RCPB Luncheon – Take Back Our Country

“Take Back our Country”

Lunch – Bear Lakes Country Club


West Point graduate, Fighter Pilot, Entrepreneur, CEO & Founder of WCI Communities, Nat’l Republican Leader, Nat’l Finance Chair for Presidents Bush 41 & 43; State Finance Chair for Jeb’s successful elections; Appointed Ambassador of Portugal by Pres. GW Bush

Lessons learned from the Democrats- How to get past being the minority party-How to get rid of the elitist tag and portray Republicans as common folk–

11:30am Meet & Greet 12:00 Program Begins

Tax Day Tea Party Pictures

These are from Joy and Delia
To see videos of the entire event (from Boris Balaban) Click HERE.

Tax Day Tea Party Rally – West Palm Beach

Passage of the Health Care Bill is just the end of the beginning of the fight against the growth of government.  Join the South Florida Tea Party for a tax day rally at the Palm Beach Government Center at 5:30pm on April 15th.


Judge Napolitano at the American Revival

Video courtesy of Joe Sekula, Sons and Daughters of Liberty.

A summary of an energizing luncheon and outstanding movie!

Yesterday was a very busy day for RCPB – with both the luncheon, plus the Right Nights showing of Tea Party, The Documentary.  Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make both outstanding events!


We had a sellout crowd at the luncheon.  There were more than 10 walk-ins and the Bear Lakes staff had to scurry around to get more place settings set at the check-in tables.   Melissa Andrews (President) called the meeting to order, and Yvonne Inglis led us in the Invocation and Pledge.  Anita Mitchell, club 2nd VP, introduced our first speaker, Holly Benson – who is one of four candidates running for Florida Attorney General.  Holly cited her experience as the Former Secretary of the FL Agency for Health Care Administration as vital to supporting and following up on Attorney General Bill McCollum’s suit on behalf of Florida against the Health Care law.

Sid Dinerstein, the Palm Beach County GOP Chairman introduced his long-time friend and our main speaker, Aubie Baltin – Editor of “Uncommon Common Sense” an e-mail Economic, Political and Financial newsletter.  Aubie spoke about his views of the current banking system (it’s broke), advised buying gold, and told an interesting story from his youth with the resulting point: ‘don’t play the other guy’s game’.  That’s one we have to keep in mind as we fight the political battles ahead of us.  Melissa extended his time as we wanted to hear more.

After Aubie, candidates Sharon Merchant (Fl Senate, District 27), Pat Rooney and Nancy Cardone (both FL House 83) and Tami Donnally (FL House 85) had their few minutes to call for action.  Richard Bowman Carr spoke on behalf of Francisco Rodriguez – also running for FL House 83.

Right Nights:

Ken Barnett in Revolutionary attire ahold of his Gadsden flag, greeted people in the plaza outside of Muvico Parisian at City Place.  Attendees were directed downward by club VP John Jamason, and welcomed by Melissa Andrews – our club President.  Lots of other club members helped out at merchandise tables and holding signs to inform the public about the movie.  Melissa kicked off the meeting with the Invocation and Pledge lead by David Donnally.   Ed Lynch – Republican candidate for the April 13th CD19 Special Election spoke about the importance of the election and the short time remaining.  We all have to get involved to make it happen!

Time for the movie – and it was great!  As one of the several folks in the club who marched on Washington last September 12 – it brought everything back – the march was amazing!  The movie traced five normal people (read non-activist) who first got riled up with the bailout of the banks and TARP in 2008, then even more incensed by the Stimulus Bill in early 2009, and each ensuing outrage which turned them into activists.  The audience applauded in agreement several times throughout the movie.  It was extremely well done and lasted about 105 minutes.

After the movie, Melissa held a drawing for a free copy of the DVD and Sec’y/Treasurer Bette Anne Starkey sold additional copies.  If you weren’t able to join us – see the club for additional copies that may be available or find a friend who bought one.  You won’t be disappointed.  And if you’re feeling down after last weekend – the movie will get you energized to keep on fighting. 

If you’re not involved yet – stop complaining and STAND UPSILENCE IS CONSENT!

Here are some pictures taken by member Shirley Schaff – thanks Shirley! Click on the picture to see the full size version.

Tea Party: The Documentary Film



JOIN RCPB for the Florida Premiere of  Tea Party:  The Documentary Film

  “Tea Party: The Documentary Film” follows the struggles of five grass roots individuals and their transformation from home town rally goers and rally organizers to national activists in the 912 March on Washington. It traces the movement back to the establishment of a Twitter network in mid 2008 that brought together a group of concerned conservatives by social networking tools. 

These groups inspired hundreds of off shoots around the country as news spread about TARP, increased nationalization of industries like housing and banking and additional stimulus bills were passed. In the process, the film reveals what is at the heart of this nationwide surge of civic engagement – a return to and respect for a Constitutionally-limited government, personal responsibility and fiscal restraint at the Federal level.

When:                    Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time:                     7:00pm

Where:                   Muvico Parisian – City Place, Rosemary Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 

Donation:                $10.00 per person


On Wednesday, March 24 – tickets can be purchased at the theatre.


Watch the Trailer

MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Vote on March 9th – municipal elections.

We keep learning over and over that EVERY VOTE COUNTS! And that all politics is LOCAL.

Vote next Tuesday, March 9th at your town or city’s elections. Voting will be from 7am-7pm at your normal polling location (with some exceptions due to FCAT conflicts at some schools). There is NO early voting for these elections, but absentee ballots can be picked up at the 4 Supervisor of Elections offices found here.

Sample ballots for your town can be found here.. Contact your municipality or the Supervisor of Elections ((561) 656-6200) if you need additional information.

Here is a list of the municipalities having elections:

Boynton Beach

Delray Beach



Lake Park


North Palm Beach

Ocean Ridge


Palm Beach Gardens

Riviera Beach

Royal Palm Beach

South Bay

South Palm Beach



Saturday Rallies

Both the South Florida 912 Project and the South Florida Tea Party had rallies on this cloudy, rainy Saturday. First, the South Florida Tea Party assembled in honor of the 1 year Tea Party anniversary of Rick Santelli’s Rant on CNBC (2/19/09). A crowd of 30-50 showed up at noon on the corners of Okeechobee and Military Trail. (Another group stood at PGA and Military Trail.) Everett Wilkinson, one of the founders of the group and its leader and spokesman, took a video of the participants with signs protesting government spending, the size of government,the health-care reform bill, West Palm Beach term limits, and numerous other issues. Ed Lynch, candidate for Congressional District 19 stood with us. There was a lot of traffic at the fast moving intersection and we got the usual honks and thumbs up as well as some not so favorable hand gestures.

Next was the South Florida 912 Project’s Rally for America with Elizabeth at Okeechobee and 441. People lined up with their signs around the corner as the 50 or so demonstrators joined Elizabeth Andrijauskas. There was slightly less traffic at this intersection and the cars went by somewhat slower but we got a lot more honks so this neighborhood was more supportive. Candidates Lynch and Tami Donnally (Florida House 85) joined us as well as Dennis Lipp (Vice Mayor of Loxahatchee Groves). Joe Budd came with a giant flag. People from as far away as Miami participated. South Florida 912 Project co-founders Shannon and Doug Armstrong mixed with the crowd and spoke with Everett when he joined us at this rally too. The mist turned into a heavy drizzle as the crowd persisted with umbrellas and ponchos.

A number of members of RCPB participated in the rallies, including Mercedes Garcia (who stands with Elizabeth on many weekends), Delia Garcia Menocal, Carol Hurst, Madi Page, and Fred and Iris Scheibl.

As many of us transition to activist activities directly helping candidates for public office, it’s important to make a visible statement every so often so that the public knows that the ‘sleeping giant’ is still awake!

Meet Pat Hughey, Candidate for PBG City Council

Those who attended our recent lunch meeting had a chance to see and hear Pat Hughey, running for Palm Beach Gardens City Council seat 2 against current Mayor Joseph Russo. The election is March 9, 2010.


Pat has been a Gardens resident since its founding and has contributed to the community in various ways, including being a founding member the Citizens Mobile Patrol, and working on city beautification and safety issues.

Her campaign is focusing on improving transparency in city government, trimming the budget, and arguing for term limits, as she believes the 24 years the incumbent has held the seat is way too long.

If you would like to meet Pat and Rob Palladino, the candidate for PBG Council seat 4, there will be a public meeting on Sunday, February 28, 2010, from 2:00PM to 4:00PM at 601 Heritage Blvd. in the University Commons, Jupiter, FL.

For more information, you can visit Pat’s website HERE.

The Constitution & Faith

5pm – 7pm on Sunday February 28 at Palm Beach Community Church in Palm Beach Gardens

Sign-up for the class  http://www.pbcc.cc/impact-training-center  .  The bottom right of the page should allow for registrations. 

Class Summary: 

What was the faith that brought the people to write our Constitution? How does the Constitution protect the faith of all people?
It seems our Faith and our Politics are at odds with the rest of the world, however it wasn’t always this way. The founders of America were solidly entrenched in their faith and they we’re able to ensure that others, not of their faith could live peaceably with them. How did they do this? The answer lies in the ideas behind the written Constitution of the United States and it’s original intent as defined by the Founders. In this class “The Constitution and Faith” we will discover what the Founders believed about God and Government (their Faith) and what they produced and develop (Our Constitution) to bring the two in line with one another while insuring all men had free will to act in this new Republic.

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