WPB Commission says NO to New Assessments

It was standing room only at the city commission meeting tonight and Mayor Frankel announces – you can speak if you’d like – but we will NOT be voting on a new assessment for Fire Services and the City of WPB committed to not raising the millage rates this year.

Commissioner Mitchell reminded the panel and audience that while she agreed to support a temporary assessment, that she did so with the intentions of building THREE new structures.

Originally the fee was assessed to pay for three new fire stations. If, in fact, those stations do not need replacing this assessment fee needs to end. I disagree with the notion  about the nexus between the fire fee and fire service. One has nothing to do with the other — except the word “fire.” I do not  believe that getting rid of any assessment will slow down the job of the firemen.   They  know their job and do it well.  This fee (tax) is just supplanting the operating budget of the general fund (ad valorem and non ad valorem).

This issue has nothing to do with the brave men & women who work for our Fire Dept.  It has to do with a Commission who continues to tax and spend its residents and property owners into poverty. 

In 2008, city administration brought forward a plan to build three new fire stations.  The commission finally agreed by all that with the sale of certain city-owned property out west,  bonds (not to exceed $12 million) would be (retired) and the assessment would end. 

In 2009, facing budget shortfalls, administration suggested the city sweep the previous $2 million collected and add another $2 million in assessments to plug the deficit. Only Commissioner Mitchell voted against the budget last year due to these outrageous  recommendations. 

I would like to ask why no bond has been issued to raise the capital for the new fire stations but, the revenue stream has continued to be collected.  Citizens should be outraged. 

There was conversation about pensions and unions and how all across the country – municipalities are finding it almost impossible to fund these pension plans.  The attendees are encourgaed that as West Palm Beach begins the budgeting process, we all need to be in attendance and take part of the process.  Cuts are coming… let’s just jope they start with the non-essential items. 

Elections bring out the conservative in candidates (so for one year we can benefit).  It’s our very own Commissioner Mitchell who has the consistent voting record for responsible government.  Read Palm Beach Post Article here