American Democracy at its BEST!

The January 19th VICTORY in Massachusetts is a loud thunderous ROAR from the people.  I am reminded, thankfully so, by friends, colleagues and fellow business professionals about the feelings, opinions and determination from the LEFT side of the aisle as well as the RIGHT.

As we venture into the 2010 political arena, let us focus on the ISSUES.

On February 2nd South Florida will be gain national attention as we hold a special election for US Representative for Dist 19.  There are THREE candidates for the Republican Party.  They each want our vote, our time and our dollars.  April 13th is the General Election.  Get to know them and their stand on the ISSUES.

Serious times are before us.  Each Member of Congress matters just as much if not more than the Presidential elections.  I encourage each of you to get to know the Candidates.  Each Candidate has been invited to our Club’s January 27th lunch and evening meetings – AND each candidate has been asked, “should you be victorious – would you be our KEYNOTE Speaker for February 24th?”

The world is listening.  I received this via Facebook:  “Mass. is a state that represents 2.11% of the US population, and the election had 40% turnout. So, if everyone in Mass. was registered to vote, which is obviously not the case, 0.84% of the population made this decision. And, most ironically, they’re the only state with healthcare.”  I applaud the sender for sharing (although I left off her opinion); and I applaud the State of Massachusetts for TWO reasons:  1) having policy to provide for its own and 2) sending the message to the rest of the nation.

I don’t want to interpret what each person’s motivation was when they went to the Massachusetts’ polls yesterday – but the message to me was LOUD AND CLEAR— We need Legislation that works without increasing the deficit – and legislators that will listen to their constituents.

I close with this—National attention is coming to South Florida.  The issues are emotional for many.  My personal opinion is that the health care bills in their present forms do too much at once – with too many earmarks.


In your service,
