Joe Budd Endorses Ed Lynch

February, 10 at the REC (Republican Executive Committee) of PBC meeting, former candidate Joe Budd announced that his one mistake during his campaign for US House #19, was saying he would not support Ed Lynch if he won. Budd said he could not support Jim McCormick and therefore would give his support to Lynch.
Lynch thanked the REC for their support and encouraged each member to become involved in the campaign. Chairman Sid Dinerstein announced the Republican Party of PBC will take over the absentee voter follow up. He explained that many voters are unaware if they requested an absentee ballot in 2008, they will receive an absentee ballot for the April 13th election. Charlotte Beasley volunteered to chair this committee. Phone calls, chase mailers and walks will be needed. Please contact Ed Lynch’s campaign to volunteer. or 561-245-8295.