Illegal Immigration in Florida: Conservative Solutions to a Growing Problem
RCPB Immigration Invitation Oct 2011 As Republicans, we believe that the state of Florida, like our nation, is in desperate need of immediate and drastic improvements in in our immigration enforcement policies. At the same time, we are cognizant of the potential and often-unintended impact that government regulation of Florida businesses can have on economic growth, job creation, and prosperity for all Floridians. We hope to offer and informed... [Read More...]
PBC Charter Review – Call to Action – Deadline August 26th
Back in June, the County began public meetings about its ongoing Charter Review. If you recall – the County Charter is its ‘constitution’ and describes Home Rule. There are 20 Home Rule or Charter Counties in Florida. Palm Beach County does not have a formalized Charter Review process, and this is the first comprehensive review to have taken place. The Charter and the county’s charter review website can be found here. While there are a... [Read More...]
Senate President Haridopolis Highlights July Lunch
The July RCPB lunch featured Mike Haridopolis who was well received as President of the Senate, even if he has ended his Senate campaign. As previously reported, he recognized that the importance of leading the FL Senate would require more time than allowed by being a candidate for US Senate. He vowed that he would not be running for any office while holding his present position. Of interest to many in the group, he answered a question about... [Read More...]
RCPB Welcomes Sen President Mike Haridopolois
Please join RCPB on Wednesday, July 27th as we are joined by Senate President and US Senate Candidate Mike Haridopolois. Mike is a conservative reformer who has transformed government in Florida. A graduate of Stetson University and the University of Arkansas, Mike has served in the Florida Legislature since 2000 with special introduction by RCPB Member, Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff. “I promise to stay true to the ideals and principles of... [Read More...]
Former Ambassador Al Cardenas Highlights June Lunch Meeting
On Wednesday, June 22 at Bear Lakes, Keynote speaker Al Cardenas of the American Conservative Union, gave his views on current events and emphasized how important it is to stand on principles, such as boldly supporting the Ryan budget, given it is the only "real" proposal on the table to fix our structural fiscal problems. He considers it a moderate document, since it takes 28 years to achieve balance and does not touch Social Security. We need... [Read More...]
REC Update June 8, 2011
Last Wednesday, the Republican Executive Committee held its bi-monthly meeting at the Palm Beach County Governmental Center. The agenda for the June meeting was exciting and substantive. The REC welcomed Colonel Mike McCallister, who is running in the Republican primary and hopes to ultimately join Marco Rubio as a United States Senator from the great state of Florida. McCallister spoke of his deep concern over the expansion of Islamic fundamentalism... [Read More...]
Join us for Lobsterfest 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011 6 – 9pm The Beach Club755 North County RoadPalm Beach, FL Tenth Annual Lobsterfest! Spacious, cool indoor location on the OCEAN!Hear the Latest from Honorary Chairman Jeff Atwater, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, and other Elected Officials and Candidates Menu: South African Lobster Tails, Chicken, Salads, Corn on the Cob and Dessert • Cash bar$80 per person • Casual Attire Buy your eTickets for the... [Read More...]
College Republicans NEED OUR SUPPORT
The Officers of RCPB have agreed to donate $100. Won't you please consider this a worthy cause too? Dear Supporter, Two Florida Atlantic University students are representing Florida as voting delegates to the College Republican National Committee Bi-annual Convention, held in Washington, D.C. in July. This is believed to be not only the first time any Florida Atlantic University students have served on the Florida Federation of College Republicans... [Read More...]
Ambassador Al Cardenas – Won’t you join us?
Join Republican Club of the Palm Beaches as we host New Chairman of the American Conservative Union, Al Cardenas Our Luncheon Speaker. Al Cardenas began his passionate conservative activities in 1975 as Florida’s Co-Chairman of Ronald Regan’s 1976 challenge to then President Gerald Ford and attended the ’76 GOP National Convention as a Regan delegate. In 1993 Al was elected Co-Chair and then Chairman of the RPOF. In his decade of service... [Read More...]
Governor Scott vetos “Turkeys”
On Thursday at the Villages to sign the 2012 budget, Governor Rick Scott used the line item veto to eliminate 87% of the "Turkeys" identified by Florida TaxWatch. The "Turkey List" annually identifies those dubious projects that are slipped into bills under cover of darkness - sometimes in confernce committees, sometimes by the leadership after the conference delivers their bill. Used by the more influential legislators to "bring home the bacon"... [Read More...]