A summary of an energizing luncheon and outstanding movie!
Yesterday was a very busy day for RCPB - with both the luncheon, plus the Right Nights showing of Tea Party, The Documentary. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make both outstanding events! Luncheon: We had a sellout crowd at the luncheon. There were more than 10 walk-ins and the Bear Lakes staff had to scurry around to get more place settings set at the check-in tables. Melissa Andrews (President) called the meeting to order,... [Read More...]
Election Schedule in Congressional District 19
The election is fast approaching. Polls open at all reqular polling locations on April 13, and early voting in select locations starts on Monday April 5, ending April 10 in Broward and April 11 in Palm Beach Counties. For the location of your regular precinct polling location CLICK HERE FOR PALM BEACH, or CLICK HERE FOR BROWARD. Early voting in Palm Beach is from 10:00AM to 6:00PM (M-F) and 10:00to 2:00PM (Saturday and Sunday), at three locations: West... [Read More...]
Klein, CD22, says he’s ‘comfortable’ with his vote for health care overhaul
In today's Post on Politics, George Bennett quotes the indomitable Ron Klein: “I really have a good sense of the district and a sense of benefits that this bill will provide to the district,” Klein said in an afternoon conference call with reporters. “Ultimately I think it’s the right thing to do and people will judge you based on using your best judgment and I’m very comfortable that I’m using my best judgment in making this decision.” When... [Read More...]
It's a Culture Crises, Not a HealthCare Crises
This Letter to the Editor, written by Doctor Jones about health care in America, is from the August 29th edition of Jackson, Mississippi’s newspaper, the Clarion Ledger. best research papers Dear Sirs: During my last night’s shift in the ER, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient with a shiny new gold tooth, multiple elaborate tattoos, a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and a new cellular telephone equipped with her favorite R&B; tune... [Read More...]
Letter To Editor: Time To Unite
the following letter to the Editor was submitted to the Palm Beach Post on 3/19/10: Dear Editor: It breaks my heart to write these lines, but as an American who was born in Cuba and knows first hand the harm that could be done to any country by a "progressive, socialist, or communism" form of government, I consider it my duty to share with the readers my fear of what it could become of our beautiful nation if the present trend established by... [Read More...]
RCPB March Meeting 3/24
“AMERICA, WAKE UP!” DR. AUBIE BALTIN, Publisher/Editor “UNCOMMON COMMON SENSE”, Economic, Political, & Financial Newsletter Connect the dots between “Communism and Progressivism” with this freethinking, contrarian maverick—the penultimate nonconformist READ: “Freedom – A New Contract With America” and bring your questions. See also: Capitalism the Unknown Ideal and Progressive Democrats and Neocons. Introduction... [Read More...]
REC (Republican Executive Committee) of PBC Meeting March 10, 2010
Highlights from your Board: **Attorney General Bill McCollum (Candidate for Gov.) stopped by to speak to us: 1) 11.9% FL Unemployment 2) Jobs are created by small businesses; government sets the climate 3) If the Federal Governtment requires us to purchase health insurance, as AG, Mr. cheap viagra McCollum will sue the Fed. Gov't! 4) Platform - Lower taxes, Reasonable regulations, Education, Litigation reform 5) Tourism and Agriculture must be strong... [Read More...]
Tea Party: The Documentary Film
JOIN RCPB for the Florida Premiere of Tea Party: The Documentary Film "Tea Party: The Documentary Film" follows the struggles of five grass roots individuals and their transformation from home town rally goers and rally organizers to national activists in the 912 March on Washington. It traces the movement back to the establishment of a Twitter network in mid 2008 that brought together a group of concerned conservatives by social... [Read More...]
Capitalism the Unknown Ideal
It is crucial that we become educated and informed so WE can take back our nation. COME - HEAR - LEARN - ACT MARCH 24, NOON, BEAR LAKES COUNTRY CLUB BEGIN - by reading Dr. Albie Baltin's article: UNCOMMON COMMON SENSE For People Who Think CAPITALISM THE UNKNOWN IDEAL Before one can decide logically whether to be either for or against Capitalism one must first examine and discover what capitalism really is. One text book that has... [Read More...]
Progressive Democrats & Neocons
Another thought provoking and informative article by our March speaker, Dr. Aubie Baltin A MUST READ! UNCOMMON COMMON SENSE For People Who Think DANGER DANGER DANGER PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS & NEOCONS This year, the federal deficit will total at least $1,600,000,000,000.00 ($1.6 trillion), Using GAAP accounting rules, the nation’s fiscal year 2009 deficit was roughly $9,000,000,000,000.00 ($9 trillion). This is equal to 17% of America’s... [Read More...]