Who are your Elected Officials?

So many times we follow one race or another, especially when one of the candidates is exciting. So many times we’re asked about signing Petitions…. like the ones just to get the candidate on the ballot without paying a fee, and we aren’t sure who are representatives are…. or our district. Use the link below – just put in your address and click CONTINUE after you get your precint number. All your elected officials, as well as a link back to their government webpages will be included.

CLICK HERE to find your ALL YOUR Elected Officials Districts

Keep Right!

Saturday Rallies

Both the South Florida 912 Project and the South Florida Tea Party had rallies on this cloudy, rainy Saturday. First, the South Florida Tea Party assembled in honor of the 1 year Tea Party anniversary of Rick Santelli’s Rant on CNBC (2/19/09). A crowd of 30-50 showed up at noon on the corners of Okeechobee and Military Trail. (Another group stood at PGA and Military Trail.) Everett Wilkinson, one of the founders of the group and its leader and spokesman, took a video of the participants with signs protesting government spending, the size of government,the health-care reform bill, West Palm Beach term limits, and numerous other issues. Ed Lynch, candidate for Congressional District 19 stood with us. There was a lot of traffic at the fast moving intersection and we got the usual honks and thumbs up as well as some not so favorable hand gestures.

Next was the South Florida 912 Project’s Rally for America with Elizabeth at Okeechobee and 441. People lined up with their signs around the corner as the 50 or so demonstrators joined Elizabeth Andrijauskas. There was slightly less traffic at this intersection and the cars went by somewhat slower but we got a lot more honks so this neighborhood was more supportive. Candidates Lynch and Tami Donnally (Florida House 85) joined us as well as Dennis Lipp (Vice Mayor of Loxahatchee Groves). Joe Budd came with a giant flag. People from as far away as Miami participated. South Florida 912 Project co-founders Shannon and Doug Armstrong mixed with the crowd and spoke with Everett when he joined us at this rally too. The mist turned into a heavy drizzle as the crowd persisted with umbrellas and ponchos.

A number of members of RCPB participated in the rallies, including Mercedes Garcia (who stands with Elizabeth on many weekends), Delia Garcia Menocal, Carol Hurst, Madi Page, and Fred and Iris Scheibl.

As many of us transition to activist activities directly helping candidates for public office, it’s important to make a visible statement every so often so that the public knows that the ‘sleeping giant’ is still awake!

Meet Pat Hughey, Candidate for PBG City Council

Those who attended our recent lunch meeting had a chance to see and hear Pat Hughey, running for Palm Beach Gardens City Council seat 2 against current Mayor Joseph Russo. The election is March 9, 2010.


Pat has been a Gardens resident since its founding and has contributed to the community in various ways, including being a founding member the Citizens Mobile Patrol, and working on city beautification and safety issues.

Her campaign is focusing on improving transparency in city government, trimming the budget, and arguing for term limits, as she believes the 24 years the incumbent has held the seat is way too long.

If you would like to meet Pat and Rob Palladino, the candidate for PBG Council seat 4, there will be a public meeting on Sunday, February 28, 2010, from 2:00PM to 4:00PM at 601 Heritage Blvd. in the University Commons, Jupiter, FL.

For more information, you can visit Pat’s website HERE.

While you were watching Healthcare… UPDATE

With all eyes are on the health care summit, Democrats have slipped into the bill a new provision that would establish criminal punishments for CIA agents and other intelligence officials who engage in “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” during interrogations.

Read more at the Washington Examiner

and with some quick action… “Republicans brought this to the attention of the American people, who were rightly outraged that Democrats would try to target those we ask to serve in harm’s way and with a unified push we were successful in getting them to pull the bill. The annual intelligence bill should be about protecting and defending our nation, not targeting those we ask to do that deed and giving greater protections to terrorists.”

Weekly Standard

Will Charlie Crist Ditch the GOP?

Two highly placed and independent sources, speaking strictly on background, tell me that Gov. Charlie Crist is preparing to leave the Republican Party and run as an independent in the race for the U.S. Senate.

With Crist trailing Marco Rubio by 18 points in the latest polls, the Crist campaign has been in panic mode, launching attack after attack on the conservative Rubio.

Yesterday, the attacks reached a crescendo with the Crist campaign, and/or his disgraced Republican Party of Florida thug bootlickers,…

To read the rest please click here: Jack Furnari Blog

The Constitution & Faith

5pm – 7pm on Sunday February 28 at Palm Beach Community Church in Palm Beach Gardens

Sign-up for the class  http://www.pbcc.cc/impact-training-center  .  The bottom right of the page should allow for registrations. 

Class Summary: 

What was the faith that brought the people to write our Constitution? How does the Constitution protect the faith of all people?
It seems our Faith and our Politics are at odds with the rest of the world, however it wasn’t always this way. The founders of America were solidly entrenched in their faith and they we’re able to ensure that others, not of their faith could live peaceably with them. How did they do this? The answer lies in the ideas behind the written Constitution of the United States and it’s original intent as defined by the Founders. In this class “The Constitution and Faith” we will discover what the Founders believed about God and Government (their Faith) and what they produced and develop (Our Constitution) to bring the two in line with one another while insuring all men had free will to act in this new Republic.

Tea Party: The Documentary Film

RIGHT Nights has a Standing Room Only – 2nd Event

RCPB heard the call loud and clear for an evening meeting in Central Palm Beach County. Tonight was our SECOND meeting and I am pleased to annouce it we had to bring in additional chairs… and two people stood for the program.

Ed Lynch continued his call for action. The Dist 19 race is the single vote to kill the current healthcare reform bill. This is America’s seat and the decision on April 13th will be America’s WAKE UP call.

Right Night attendees received a second treat. RCPB Past President Cheryl Carpenter Klimek shared with the audience information about the inner workings of a campaign and how volunteers can make a difference.

Next months RIGHT NIGHTS is going to the movies. We hope you’ll join us on March 24th at Muvico-City Place for the Florida Premiere of The Tea Party: Documentary Film.

Keep Right!

A packed agenda, a full house and a new format for our Monthly Luncheon

Melissa packed a lot into today’s RCPB Monthly luncheon!  We began with an invocation by Dr. David Donnally (husband of Tami Donnally who is running for the FL 85th District) after which he led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lou Galterio sang a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner and we were off with a bang.

Our new luncheon format is a buffet.  While as with any change, there were folks who loved it and folks who didn’t – it allowed us all to get our lunches prior to the meeting and thus there was minimal disruption for our program.

Melissa introduced guests amongst us, and then introduced Shannon Armstrong, co-founder of  the South Florida 912 Project.  Shannon explained the call to action and described the Nine Principles and Twelve Values that define the group.  She then segued into an introduction of Elizabeth Andrijauskas, an immigrant from Lithuania who gave a deeply felt talk on her life and how she sees our country sliding into Socialism and Communism.  Elizabeth has conducted her own protest, since 9/11/2009 on the corner of Okeechobee Blvd and 441 and wants to make sure we understand that change creeps in gradually.  Come join us at at the Rally for America.

Ed Lynch, candidate for Congressional District 19, was our featured speaker and did a great job in focusing on how every vote counts.  We have to pull together, aim high to take back 435 seats in Congress – not just 40!  To accomplish this, we have to help candidates outside our own districts – with time, money or even just spreading the word.  The grassroots can’t waste time with in-fighting but will have to pull together to accomplish this.

We had brief talks by Tami Donnally and Patricia Hughey (who is running for Palm Beach Gardens City Council) followed by an introduction by Aubie Baltin, who will be the speaker at our next luncheon on March 24th.  Melissa also announced that RCPB will be showing “Tea Party: The Documentary Film” and played the trailer for the movie.  For more information and tickets see the post Tea Party: The Documentary Film. Hope to see you next month at both the luncheon and our exciting Right Nights at Muvico!

Sen Nelson Speaks to Forum Club – Summary

Several RCPB members had the opportunity to hear from Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) when he spoke to the Forum Club on February 18, lamenting that his friend, Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN), felt that things in Washington were so broken that he would not run for re-election.

Although Senator Nelson agrees many things are not working, he vows to continue his fight.
Senator Nelson was asked to address the economy and finances of the country. He was not afraid to mention the foot-dragging of the Secretary of the Treasury and the Obama Administration.

He offered some thoughts:
. Credit at the banks should be unlocked for small business
. Money should be available for community banks
. TARP money should be used to get to people whose mortgages are under water.
. Look at Wall Street, SEC problems, excess bonuses
. Offer Tax deductions for banks who will agree to do something about irresponsible risk and re-organize their bonus structures.
. The stimulus was meant for short term; no more stimulus; no more bailout of state governments by stimulus money.
. Small and struggling businesses are the backbone of our country and need help
. Continue the Bush tax cuts –but pay for them by reforming tax laws to close corporate loopholes and tax companies that are sending jobs overseas.
. Look at new technologies such as clean energy and high speed rail (changing our transportation methods)—will provide thousands of jobs.

The students from Spanish River High School asked what to do about the high cost of education.
Answer: Blister your state legislators for whacking the state’s education budget.

The students from the medical program at Lake Worth High School asked how the public option in the health bill will affect illegals.
Answer: Senator Nelson asked them to rephrase their question to the topic of either public option or illegals. They opted for public option. Senator Nelson voted for the bill as it came out of committee but agrees now he cannot vote for a bill that has morphed. The original intent was to have a nationwide program for a small group who do not have insurance and generally use the emergency rooms which means that TAXPAYERS handle the burden. There are not 60 votes to pass it. Asking the public if they support “the bill”, you get one answer; but asking them if they support the different components, the answers are different.

Question: What is going to happen to advancing the SS age upward?
Answer: He and 12 other Dems offered a Blue ribbon panel (similar to the one in 1983 that got the Social Security Fund out of trouble with an up/down vote in Congress.) This new bill on SS did not pass as 7 of the original sponsors did not vote for it. Nelson says the President may put a panel in by executive order but it won’t have legislative teeth.

Question: Re shutting down of NASA Kennedy project. , what are you doing to help keep these NASA employees in FL?
Answer: Problem: Obama is letting OMB run the program. The president should set the goals and have the experts run with it. NASA has been starved for a # of years. He is hoping the CONGRESS will fix this situation. In the meantime, he is getting every R&D company to come to FL to keep the launch force.

Question: With 80% of the public against the Supreme Court decision about corporations helping candidates, will congress introduce legislation to offset this decision?
Answer: I HOPE SO.

Question: How do you balance what you do in regard to your constituents? The country? And your morals?
Answer: Tough question. He hopes FL will amend its constitution so judicial panel will look at the redistricting issue.

Question: Are you planning on running? And have you heard that George Le Mieux is going to run for your seat when you retire?  Yes, he is running and he hopes to have the same great bi-partisan relationship with George that he had with Mel Martinez.

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