September 15 REC Meeting

A big thank you to our members, Bette Anne Starkey, Sue Varey and Claire Jones for providing the following information from last night’s meeting.

1. Ellen Bogdanoff spoke to thank everyone and encourage all Republicans to support those who won in the primaries.

2. The guest speaker was Adam Putnam, Republican candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture. He emphasized the need to support the whole Republican slate which is pro-entrepreneurial, pro-small business and pro-capitalism. He warned that our greatest enemy is complacency.

3. Mark Hoch asked for volunteers to organize groups to walk the precincts. In the near future he will be providing bios and literature on all our candidates, as well as current voter information. He’s also looking for someone with computer skills to organize those who volunteered for poll watching.. contact him at 561-686-1616 if you can help.
It was asked if there is a list of candidates endorsed by the REC. There is not, but it was suggested that one could follow Jack Furnari’s voter’s guide.

4. Guests were introduced.

5. Nineteen new REC members were sworn in, including several from the new Haitian-American Republican Club.  Our own VP John Jamason and John and Virginia Brooks were also elected.  We are well represented – keep joining Club!

6. The dais gave their reports…Fran Hancock called for unity… Beth Kegel will be the chair of the Scott/Carroll campaign for PB county… the RPOF statesman dinner was held in Orlando this past weekend.. about 800 attended and raised $2million..there were 2 tables from PBC. Margie Helschien was given an award for being the volunteer of the year for District 19.

Chairman Sid Dinerstein’s report:
a) Sid sent a $100 donation to the Tea Party winner in Delaware because he was unhappy with the local response.
b) mentioned Rick Scott’s 7 steps to 700 jobs in 7 years as well as Marco Rubio’s latest video.
c) encouraged us to support Pam Bondi…her opponent has said he’ll not continue the suit vs Obamacare.
d) discussed the Fanjul’s reception for Rick Scott.
e) declared he’ll be running for re-election in December.

After member comments, the meeting was adjourned.

Crossing the Delaware

Win, lose or draw, Mike Castle was always heading into the Delaware Republican primary as a member of an endangered species. Conservative big game hunters like to call them “RINOs.”
To read more –

Medicare’s chief actuary vs Obama on ObamaCare facts

One problem: That spin ignores the extraordinary companion analysis by chief Medicare actuary Richard Foster that repudiates this conclusion and is the most damning fiscal indictment to date of the Affordable Care Act.

See the facts: CLICK HERE

REC is Growing and Growing and Growing!

It’s time to thank God for Obama. In case you haven’t noticed, those who believe in the Bible and the U.S. Constitution are awake and involved. Last night, Aug. 4, 2010, there were 131 REC members in attendance with an additional 22 voted to new REC positions of Committeeman/woman.

**Guest speaker, Rick Shepherd of Keep West Palm Beach Term LImits Committee encouraged members to attend the Aug. 9 City Commissioner’s Meeting at 4PM, City Center, 401 Clematis St.
Mayor Lois Frankel has made three attempts to change the City Charter so she can run again.

1. In March she attempted to form a committee to review and make recommendations to the charter. Because there was such an outcry from the community this group dissolved.

2. A group developed to to gather 5800 valid signatures is currently having difficulties finding people willing to sign. In 2002, 65,000 signatures were collected to place 8-year term limits on the Palm Beach County Commission. It won by 70%.

3. Mayor Frankel is now requesting the City Commissioners to place an anti-term limits measure on the ballot.

Commissioners Kimberly Mitchell and Molly Douglas have both voiced opposition to placing the anti-term limits on the ballot.

Remember when our Mayor felt it necessary for our city to have a new City Hall at the price of $155,000,000 and refused the citizens to vote on it? She sued the City to keep it OFF the ballot.

>Call or email the City Commissioners to vote NO on placing Anti-Term Limit on the ballot.
>Attend the Aug 9 City Commissioners Meeting.
>Write letters to the editor.

For more information –

**Beth Kigel introduced the REC Membership Committee.
Jessica Dornblaser announced there will be prizes for enrolling new REC members. You must bring in a minimum of five new sustainable members by Dec. The winner will receive two Lincoln Day Dinner tickets, a plaque and special recognition. The Club that brings in the most members will receive a free full-page ad in the Lincoln Day Dinner program.

Jennifer Lewis explained we must grow our membership so we can elect qualified Republican candidates for the sake of our children, grandchildren and our troops. She concluded with an Allen West video, Allen’s Call to Action i.e. “You have a responsibility. This is not a spectator sport – get on the court.”

**Chairman Sid Dinerstein announced the formation of the first Haitian Republican Club. August 3, he met with 20 Haitians. They elected a board with Gymmy Noel serving as the interim President. The Haitians support the Republican model of opportunity vs the other model of dependency.

** Ed Lynch’s proposed Amendment passed as amended by Jack Furnari with the agreement by the maker. It reads: It shall be prerequisite for every voting member of the board of the Republican Executive Committee to sign and adhere to any and all loyalty oaths that the Republican Executive Committee members are required to sign and adhere to.

**Chairman Dinerstein was asked to review the Board. Four members of the Board are selected by the REC, Chairman Sid Dinerstein, Vice-Chair Beth Kigel, Treasurer John Herrick and Secretary Linda Mazziotti. Two members are county-wide voted upon, State Committewoman/man Fran Hancock and Peter Feaman. There are three non-voting members, Parliamentarian David Shiner, Attorney Reeve Bright
and Advisor John R Smith. Chairman of the President’s Council Linda Gore is also a member. Assisted Vice Chairs are appointed by the Chair and approved by the REC. They include Wismick St. Jean, Marianne Moran, Margi Helschien, Jack Furnari and Bill Diamond.

**A discussion between Dean Taffel and Marianne Moran on the pros/cons of a Constitution Convention was requested.

**August 12, 1:30PM, Marco Rubio will be at the GOP Headquarters.

**Aug. 20, Grand Opening of So County GOP Office

**Joe Budd is requesting volunteers to hand out 40,000 palm cards on August 24. Contact his campaign.

**Sept. 10, RPOF quarterly meeting at Disney. More info at

Keep on keeping on!

REC Meeting 05/12/10

The monthly PBC Republican Executive Committee meeting was filled to the brim with attendees, information and candidates.

State Senator Paula Dockery was scheduled as the guest speaker but her staff called informing she was unable to attend. Therefore, former Palm Beach Gardens Councilman Hal Valeche was asked to speak about our county’s financial issues and the Taxpayer Action Network (

Mr. Valeche expressed deep concern for our country and our county. Pensions are underfunded and solutions must be found that do not involve property taxes. We must demand that programs be cut.

In 2002, 2003, property values were up 15% and our commissioners spent the increases. Now, property values have dropped 15% and there is a shortage. Most of the monies are designated for government employees’ salaries and benefits. That cost has doubled over the past 5/6 years. We are dealing with a boom size government and a bust size budget, $120,000,000.00 short.

70% of local government monies is for the government employee – salaries, pensions and benefits. Soon our personnel cost will consume all of the budget (i.e. CA and NY).
The excuse that if we cut the budget we must cut services is a scare tactic. Currently, the dollars are going to the employees, not for the service. We must reduce the cost of producing services. Government workers are paid more than private workers. A 10% pay cut and the same level of service is a solution.
YOU are needed. We must have a LARGE group to send messages to councilmen, commissioners, representatives and congressmen. YOU are needed to attend the meetings and to voice your opinions. Go to and become a fan on Facebook.

Also discussed was the Fire Rescue Sales Surtax. Palm Beach Councilman Bill Diamond reported that the City of Palm Beach voted NO on the tax and to remove $42,000,000.00 from pensions. (THANK YOU, PB!)

We are not a servant to the government. The government is a servant for the people.

Chairman Sid Dinerstein announced that Abacoa Town Center is in foreclosure and CityPlace will most likely follow suit. He also shared that in April, the Federal deficit has consistently shown a surplus due to tax receipts. 2009 was the first year to show a deficit – $20,000,000,000. This April, 2010, the deficit is $80,000,000,000.
Gold is rising.
After Pres. Obama’s call to Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the bailout for Greece increased from $20,000,000,000 to $1,000,000,000,000 (That’s $20B to $1T, if you don’t care to count the zero’s.)

Mark Hoch discussed Judicial Code of Conduct for Campaigns. Candidates for judgeship may attend club meetings but all candidates must be invited. They cannot attend fund raisers. Please call Mr. Hoch if you have any questions. He encouraged the clubs to be within the law for the consequences to the candidates are severe.

To answer concerns over the difficulty of truly knowing where a judge stands on issues, Jack Furnari reminded the committee that every year, following research, he produces the Jack Furnari GOP Voter’s Guide which include Judgeships.

Chairman Dinerstein congratulated Jack Furnari on his excellent Sun Sentinal Blog. Palm Beach Post writer, George Bennett recently published that Mr. Furnari was the first to suggest Gov. Charlie Crist would switch from R to NPA.

State Committeewoman Fran Hancock announced the National RNC Conference will be held in Tampa, August 27, 2012. At the recent special Executive Board meeting held in Tallahassee, Jim Greer was formally removed from the party. Under Senator Thrasher’s leadership, the party raised $7,250,000. An oil painting of Gov. Crist sold on ebay for $6,700. Mrs. Hancock reviewed Rule 9 – REC members are prohibited from supporting NPA candidates. You may personally support contested primary candidates but not as a Committeeman/woman. You must formally revoke support of Crist and ask for return of donations.

State Committeeman Peter Feaman is impressed with Senator LeMieux sincerity and his 100% support of Marco Rubio. Mr. Feaman will be our speaker, May 26 for Right Nights.

Old Business:
Chairman Dinerstein explained how the Fire Tax Swap is the latest scheme from our PBC Commissioners. The AVERAGE salary for fire/rescue employee is $114.617. The suggestion is the 1% sales tax will be taken out of the budget – a swap – it will lower property taxes. The problem is 1) they are under no obligation to lower taxes and 2) if they did, it would more than likely only last one year. The BCC has done nothing to help homeowners nor create jobs. The average county employee makes $92,000 while the private sector average is $54,000. The gap must be reduced.
The REC unanimously passed the following resolution:


WHEREAS, Palm Beach County has an unemployment rate above 12%; and,

WHEREAS, Palm Beach County has one of the highest Foreclosure rates in the State of Florida: and,

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County seeks to raise sales taxes by 17% (from 6 to 7 cents) for the express purpose of removing the Fire and Rescue expenses from the Property Tax budget; and,

WHEREAS, such removal is not guaranteed to lower property taxes now or in the future; and,

WHEREAS, said Commissioners want to hold this referendum in August in an attempt to “blindside” the electorate into ignoring this ill conceived significant tax increase; and,

WHEREAS, said Commissioners have a proven record of high annual tax increases with no intention of being fiscally responsible,

RESOLVED, the Republican Party of Palm Beach County strongly OPPOSES this job killing, foreclosure causing Sales Tax increase; and,

Furthermore, RESOLVED, the Republican Party of Palm Beach County strongly OPPOSES the placing of this Referendum on an August date as an attempt to fool the taxpayers into ignoring this major tax increase.

Heather Landstrom encouraged everyone to go to (THANK YOU, FRED SCHEIBL!) to get informed and to get involved.

New Business:
Philip Nicozisis, Christopher Kammerer and Michele M. Poole were elected to the REC.

Committeeman John Parson requested an amendment to PBC REC Constitution. He would like the County Executive Committee to consist of members from each precinct instead of each district. He implored us to be more organized for the upcoming elections. The districts are too large to organize.
Committeeman Jack Furnari moved to table the request until December when multiple studies could be presented to the REC.
Mr. Parsons requested a roll call vote rather to table or not; 44 voted to table and 66 voted no. Since several committee members left the meeting early, Mr. Parsons agreed to postpone vote until the June meeting. REC members approved.

The meeting concluded with candidate speeches and member announcements.

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer

Thursday, May 6, 2010

“If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

There are several local events planned for this occasion.

The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches has chosen to attend the gathering at

Palm Beach Atlantic University.

11:00 – 11:25AM

On the green west of Warren Library

300 Pembrook Place, West Palm Beach

(one block south of Okeechobee Blvd. on Olive Ave.)

The theme for this year is “Prayer for Such a Time as This” based from Nahum 1:7, “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust HIm.”

Prayers will be given by:

PBAU President Lu Hardin
Campus Pastor Bernie Cueto
Dr. Randy Richards
Dr. Ken Mahanes

Special Music will also be included.

Please join us in observing the

National Day of Prayer this Thursday.

REC (Republican Executive Committee) of PBC Meeting of April 14th

Chairman Sid Dinerstein called the meeting to order and the customary business items were reviewed.

Old Business:
The Resolution to Oppose the Ballot Initiative 07-15 and 07-16 was discussed and voted upon.

The resolution read as follows:

Whereas has filed two proposed constitutional amendments by the Florida ballot initiative process – one dealing with Congressional Redistricting (Serial No. 07-15) and the other with Legislative Redistricting (Serial No. 07-16) – to amend the Florida Constitution; and

Whereas the Supreme Court of Florida has approved the language of these ballot petitions on January 29, 2009; and

Whereas each ballot initiative has obtained the required 676,811 valid petitions to qualify for the ballot in 2010; and

Whereas each of petitions has been approved for the ballot by the Florida Department of State; and

Whereas SEIU has donated $200,000 toward getting these ballot initiatives passed in 2010, and other labor unions, individuals and groups have donated more than $2.5 million to support these initiatives; and

Whereas these initiatives, if adopted, are vaguely worded directives that will cause court challenges to otherwise valid elections; and

Whereas these initiatives are not necessary to achieve properly apportioned Congressional or State Legislative Districts;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee has determined that it must oppose these initiatives and educate voters not to support them; and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee Board of Directors provide copies of this Resolution to the Republican Party of Florida, urge the adoption of a similar resolution by the RPOF, and provide educational support in favor of its purposes.

The resolution was passed 89 to 6.

New Business:

For the first time as Chairman, Sid Dinerstein asked the committee not to elect an individual to the REC. Derek Black is the son of Don and Chloe Black. Don Black is the creator and current webmaster of the Stormfront website. According to Wikipedia, the website is considered the internet’s first major hate site, and remains one of the most popular. It is formatted from the Black’s home in WPB. Don Black was a member of the American Nazi Party in the 1970s. In 1978, Mr. Black became the Grand Wizard of the KKK. Chloe’s former husband, David Duke, was the previous Grand Wizzard of the Ku Klux Klan and is a mentor to Mr. Derrick Black. Because of Mr. Black’s youth, Chairman Dinerstein expressed hope that in time, Mr. Black will reject the teachings he has learned at home.
Derek Black told the Committee he would drop his law suit against the REC if elected. After the secret ballots were counted, Mr. Black was not approved for REC membership, 87 no, 19 yes and 4 no votes.

Jeb Bush Jr, was the scheduled guest speaker to speak on behalf of Marco Rubio. He was unable to attend.
Bonnie Re reported there will be phone banking for Marco Rubio and to please volunteer.

Sue Snodden reported Col. Allen West’s campaign submitted 9,000 petitions, double the number required, to qualify for the District 22 election. The grand opening of Col. West’s campaign headquarters will be Saturday, April 17, 9:30AM to 12:30PM at 140 N. Federal Hwy, Deerfield Beach, FL.
Marie Davis, will be hosting a meet and greet at here home for Allen West. $95-$175 for a paella dinner at the Davis’ home. Date to be confirmed.

Former President of Haiti’s Senate, is running against Alcee Hastings, Dist. 22 seat. District 22 is the poorest district covering 5 counties. Stay tune to volunteer for his campaign!

Mr. Budd is planning to run, but hasn’t decided in which race. He is interested in hearing from you. Email him at

RPOF (Republican Party of Florida):
A private meeting of the Executive Board will be held this weekend. Speculation is finances, direction and a possible law suit from former Chairman Jim Greer will be discussed.
Since Senator JOHN THRASHER was elected Chair, $1.4 million has been raised. $1 million was also donated during ALLAN BENSE’s interim.

The meeting was adjourned.

It's a Culture Crises, Not a HealthCare Crises

This Letter to the Editor, written by Doctor Jones about health care in America, is from the August 29th edition of Jackson, Mississippi’s newspaper, the Clarion Ledger.

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Dear Sirs:

During my last night’s shift in the ER, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient with a shiny new gold tooth, multiple elaborate tattoos, a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and a new cellular telephone equipped with her favorite R&B; tune for a ring tone.

For the rest of the story, click here:

REC (Republican Executive Committee) of PBC Meeting March 10, 2010

Highlights from your Board:

**Attorney General Bill McCollum (Candidate for Gov.) stopped by to speak to us:
1) 11.9% FL Unemployment
2) Jobs are created by small businesses; government sets the climate
3) If the Federal Governtment requires us to purchase health insurance, as AG, Mr.

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McCollum will sue the Fed. Gov’t!
4) Platform – Lower taxes, Reasonable regulations, Education, Litigation reform
5) Tourism and Agriculture must be strong in FL
6) To Resolve – Homeowner’s Insurance, Property Taxes and Water

**REC Chair Sid Dinerstein:
PBC has 12.5% unemployment
Chairman Dinerstein had warned the County Commissioners when they raised the property taxes by 20% – we will be in debt. Debt = $70,000,000.00+
$92,000 = average PBC government employee’s salary and benefits
$52,000 = average PBC private employee’s salary and benefits

**REC Vice Chair Beth Kigel:

Presentation against Hometown Democracy Amendment

For more information, go to

**George Blumel (standing in for Phil Blumel):
Sen. Jim DeMint, SC has sponsored a term limit amendment
Supports term limits for National and Local officials

**TARS – Teenage Republicans Club
President John Clark received a $500 check from Boynton Beach Republican Club

**Bill Skinner – Ballot Initiative Resolution
To be voted on at April REC meeting

Capitalism the Unknown Ideal

It is crucial that we become educated and informed so WE can take back our nation.

BEGIN – by reading Dr. Albie Baltin’s article:

For People Who Think


Before one can decide logically whether to be either for or against Capitalism one must first examine and discover what capitalism really is.

One text book that has been in recent use, defines capitalism as an economic system based on “Laissez Faire” that came into being in the early 19th century and is based on, limited government, private property, free enterprise and a Free Market. It gives private property rights to individuals and entities (companies) and relies on self interest and market forces to coordinate economic activity. In principle, individuals decide how, what and for whom to produce. “The Dollar Votes”. Individuals are encouraged to follow their own self-interest, while market forces of supply and demand, profit and competition are relied upon to coordinate economic activity. Distribution is to each individual according to his own desires and his own ability, effort and savings to satisfy his desires. While Socialist, Communist, Marxist philosophy is “Each according to his need, not according to his deed” The big question becomes what is a need?

Most Economists tend to assume that human behavior can be accounted for by treating all individuals as rational profit-maximizers. A wrong assumption they ascribe to Adam Smith as they overlook his many departures and ignore his first book Theory of Moral Sentiments completely.

However all this is a much too simplistic an explanation of a system, that might best be described as a system based on NATURAL LAW and that in reality did not begin in the early 19th century but has actually evolved over time, since the first man made a voluntary trade of one of his own arrow-heads for a stone knife with another free man both of their own volition. The Torah in actuality describes capitalism whenever it describes how one is to act in dealing with other individuals both friend and stranger alike. In actual fact Capitalism is the Economics of the Bible and it begins describing it as soon as there are more than one Man. The first 3 men Cain, Abel and Adam each had different jobs (describing specialization and Trade)
The big danger in analyzing capitalism or anything else for that matter, is to take things out of context and misinterpret them.

Self-Interest is the most misunderstood, misinterpreted, concept relating to capitalism and is all to often used as a synonym , for Greed and Avarice , When in reality self-interest in relation to capitalism may actually amount to self restraint, or at least RATIONAL TEMPERING of the most common, if irrational, of all human impulses “self-interest“. ADAM SMITH referred to this as ‘informed self-interest’ while 200 years later AYN RAND labeled it as “enlightened self-interest“. The link of self-interest to the mutual concern for others expressed by a sales clerk “Can I help you?” or “Have a nice day” is most often overlooked or even scorned except by those who have had experience with any other economic systems, such as Fascism, Communism or experienced it in their dealings with a government agency. Yet the assumption that “each individual will always act in his own best self-interest “ is one of the cornerstones of all economic thought.

It is in the Enlightened, Informed, and intelligent pursuit of self-interest that Smith’s “Invisible Hands” comes into play. Whereby the individual in his pursuit of his own self-interest can’t help but benefit society even though that is the farthest thing from his mind at the time. Once the informed individual realizes that the best way to satisfy his own greed is to produce a better product, perform a better service, do a better job etc. and sell it at a better price, all of society can’t help but benefit.
Secondly, Once we take into account that monetary rewards are not the only form of remuneration that the individuals desire, then we can plainly see that the benefits to society are linked directly to the pursuit of self-interest by observing the plaques on the walls in every hospital, JCC or Andrew Carnegie Library etc. Upon examination we can see the even Ayn Rand was wrong when she stated that capitalism and altruism don’t mix.

Adam Smith in his “Wealth of Nations” published in 1776 also wrote “ The Theory of Moral Sentiments” the two together represent the most comprehensive description of what to day is commonly known as laissez- faire capitalism, even though he did not use either term and rather than call for the elimination of government actually predicated and called for the expansion of government.

The Wealth of Nations, focused on the analysis of the market process motivated by self-interest. It was written by one of the most admired philosophers of the enlightenment. A professor of Logic, rhetoric, jurisprudence and moral philosophy, sought to influence politicians and cause then to pursue the common good by appealing to their own self interest. Although he was concerned about the nature of moral excellence, he began by describing humanity as it really is. His project was to take man as he actually is and to make him more like what he should be, by discovering the institutions (Gov. the family, the church, the courts the community etc.) that make men tolerably decent and might make them more so, by concentrating on the social benefits of the individuals propensity towards self-love, egotism, self-interest and pride all properly channeled by social institutions to do the most GOOD for himself first which would then in turn extrapolate and expand to everybody else around him and eventually to the whole world..
Only A market economy is able to improve the standard of living, of the vast majority of the populace and can lead to universal opulence. Smith valued commercial society not only for the wealth it produced but for the character it fostered. It developed cooperative modes of behavior making men more gentle and self controlled and more likely to subordinate and temper their potentially anti-social passions to the needs of others. (In actuality Capitalism was the system that brought about and fostered the end of the 100 years war)
Smith did not even try to develop a science of economics free of moral judgments or ethical considerations. Rather He tried to bring about improvement, not through preaching, which is useless, but by designing institutions which would strengthen the incentives to act in a socially beneficial way, by bridging the gap between incentives and consequences. The best example of his philosophy is exemplified in our constitution and “The federalist Papers”, the most successful practitioners of psychological institutionalism; which pitted the passions against one another and channeled self-interest into serving the public good. Smith’s preference was for all public goods to be provided through the Market, even if government must supply the means, (vouchers) to its citizens, so that each citizen can purchase all goods and services they want through the market place.


The First Principle is “The Propensity To Truck, Barter and Trade” one thing for another which is innate in Human Nature. So each man in effect becomes a merchant and society itself grows to what is properly called a commercial society. (this is contrary to both Classical Republican [Aristotelian] and Church principles both of which were adamantly against commerce and money lending)
The second Principle is the Division of labor (FREE TRADE) which leads to specialization and increased human productivity and makes universal opulence possible. This systematic exchange of labor and the products of labor, Smith termed The “Market”., Self-interest – leads to market exchange – leads to division of labor – leads to specialization, expertise, dexterity, – leads to inventions, – leads to greater productivity resulting in greater total real wealth. It is the capacity to exchange that sets man uniquely apart from all other species and makes him uniquely capable of great progress.

SAVINGS. Without savings there can be NO progress. It is savings which allows men to make investments in tools to increase production, using the same land and labor. (Be careful not to confuse REAL SAVINGS with Fiat money)

There is also the Theory of Unintended and Unanticipated Consequences embodied in his Invisible Hands which plays a key role. Smith compares unintended socially positive outcomes of the market to the negative unintended consequences of government failed policies, which all too often substitute good intentions for sound policy. (God’s overall plan for man is incorporated in the Invisible hands)
Real Human progress could not develop until the production of food expanded to such an extent that hunger was no longer a problem of production and large amounts of people were released from the necessity of working only to get enough food to eat and feed their family.
Real Economic progress began in a community or country only after acquiring a basic minimum of food, clothing and shelter which became nearly a universal expectation. The impulse to acquire, the pursuit of gain, the pursuit of money and of untold wealth has in and of itself nothing to do with capitalism. These pursuits existed in people from all walks of life, from beggars to kings, in all times, in every land, under every conceivable economic system, wherever the objective possibilities of bettering ones lot in life has existed, since the dawning of time. The Naive conception of capitalism should be given up once and for all because of Unbridled avarice Which is not in the least bit the equivalent to capitalism and is even less so too its spirit.

This is the first of a series of missives on Capitalism “The Unknown Ideal”

Aubie Baltin CFA., CTA., CFP., Phd.
Palm Beach Gardens, Fl.

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