A packed agenda, a full house and a new format for our Monthly Luncheon

Melissa packed a lot into today’s RCPB Monthly luncheon!  We began with an invocation by Dr. David Donnally (husband of Tami Donnally who is running for the FL 85th District) after which he led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lou Galterio sang a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner and we were off with a bang.

Our new luncheon format is a buffet.  While as with any change, there were folks who loved it and folks who didn’t – it allowed us all to get our lunches prior to the meeting and thus there was minimal disruption for our program.

Melissa introduced guests amongst us, and then introduced Shannon Armstrong, co-founder of  the South Florida 912 Project.  Shannon explained the call to action and described the Nine Principles and Twelve Values that define the group.  She then segued into an introduction of Elizabeth Andrijauskas, an immigrant from Lithuania who gave a deeply felt talk on her life and how she sees our country sliding into Socialism and Communism.  Elizabeth has conducted her own protest, since 9/11/2009 on the corner of Okeechobee Blvd and 441 and wants to make sure we understand that change creeps in gradually.  Come join us at at the Rally for America.

Ed Lynch, candidate for Congressional District 19, was our featured speaker and did a great job in focusing on how every vote counts.  We have to pull together, aim high to take back 435 seats in Congress – not just 40!  To accomplish this, we have to help candidates outside our own districts – with time, money or even just spreading the word.  The grassroots can’t waste time with in-fighting but will have to pull together to accomplish this.

We had brief talks by Tami Donnally and Patricia Hughey (who is running for Palm Beach Gardens City Council) followed by an introduction by Aubie Baltin, who will be the speaker at our next luncheon on March 24th.  Melissa also announced that RCPB will be showing “Tea Party: The Documentary Film” and played the trailer for the movie.  For more information and tickets see the post Tea Party: The Documentary Film. Hope to see you next month at both the luncheon and our exciting Right Nights at Muvico!

Two Great Programs – Wednesday, February 24. RSVP Today!

Bring a FRIEND…


 “America, Wake Up!”

Lunch – Bear Lakes Country Club


Winner of FL District 19 Republican Primary



From Ukraine / sign holder at 441 and Okeechobee

11:30am Meet & Greet 12:00 Program Begins

 $20 Members   $25 Guests

No Jeans/ Cell Phones


Evening – DUFFY’s on VILLAGE


Wednesday is the RIGHT NIGHT for Republican Camaraderie. 

Keep the fire burning.  Take back our country.

5:30 to 7 p.m.

 $5 Members and Guests


RSVP by noon Mon Feb 22 (561) 697-4911—BA Starkey

or e-mail:   info@gopclubpb.com

RENEW your membership or JOIN Today!

Register on our NEW WEBSITE:  gopclubpb.org

January 27 – Inaugural Evening Meeting (Duffy’s)

For our friends who cannot make lunch,


In 2010, we begin a new era (as in the new era when we take back our Congress). Come meet our SURPRISE, SPECIAL GUEST.

Wednesday, January 27th
5:30 pm Meet & Greet
6:00 pm Program Begins

Duffy’s Sports Bar (Private Room)
701 Village Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL

$5 Members / $5 Guests

RSVP by noon Mon., Jan 25
(561) 697-4911-BA Starkey
or E-mail: info@gopclubpb.com

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January 27 Club Meeting – Guest Former Florida Senator Curt Kiser

Jan 27 Curt Kiser – History GOP (Bear Lakes CC)

Former Florida Senator Curt Kiser
General Counsel,
Florida Public Service Commission
(former Gen. Counsel to Gov. Claude Kirk; & champion of environmental concerns with Theodore Roosevelt Society and Governor’s Commission on the Everglades)

TOPIC: Perspective of the history of Florida’s Republican Party and the Legislature; how we got where we are today.

Wednesday, January 27th
11:30 am Meet & Greet
12:00 pm Program Begins

Bear Lakes Country Club
1901 Village Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL

$20 Members / $25 Guests
Complimentary Valet

Please No Jeans and No Cell Phones

RSVP by noon Mon., Jan 25
(561) 697-4911-BA Starkey
or E-mail: info@gopclubpb.org

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Inaugural Gathering of the RCPB Evening Group – January 27

Save the date and join us at 5:30pm at Duffy’s on Village Drive.  More details to come.

homework service

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January RCPB Luncheon – Curt Kiser, Esq. – Jan. 27 – save the date!

Guest Speaker: S. Curtis Kiser, Esq., Committeeman

Topic:  Historical Perspective of the Republican Party in Florida

Bear Lakes Country Club – meet and greet at 11:30 a.m. – meeting begins at Noon.

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RCPB January Leadership Meeting

Come join us at Bear Lakes CC – RSVP: 561-697-4911.  This is an opportunity for you to meet with our leadership team and discuss future events and directions for the club. 

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December Club Meeting Special Tribute to Helen Wilkes

The December meeting of the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches was held at Bear Lakes Country Club on 12/9 and featured (as it has for several years now) the music of the King’s Academy Choir, directed by Mark Aliapoulios and Sonia Santiago.

Vice President Sid Lanier opened the meeting on the absence of President Joy Stone whose flight was delayed  from New York.   Florida House candidate (and club member) Tami Donnally then gave the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance, followed by the tribute to Helen Wilkes by Fran Hancock, State Committewoman for Palm Beach County.  Helen was Mayor of West Palm Beach and a major player in local Republican politics for many years.

Lunch was accompanied by the Choir, who performed a beautiful collection of traditional and contemporary Christmas songs.  The choir is made up of about 30 students from King’s Academy, all leaders in school sports, community and church activities, and academic achievements.  Dressed in tuxedos for the boys and matching holiday dresses with corsages for the girls and arrayed around a huge Christmas tree in the meeting room, the scene was reminiscent of  Norman Rockwell style Americana.

The new officers for 2010 were then installed and took the pledge administered by Fran Hancock.  These included President Melissa Andrews, 1st Vice President John Jamason, 2nd VP Anita Mitchell, Secretary/Treasurer Bette Anne Starkey, and Assistant SecTreas. Dorothy Harper.  The meeting ended with remarks from some of the candidates present including Francisco Rodrigez (running for FL 83), Tami Donnally (FL 85) and Edward Lynch (US House FL 19).

Pictures compliments of Shirley Schaff.

December Meeting Announcement


Chanukah and Christmas Cheer at BEAR LAKES COUNTRY CLUB








President:  Melissa Nash Andrews

1 Vice President:  John Jamason

2 Vice President:  Anita Mitchell

Secretary/Treasurer:  Bette Anne Starkey

Asst: Secretary/Treasurer:  Dorothy Harper


Special Note:  Keeping in the holiday giving tradition of our Club, join with us in making any size donation to Florida Resource Center for Women & Children, Inc. in Riviera Beach.  FRCWC focuses on those who find themselves involved in domestic violence.  We will collect donations at our meeting.





WHERE:              Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Blvd, West Palm Beach

Business Casual Dress (no jeans); Cell Phones on Mute

TIME/DATE:      Wed. December 9 ; 11:30 Gathering; Lunch and Program 12-1

COST:                   $20 Members/  $25 Guests

RSVP:                       by December 7 — 561-697-4911 or email:  info@gopclubpb.com


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