Chairman Carl Cascio Looks Ahead

Our February speaker was Carl Cascio, Chairman and former general Counsel of the county GOP. Carl laid out his goals which included unifying the party apparatus of the REC, turning the county red in that we can win county-wide elections, and taking advantage of the opportunities that all of President Trump's activities present. Listing the percentage of voters who are Republican (32.4%), Democrat (36.5%) and independent (31.1%), he described... [Read More...]

Sid Dinerstein Looks Ahead

Sid Dinerstein was our guest speaker at the 12/17 lunch. Quote from Wayne Gretzky. "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." “The Golden Age of Conservatism!” consists of a three legged tripod: 1. World Peace: Easy to achieve because Congress has the least to say on Global initiatives. Congress tends to align itself with the president's International peace initiatives. 2. Republican Generation: Job one is... [Read More...]

Committeewoman Jodi Schwartz at October Lunch

Our October meeting featured newly elected State Committeewoman Jodi Schwartz. A rising star in the PBC Republican party, supporting GOTV efforts and candidates at all levels for the last 5 years, Jodi won almost 25,000 votes (40%) in the August election in a county-wide race against two opponents, including a past Vice Chair and candidate in several House and Senate races. As Committeewoman, she will represent the county party to RPOF and connect... [Read More...]

PBCGOP Chairman with Election Preview

Our September meeting featured county GOP Chairman Kevin Neal. Starting with a discussion of the six statewide amendments on the ballot, he focused in on the Marijuana proposal (Amendment 3) and some comments from Governor DeSantis at a recent event. If passed, this amendment will be a large economic boon to Trueleive, the company that runs most of the medical marijuana dispensaries in the state. Contrary to popular belief, this amendment (if... [Read More...]

RCPB School Board Candidate Forum

On July 23rd, the five School Board candidates from Districts one and five that are Republicans introduced themselves to our members. They are all on the ballot for the August 20th election. We also used this meeting to award this year's Anne Roberts Scholarship. See: Scholarship Winners. From north county's district one, which is mostly north of Northlake Blvd in Palm Beach Gardens we had Matt Lane and Page Lewis. From south county district... [Read More...]

Anne Roberts Scholarship Winners

At our regular lunch meeting on July 23rd, the Anne Roberts scholarships for the 2024-25 school year were awarded to two deserving students by our Scholarship chairman Bette Anne Starkey. William Hernandez is attending Palm Beach State College to study aeronautical engineering. Joining us for the meeting, he shared with us his interests and goals, which also include computer engineering and game design. Graduating this year from Park Vista... [Read More...]

Representatives Roth and Caruso Give their Views on the 2024 Session

Representative Mike Caruso, RCPB President Kim Davis, JID Commissioner Jim Davis, Representative Rick Roth On Tuesday, May 28th, Representatives Rick Roth and Mike Caruso gave us their impressions of the accomplishments of this year's legislative session. As each legislator has their particular areas of focus, each had a different list of highlights. Here are the major items they discussed: Representative Roth 207 bills so far signed... [Read More...]

May Meeting – Session Review with Representatives Roth and Caruso

Please join us on Tuesday May 28th for A Review of the 2024 Florida Legislative Session District 94 Representative Rick Roth and District 87 Representative Mike Caruso The 2024 Legislative session took on many thorny issues, including tax relief, penalties for rioting and looting, restrictions on sleeping in public places, more limits on illegal immigration, limiting investment in Chinese companies, protection against "de-banking", stopping... [Read More...]

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