Florida Legislative Update at April Lunch
Please join us as the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
hosts a Florida Legislative Update
on Wednesday April 27th.

Pat Rooney
Join us in April as Representative Pat Rooney (FH85) brings us up to date on the legislative session that has just concluded.
Join us. Be informed. Get Involved.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Program Noon – 1PM, Buffet starts at 11:30AM
Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center
Palm Beach Airport
1301 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: 561-659-3880
$25/Members $30/Guests
Pay at the door.
Make sure you submit your RSVP in advance by clicking on our link below:
Please respect Club rules: Cell Phones Silenced, Business Casual Attire, Please No Jeans
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
PO Box 2585
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
(561) 855-0749