9-12-2010 Will you join us in DC?

Sep 12, 2009 in DC

Sep 12, 2009 in DC

Last year, many RCPB memebers attended the 9-12 March on DC orgainized by FreedomWorks. Many of us are talking about attending again. If you have an interest in attending, let us know and we’ll work with other local groups to organize the trip -there are many options available.

Additionally – in light of tight economic times, there are activists who want to attend – and would like to have their trip sponsored. If you would like to attend, but possibly are physiclly unable to do so, please consider sending someone in your stead. RCPB will maintain confidentiality. Please pray and consider what you may be able to do. Please coordinate through RCPB Leadership – Melissa, Bette Anne, Joy, John and/or Anita.