children? People are scared.

This next election (“the most important in our lifetime”), is not about ideology – it is about math. Without getting our debt under control, the future will be very different.

“Both Democrats and Republicans are to blame for this situation and it must stop,” he said to applause from the group. In answer to the question about whether he would have voted (as current CD22 member Allen West did) for the debt ceiling deal last summer that led to the feckless “super committee” and the sequestration that could likely gut the military, he answered a definite NO! We must stop spending more than we take in, and we should not raise the debt ceiling any farther. Eliminating the debt should be a primary focus of the Congress.

Prior to Hasner’s keynote, we heard from CD23 candidate Joe Kaufman. Nationally known for his work against radical organizations in the US who raise money for terrorist groups, he hopes to defeat DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. A self described conservative, he says he will have strong Democrat crossover in the district. He will need it, as the district is D + 23 (49% Democrat, 26% Republican). He must first dispatch Republican rivals Karen Harrington and Ozzie deFaria in the August Primary. Harrington faced off against Schultz in 2010, in the old CD20 (which has a lot of overlap with the new CD23) and managed to win only 38% of the vote to Schultz 60%.

Other candidates in attendance were Mike Lameyer (Senate 34), and a surrogate (his sister) for James O’Hara (House 81), as well as State Committeeman candidate Fran Hancock.

Adam Hasner for US House

Adam Hasner is a lifelong Republican with a proven record of commitment to limited government, free markets, and American values.

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He is a leading voice in Florida for fiscal restraint, economic growth, energy security and a strong national defense.

“I am proud to endorse and stand with Adam every step on the way in his bid for the United States House.”

                  —Senator Marco Rubio


Wednesday, March 28th

11:30 Doors Open

12:00 Program Begins

RSVP to BRING A GUEST and PAY Member Price

 $20 Members   /  $25 Guests

 SVP or by calling (561)832-0695 and lv mes

 oin us on April 25th for our Annual Legislative Update.

Encouraging Words from Ralph Reed

Faith and Freedom Foundation Founder Ralph Reed rallied the troops with an inspiring pep talk at Binks Golf Club. Jointly hosted by Palm West Republican Club, the Republican club of Central Palm Beach County, and the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches, the event was a good kickoff to election season in this very important year.

Club Presidents Janeen Capizola, Tami Donnally and Melissa Andrews respectively welcomed Ralph to Palm Beach County and GOP Chair Sid Dinerstein gave an interesting introduction of Mr. Reed, going back to their collaboration during the 2000 contested election in the county.

Ralph Reed is no stranger to south Florida, having grown up in Miami, and he gave good description of how important swing state Florida is to the outcome of the Presidential election. Touching on a number of issues, he particularly examined the recent administration salvo in the war on religion.

Although Barack Obama could very well repeat his win here as in 2008, there is a path to victory for the GOP if we all work together. In a break out session after the main event, he went into more detail about the technology that F&F is bringing to the table and what will be required to win the day.

Some pictures from Delia Menocal and Carol Porter:

Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity – Part 2

Republican Club of the Palm Beaches

The Republican buy cialis 20mg Club of the Palm Beaches is pleased to present a two-part series: Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity.

As Conservatives, we know that government control over our economy interferes with our ability to provide for our families. And so we have come to understand that freedom from job-killing regulation is vital to our prosperity and our children’s right to realize the American Dream. Our livelihood and our liberty depend upon our Economic Freedom.

Part II will consider charitable giving as an alternative to the welfare state, as we can only promote economic freedom if we are willing to limit the burden of government redistribution. We will be joined by Charles Bender from Place of Hope, a faith-based child services organization which is largely funded by charitable giving. And we hope to also be joined by Robert McClure, President and CEO of the James Madison Institute (invitation extended). JMI is a Florida-based research and education organization that works to help shape our state’s future by promoting practical free-market policies.

We hope that you will join us to explore some of the most important issues facing our state and our nation today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Bear Lakes Country Club
1901 Village Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL11:30 Meet & Greet
11:45 Buffet Opens
12:00 Program Begins

$20 Members / $25 Guests

Reminder Club Policies: No Jeans / No Cell Phones

RSVP (561) 832-0695

Save The Date: March 28 – Adam Hasner, Candidate for US House Representatives

January Lunch Featured Dr. Carrie Blanchard

The Club’s January luncheon was the venue for Part I of the two-part series: Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity. The Club was joined by Dr. Carrie Blanchard from the Florida Chamber Foundation, who offered some valuable insight into the state of Florida’s economy and the opportunities that exist for our leaders to help promote greater economic freedom for all Floridians.

The second half of the two-part series will take place at the February luncheon and will explore charitable giving as an alternative to government-imposed welfare. We will be joined by Charles Bender from Children’s Place of Hope, a faith-based child services organization largely funded by charitable giving. And we hope to also be joined by a representative from the James Madison Institute’s Research Advisory Counsel. We hope you will join us for this exciting event!

An Evening with Ralph Reed

Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity: Two Part Series

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches is pleased to present a two-part series: Economic Freedom and the Path to Prosperity.

As Conservatives, we know that government control over our economy interferes with our ability to provide for our families. And so we have come to understand that freedom from job-killing regulation is vital to our prosperity and our children’s right to realize the American Dream.

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Our livelihood and our liberty depend upon our Economic Freedom.

Part I of our series will explore government’s role in promoting economic opportunity, innovation, and job creation. We will be joined by Dr. Carrie Blanchard, Vice President of Research and Public Policy for the Florida Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Blanchard has been a leader in promoting pro-growth policy and economic opportunities for all Floridians.

Part II will consider charitable giving as an alternative to the welfare state, as we can only promote economic freedom if we are willing to limit the burden of government redistribution. We will be joined by Charles Bender from Place of Hope, a faith-based child services organization which is largely funded by charitable giving. And we hope to also be joined by Robert McClure, President and CEO of the James Madison Institute (invitation extended). JMI is a Florida-based research and education organization that works to help shape our state’s future by promoting practical free-market policies.

We hope that you will join us to explore some of the most important issues facing our state and our nation today.

Part I: January 25, 2012 at noon at Bear Lakes Country Club

Part II: February 22, 2012 at noon at Bear Lakes Country Club

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