Photos from Senate 25/27 Debate
Photos taken by Boris Balaban and Iris Scheibl. Go to article→
Fl. Senate Candidates give more depth to their positions
About 200 folks attended the town-hall debate for Florida Senate Districts 25 and 27 GOP Primary candidates jointly hosted by SouthFlorida 912 and the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches (RCPB) at the First Baptist Church (FBC) in WPB. There were a lot of new faces in attendance and we hope that we'll see many of them in future events by both groups! The FBC crew did a fantastic job in setting up the venue for us and many thanks... [Read More...]
The Obama Zone
There is an excellent article in the Washington Examiner about the fact that the Democrats in Congress are not even pretending that they will pass a budget this year - a total abdication of their duty under the constitution. Read it HERE. But the best part about the article was this comment posted by "General Mayhem" that very effectively evokes the "Twilight Zone". You're now entering a dimension beyond what hope'n'change has stimulated, not... [Read More...]
Of Lambs and Lions
Washingtoons 15 June 2010 By Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired) Published by permission. "I do not fear an army of lions if they are led by a lamb. I do fear an army of sheep if they are led by a lion". Alexander the Great Greetings Wheels on the Road readers, fellow South Floridians, and indeed all Americans. It is time for our monthly political assessment and this one is rather personal. Last month we addressed what is... [Read More...]
REC Meeting Summary for 6/9/2010
Chairman Sid Dinerstein called the meeting to order and Sid Lanier led us in prayer followed by the pledge. Chm. Dinerstein then called for a moment of silence to honor Kristin Hoke, WPBF Reporter/Anchor that passed away earlier in the day. He described her as a consummate professional and praised her for her brave battle with cancer. The Board congratulated Chm. Dinerstein and especially his wife, Esther, on their 43rd Wedding Anniversary. Chm.... [Read More...]
A Reassuring Afternoon with Our Veterans
Last week a relative called to let me know that she would be in town with the Youth Chorale from her church in Dublin, Georgia who would be performing at the VA Medical Center (her children are members of the chorale and she accompanied as a chaperon). I have been in this area for six years and pass the hospital almost every time I go to town, but am ashamed to say that I had never as much as been inside until Wednesday. Aware of ... [Read More...]
You Made The Difference!!!! No New Sales Tax
When we started 2010, our mission was to make a difference. Today, we showed that we can. RCPB along with other other local organizations including the South Florida 9-12 Group banned together, took our 2 minutes and let the world know how we felt about this new tax. Many members left during the commissioners comments upset that we didnt make a difference. Here we are - just a little over 24 hours later, and the opposition has decided they... [Read More...]
Fire/Rescue Sales Tax Status
The 1 percent sales tax proposal has been pulled from further consideration for the November ballot. Confirmed by county staff, the reason given was problems with the statute that made wording for the ballot measure difficult to craft. Perhaps our patient opposition and public outcry had a positive effect? Thanks to all who participated in saving the taxpayers from a BIG mistake. See the text of the letter from County Administrator Bob Weisman... [Read More...]
Call to Action – Speak out against the 1% Fire/Rescue Sales Surtax on June 8 at BCC mtg
NOTE: Time change - the agenda item is now time-certain for 11:00AM. In order to speak you must have a comment card submitted by 10:45 at the latest. Allow time to park and get through security! At the last minute (not noted yet in the official agenda but confirmed) the County Commission has placed the sales tax proposal on the agenda for the 6/8/10 BCC Meeting (Item 6A2). At approximately 10:15am, they will discuss questions posed by staff... [Read More...]