Former Ambassador Al Cardenas Highlights June Lunch Meeting
On Wednesday, June 22 at Bear Lakes, Keynote speaker Al Cardenas of the American Conservative Union, gave his views on current events and emphasized how important it is to stand on principles, such as boldly supporting the Ryan budget, given it is the only "real" proposal on the table to fix our structural fiscal problems. He considers it a moderate document, since it takes 28 years to achieve balance and does not touch Social Security. We need... [Read More...]
FH83 Representative Pat Rooney Highlights Award Lunch
On May 25th, the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches was pleased to welcome state representative Pat Rooney at its monthly luncheon. Representative Rooney provided a summary of the 2011 legislative session, including its highs and lows and some of the initiatives most directly affecting South Florida. Most notably, Representative Rooney discussed the Republicans’ successful efforts to trim burdensome government spending in order to promote the... [Read More...]
Senator George LeMieux Highlights April Lunch
Former Senator (and now candidate) George LeMieux gave us an interesting perspective on the federal budget struggles and what is at stake in the battle over the debt limit. Appointed by Charlie Crist to fill the slot vacated by Mel Martinez, his Washington experience gives him some advantages over his two announced competitors Adam Hasner and Mike Haridopolis, but all three would make capable Senators and it will be a spirited campaign. Here are... [Read More...]
RPOF Chairman Dave Bitner Highlights March Meeting
CHAIRMAN BITNER IS A HIT TO FULL HOUSE Dave Bitner, the newly elected chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, gave a filled room of Republicans a lot to be happy about as he shared his philosophy on the state party’s future to an enthusiastic audience. “Grassroots” is at the top of his priorities. “When I am asked, ‘ Where is the State Party Headquarters?” I tell them ‘Our building is in Tallahassee but our party... [Read More...]
Justin Sayfie Highlights October Lunch
I was out of town but Anita Mitchell sends this posting: The “Hot Off The Press” luncheon featuring Justin Sayfie of the award winning web site “Sayfie Review” was a big hit. Often seen on FOX and formerly Jeb Bush’s speechwriter during his terms as Governor Justin brought insight and perspective to those attending . The timing couldn’t have been better as it was just a week before the election. We have invited him back in the... [Read More...]
Bill McCollum Highlights a special RCPB Friday luncheon
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum was the headliner for a special Friday RCPB luncheon. We had a full house as we enjoyed an excellent, served luncheon, which allowed us to keep our attention on our speakers and minimize moving around. Melissa Andrews, club President, kicked-off the meeting - informing us that AG McCollum was running a little late, but that we'd start with club business. David Donnally led us in the Invocation and Pledge... [Read More...]
John Thrasher highlights a very well attended luncheon
Over 100 people attended our luncheon this afternoon. It was great to see a room full of energized Republicans, discussing the issues. Melissa, club President, had to encourage the folks to enter the buffet lines so that we could begin the meeting! (Text continues below the pictures.) Sid Lanier led us in the Invocation and Pledge, followed by Lou Galterio doing his wonderful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Melissa pointed out many... [Read More...]
Ambassador Al Hoffman Highlights RCPB April Lunch Meeting
Starting with the premise that the Obama "Change Revolution" has more in common with the French Revolution than the American one, Ambassador Hoffman related Obama's desire to "share the wealth" to the French concept of Equality (Liberté, égalité, fraternité). This French system, which devolved into a "tyranny of the majority" led quickly to the Napoleanic dictatorship. This is not an uncommon result of socialism when equality of result... [Read More...]