A Look Inside ACORN
Join us on November 15 for a special program provided by RCPB and Americans for Prosperity. Go to article→
Conservative Solutions to Illegal Immigration
Our October meeting featured a debate on solutions to illegal immigration in Florida. Moderated by Rick Kozell, the panel consisted of Florida 82 Representative William Snyder, Brewster Bevis of Associated Industries of Florida, and two local business owners who confront the issue on a regular basis, Richard Roth of Roth Farms, and Sean Rooney of Link Staffing. A synopsis will follow. Pictures from Delia and Fred. Go to article→
Immigration Forum for October Meeting
write stories online Go to article→
Join the Cut Spending Now Rally on October 19th in West Palm Beach
Candidate Training Classes
Are you thinking about being a candidate for public office? Not sure how to get started? The BizPac Political Training Institute will be holding classes over the next four weeks that will answer all your questions. For more information: Course Brochure Application The BIZPAC Political Training Institute (PTI) is designed to give participants a firsthand look at the political process and the technical details of operating a political... [Read More...]
County Sets Tax Rate for 2012
September Lunch with Slade O’Brien had a Focus on Activism
Today's RCPB Luncheon was focused on activism. After the Invocation and Pledge led by Sid Lanier, Club President Melissa Nash welcomed Honoraries - Gary Nikolits, PBC Property Appraiser and Bill Diamond, Palm Beach City Council. Melissa then had several club members briefly comment on their experiences at Presidency 5 and CPAC-FL in Orlando the prior week. Melissa then introduced Slade O'Brien, Florida State Director of Americans for Prosperity. ... [Read More...]
Herman Cain Walks Away with P5
At 37%, Herman Cain collected more votes at the Florida Straw Poll than both Mitt Romney and Rick Perry combined. How did this happen? Most delegates came to the P5 convention with a pretty good idea of who they were going to support, and like the national polls would indicate, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney were the overwhelming favorites. In my case, I had pretty much decided to join the Perry campaign after the convention and was seeking a confirmation... [Read More...]
Call to Action – County Budget Meeting, 9/13/11
This is a call to action for next week's county budget hearing, Tuesday evening, 9/13/11 at 6:00pm. The meeting is in the county government center, 301 North Olive in West Palm Beach. Come early as the meeting is expected to be crowded. As you prepare for the meeting, here are some resources that may be useful: September Talking Points Sample email and 3 minute remarks The 2012 TAB Proposal – September Update September Budget Hearings... [Read More...]
Labor Day: A brief history of the celebration of Labor Day
HOW LABOR DAY CAME ABOUT; WHAT IT MEANS "Labor Day differs in every essential from the other holidays of the year in any country," said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor. "All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man's prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor Day...is devoted to... [Read More...]