Chairman Dinerstein pinned a letter to the Palm Beach Post which was promptly rejected. I think it hit too close to home for Mr. Schultz!
To the editor:
Your editorial of January 20, A Clear-Eyed Look At Obama, needs a new pair of glasses. President Obama is the earliest lame duck president in American history, and deservedly so. Multi trillion dollar annual deficits may get kudos at the Post, but it’s frightening to our children. Rationed health care may be acceptable to your editors, but it’s a price too steep for our Seniors. The Stimulus was a job killer for all but your editorial writers and the beneficiaries at ACORN, unions and other free riders.
Chicago politics is no substitute for the Constitution of the United States of America. President Obama has failed because he uses appointed Czars rather than confirmed Cabinet Secretaries, secrecy rather than transparency, threats rather than compromise and apologies rather than boasts for America, the world’s last, great hope.
The voters of Massachusetts became America’s proxy in asking: “Can you hear me NOW?” Your editorial board remains an enabler for a President who is too smart to listen and too elitist to care. President Obama came with no experience, and it shows. The Post, on the other hand, should know better.
Sid Dinerstein
Republican Party of
Palm Beach County