REC February 9, 2011 - The New Beginning

The fresh attitude in the air of the room was easily detected by all senses.  Call it revitalized energy or quite simply, less resistance and a “moving forward” approach.

It was announced that Michael Bennett is now officially part of the RPOF will set his car on cruise as he rides up to the ‘Presidency Five’ in Tallahassee.  Which, if anyone recalls, former Governor Crist had shot down any ability to have a real straw poll.  This will be national news and there will be a actual straw poll this time around.  No doubt, something to look forward to. 

The REC now has Two (2) new energetic Membership Chairs.  The North County will be covered by Marilyn Parnett and the South by Sue Snowden.  They both passed the enthusiastic hat in an effort to collect dollars needed to reach out to possible proactive REC members. 

Tonight, we added 9 new members to the REC last evening.  Voters unanimously confirmed seating on all proposed six (6) Members of the Board on an individual basis.  Congratulations to all of them. They were:

Also passed without any resistance, we gave full support in suggesting a mandate for Employers to use E-verify for Employment eligibility.  We passed this in an effort to serve as a bar of measurement to the other 66 counties falling in the REC umbrella acrossed the State of Florida.  We hope they follow suit.  For those unfamaliar with E-verify, this is a user-friendly system whereas the Employer inputs verified information from their already mandated I-9 Employment Eligibility Form.

In short, our evening was rather sweet, short and forward-thinking.  We look forward to many more of those.  It’s going to be a blessed year — with much effort and united attitudes.