2024 – The Year of the Palm Beach Elephant
Please join us on Tuesday April 25th for Sid Dinerstein Sid will be our April speaker on what to expect going forward. Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 Program Noon - 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM Cash Bar Available Palm Beach Kennel Club - Paddock Restaurant 1111 N Congress Ave West Palm Beach, FL 33409 MAP $28/Members $35/Guests Pay at the door. Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below: or by... [Read More...]
Representative John Snyder and WIN Founder Sue Trombino at February Lunch
Please join us on Tuesday February 28th for Florida Representative John SnyderandW.I.N. Founder and CEO Sue Trombino John Snyder, who was just re-elected to House District 86 (Jupiter, Tequesta and Martin County north to Stuart), will discuss "Hot Topics and Forecasted Legislative Updates for the 2023 Session". Sue Trombino, CEO and founder of W.I.N. (Women Impacting the Nation) will discuss her podcast and vision. The W.I.N mission is to... [Read More...]
Commissioner Sara Baxter and Sid Dinerstein Highlight December Lunch
What is a winning campaign strategy? Candidates who are newcomers to the political process will tell you they can win against the odds because of their particular background. They may have run businesses, or are professionals of one kind or another, or plan to identify with "the working man". These newbies for the most part lose their elections because they underestimated the difficulty of raising money, reaching voters and crafting a coherent... [Read More...]
Great Participation for Meet the Candidates
On Tuesday, September 27th, many of the Republican candidates on the November ballot joined us for quick introductions and to mingle with the members. Speaking for 4 minutes each, the enthusiasm and drive to succeed comes across strongly in this group as the Republican Party of Palm Beach County is fielding a diverse, capable group to compete in all the offices on the ballot. Our candidates included: Eric AnknerSenate 24Steve ByersSenate 26Mike... [Read More...]
Pat Rooney at the May 24th Lunch
The May 24th meeting of the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches featured Pat Rooney, Jr. as our guest speaker. Pat is the President of the Palm Beach Kennel Club (PBKC) and has served our community in many ways including a six year stint as a State Representative in the Florida House from 2010 to 2016. Pat’s topic was “Business and Government: Not Always on the Same Page.” Mr. Rooney began his presentation with an overview of the history... [Read More...]
2022 Election Environment Discussed at April Lunch
The 2022 election was the topic discussed at our April lunch.
Fred Scheibl, RPPBC Political Director, went through the actions the GOP took in 2020 to recruit and train candidates for almost all of the state and local offices on the ballot, and build a permanent database for contacting most of the Republicans in the county. Over 1.3 million voter contacts were made on behalf of candidates, our slate, and overall GOTV efforts.
This year has some unique challenges and opportunities given the redistricting, proliferation of Vote by Mail (VBM) ballots, and election integrity risks. Fred walked through the new districts for Congress, Florida House and Senate, and the County Commission and School Board, pointing out areas where the changes give us opportunities for Republican pickups. The VBM ballots, which made up 2/3 of the votes cast in the March elections, are here to stay. In Florida, these ballots have better chance of being more safe and secure than other states given the provisions of the election law changes passed last year (SB90) and this year (HB524). These laws are only tools though, and we as a party need to be vigilant to make sure the provisions of the law are being followed. To this end, we are planning an election integrity action team (EIAT) to scrutinize election operations and make sure that it is “easy to vote but hard to cheat”.
Pam Wohlschlegel, Director of REC region 1 in the north county, explained the actions they took to win 3 out of 3 Jupiter municipal elections this year, in spite of massive spending on behalf of Democrat candidates. Jupiter is now one of the very few county municipalities with a 100% Republican Council. Pam also spoke about the organizing activities of the REC regions and how the party will be reaching voters and promoting our candidates.
Members are urged to get involved with these activities – support a candidate with time and money, join the REC, become a poll worker for the SOE to observe the system from the inside, or a poll watcher for the party, monitoring activities at the polling locations and counting center in Riviera Beach. For help getting into these activities, you can contact us at info@gopclubpb.org
Click HERE to view the maps and charts used in this meeting.
Candidates at the event were Jennifer Showalter for school board district 6, and Jane Justice spoke for Conner Frontera for district 3.
Representative Rick Roth on the Accomplishments of the 2022 Session
We codified many conservative aspects of the culture war in the recently ended session, but the bad news is why we had to do it. That was how Representative Rick Roth started his session review at our March meeting. "We are no longer at the edge of the abyss, we are in it!" There are those of us who are making things happen (door #1), watching what is happening (door #2), or wondering "what just happened??" (door $3). We all need to move to... [Read More...]
Optimism About the 2022 Elections
Our January meeting featured our county GOP Chairman Michael Barnett, with good news on our readiness for the 2022 elections. Referring to former Speaker Newt Gingrich's insight that having multiple candidates on the ballot helps to get out the vote, he pointed out that we have Congressional candidates running in all 4 of the county districts, and state-wide we may pick up a seat. Lots of candidates have come forward to run at the state and... [Read More...]