Kennel Club President Pat Rooney at May Meeting

Please join us on May 24th for"Business and Government: Not Always on the Same Page" with PBKC President Pat Rooney Pat Rooney's perspective as the President of the Palm Beach Kennel Club and also a 6 year Representative in the Florida House is unique. The PBKC in particular is (and was as a dog track) more regulated than many industries and he has some stories to tell. With the current business climate in the county (inflation, supply chain... [Read More...]

2022 Election Environment Discussed at April Lunch

The 2022 election was the topic discussed at our April lunch. Fred Scheibl, RPPBC Political Director, went through the actions the GOP took in 2020 to recruit and train candidates for almost all of the state and local offices on the ballot, and build a permanent database for contacting most of the Republicans in the county. Over 1.3 million voter contacts were made on behalf of candidates, our slate, and overall GOTV efforts. This year... [Read More...]

Are We Ready for Elections 2022? – Redistricting, Election Integrity and Candidate Support

Is there going to be a "red wave" this year? Nancy Pelosi doesn't seem too worried. Her minions are busy gerrymandering districts and weakening voting laws. There can only be a "red wave" if there are fair districts, VBM ballots are not abused, and cheating is prevented. Please join us on April 26th for a session on the outlook in Palm Beach County and what the GOP is doing to prepare. Our speakers will be RPPBC Political Director... [Read More...]

Representative Rick Roth on the Accomplishments of the 2022 Session

We codified many conservative aspects of the culture war in the recently ended session, but the bad news is why we had to do it. That was how Representative Rick Roth started his session review at our March meeting. "We are no longer at the edge of the abyss, we are in it!" There are those of us who are making things happen (door #1), watching what is happening (door #2), or wondering "what just happened??" (door $3). We all need to move to... [Read More...]

Representative Rick Roth’s Legislative Report

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Rick Roth to Highlight 2022 Session on 3/22

Please join us on March 22for a Legislative Review with Representative Rick Roth. The 2022 Legislative Session which ends on March 11 has been both productive and controversial. From keeping sex and gender out of the curriculum in the early grades (Parental Rights in Education Bill, aka "Don't say Gay"), blocking CRT and any training that teaches a person’s race, sex or nationality are “morally superior (Individual Freedom Bill, aka "Stop... [Read More...]

Candidate Forum – The importance of Local Government Elections

Please Join us on Tuesday, February 22, for a MUNICIPAL CANDIDATE FORUM If you live in one of the 39 municipalities in Palm Beach County, about 25% of your county property taxes is levied by your city, town or village government. Your police and fire / rescue services may be provided by city employees, or by the county (PBSO and county fire/rescue) but you are paying for them through these taxes. Many municipalities have their own park systems,... [Read More...]

Optimism About the 2022 Elections

Our January meeting featured our county GOP Chairman Michael Barnett, with good news on our readiness for the 2022 elections. Referring to former Speaker Newt Gingrich's insight that having multiple candidates on the ballot helps to get out the vote, he pointed out that we have Congressional candidates running in all 4 of the county districts, and state-wide we may pick up a seat. Lots of candidates have come forward to run at the state and... [Read More...]

2022 Ann Roberts Scholarships

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches’ Scholarship was named after a long-standing and active member of our Club, Anne Roberts. Anne Roberts Anne Roberts, a petite but strong and dedicated Republican, was born in Virginia in 1920. She lived and worked in Maryland until 1954, and then moved to Palm Beach County. Interestingly, this was the year after our Club was chartered. While working as an R.N. for 50 year, she and her husband served... [Read More...]

PBCGOP Chairman Michael Barnett at January Meeting

2022 will be an active political year, with the CD20 and HD88 Special elections in January, municipal elections in March, county-wide non-partisan and primary elections in August, and the general election in November. Besides the election of the statewide offices of Governor, cabinet, and Senator, with redistricting, everything is up for grabs. We will elect Congressmen, Florida House members and Senators as well as county commissioners and school... [Read More...]

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