December Meeting Announcement
REPUBLICAN CLUB OF THE PALM BEACHES – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 – NOON Chanukah and Christmas Cheer at BEAR LAKES COUNTRY CLUB MUSIC BY THE KING'S ACADEMY CHOIR and Honoring LONG-TIME CLUB MEMBER & FORMER MAYOR OF WEST PALM BEACH HELEN WILKES INSTALLATION OF 2010-2011 OFFICERS President: Melissa Nash Andrews 1 Vice President: John Jamason 2 Vice President: Anita Mitchell Secretary/Treasurer: Bette Anne... [Read More...]
The Power of Icons
Icons can be powerful in politics. Watch this discussion of the Obama Iconography. Go to article→
November Club Meeting Featured Lt. Colonel Allen West
The November meeting of the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches featured Lt. Colonel Allen West, Republican candidate for Congress in Florida district 22. Colonel West (US Army, Retired) was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia and is third of four generations of military servicemen in his family. His parents instilled in him a very basic principle, love of God and Country. In 2004, when it was time to retire from more than twenty years of service... [Read More...]