A Spirited Discussion About Common Core

As expected, the topic of Common Core led to a spirited discussion by our two speakers, Kate Wallace, Director of Community Engagement for Foundation for Florida’s Future, and Rebecca Negron, a Martin County School Board Member. Kate described how Florida has made significant gains in educational achievement between 1999 to 2014 with a 24% increase in graduation rates. Further, 30 % of Florida graduates earned a passing score on an AP exam compared... [Read More...]

Larry Horist and the Ideological Divide

"There are two types of liberals - the evil and the misinformed." Thus began a rambling discourse on the ideological divide by conservative pundit Larry Horist at the March RCPB lunch. From basic definitions - "Liberals look to government, conservatives to themselves", to the mainstream media narrative - "Liberals are cool, conservatives are old fuddy-duddies", he examined the common stereotypes. Horist refuted the false charges that conservatives... [Read More...]

Karen Jaroch Is Keeping Tabs on Congress

In a fast paced Powerpoint presentation at the RCPB Feburary lunch, Karen Jaroch, Florida grassroots manager for Heritage Action, brought the club up to date on the issues currently on their plate. The Conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, located in the heart of Washington, has a team of activists and professional lobbyists that educate our Members of Congress and try to move them in the proper (conservative) direction. What had been... [Read More...]

Peter Feaman Speaks of Gains and Opportunities

With a large dose of optimism for the future, RNC Committeman Peter Feaman gave the club his prespectives on the state of the state GOP, the results of the November election and the outlook for 2016. http://crossfitsawmill.com/?p=5174 Starting with a historical perspective of man's struggle for freedom, from Exodus to the Declaration of Independence, he cast the actions of our government today, particularly under this administration, as counter... [Read More...]

Honoring our Veterans

The November meeting's theme and purpose was to Honor our Veterans. Fran Hancock, President, kicked off the meeting and then the Invocation and Pledge were led by Virginia Brooks. Fran introduced our keynote speaker, Staff Sergeant Brian Mast. SSG Mast now resides in Ft. Lauderdale, FL with his wife of 8 years, Brianna, and his 4 and 2 year old sons Magnum and Maverick, and are expecting a little girl in February. He is a full time student of Economics... [Read More...]

Former Candidates Unify around Winners

Several months ago, during the heat of the primary election, all the Republican candidates for the county's congressional districts were asked to attend our lunch this week, the day after the winner had been declared. We would congratulate the winners and commiserate with the losers, and all would have the chance to come together in unity to defeat the Democrats in the fall election. The response was gratifying, as nine of the ten candidates for... [Read More...]

2014 Scholarship Winners Announced at June Lunch

This year, the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches is happy to award the Anne Roberts Scholarships to five deserving scholars - one new award and continuing support for four previous winners. The awards were presented by former Congressman Mark Foley, who has provided significant contributions to our scholarship fund (including an additional $2000 at the meeting). Stressing the importance of finding young Republicans who can be tomorrow's leaders,... [Read More...]

Fran Hancock Succeeds Rick Kozell as RCPB President at May Meeting

Summary of May 28 Meeting: The invocation and pledge were done by Michael Barnett. Rick Kozell, President of the RCPB, thanked Marilynn Parmet and the RCNPB for jointly sponsoring this event. Noting that this year’s Primary Election in less than 3 months away on August 26, Rick pointed out that the notable races were the District 18 Congressional race against a Democratic incumbent in a primarily Republican District. Also noted was the... [Read More...]

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