RPOF in Turmoil

Under pressure for immediately favoring Gov Crist over Marco Rubio in the US Senate primary race and alleged mismanagement of party finances, on Jan. 5, 2010, Chairman of the Republican Party of FL, Jim Greer announced his resignation effective Feb. 20. On Jan. 8, Vice Chair Allen Cox also resigned from his position.

At tonight’s REC meeting, Sid Dinerstein announced that there are some calling for the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer to also resign.

Chairman Dinerstein said the RPOF is an embarrassment. RPOF Executive Director Delmar Johnson was receiving $400,000+ salary, three times more than the Governor’s pay. Greer and Johnson had made a secret contract. Not to mention, RPOF chartered a plane to D.C. for Senator LeMieux’s swearing in ceremony at the tune of $15,000.

Next week, at the RPOF executive committee meeting in Orlando, State Committee Woman Sharon Day or State Senator John Thrasher will be voted as a replacement to Jim Greer.

It should be an interesting meeting. If you are interested in attending, please contact Fran Hancock or Peter Feaman.